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Re: We need YOUR help in American Culture Study!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:00 am
by Midkit
That is not late at all! I need at least 100 answers (of course, I posted to some other forums, but it's going very slow). So your answer is of GREAT help!
Thank you very much, especially for such various ideas about who the Pioneers are/were:
KeepUpRichard wrote: I think of the old days when the United States was still in its infancy and the west was first being discovered. I think of things like the Oregon Trail or the California gold rush. However, in today's terms I think of pioneers such as NASA (going to space and exploring) but I also think of business pioneers (such as crazy as that may sound).

Re: We need YOUR help in American Culture Study!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:17 pm
by Midkit
I'll be away for some time and have no access to the Internet, but I'd greatly appreciate more responses to the poll! Thanks {-: