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Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:18 pm
by RogelikIID
TalkingPoint wrote:Everybody is phobic about something

What do YOU think?

phobic (adjective): extremely or irrationally afraid of something
In my point of view it isn't true because we can't say that everybody is phobic about somethink. Of course everyone is afraid of somethink but it is phobia. Phobia can be called fear with one has health consequences.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:43 pm
by emilkatok
I agree , that everybody is phobic about something. It is cause through some expiriences from childhood. We afraid different things for example spiders, closed spices, frogs or dogs. In my opinion, it is normal. Sometimes we can't explain our bahaviour, but usually phobies are connected with predicament. I also have phobic. I scared of thunderstorm very much . While the storm I to panic. I hide myself under blancet. when is storm I can't be alone. I think, nowadays people have more and more phobic. Our entertaiment is changing. We meet different weather phenomena.It is dangerous for us.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 6:18 pm
by rokwysocka
In my mind everybody has some phobia but not everybody knows about it. Someone says he is afraid of anything but the true is he hasn't tried everything in his life so in fact he don't know he is. I don't belive that we haven't our weak side. I think each of our brains have deep hide something which we extremely fear.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 7:12 pm
by Tkiewicz
I strongly believe that everybody has some irrational fears which he/she can't explain. It doesn't depend on us, we just afraid of something and we don't control it. There are a therapies for people who suffer from phobias and I think this confirms that phobias exist

Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:38 pm
by krozmar
I believe that not everyone has a phobia. Every man is afraid of something but do not interfere with the functioning of society as in the case of phobias. The vast majority of women squealing when they see a mouse, a spider or snake but it is only plain fear. From my point of view symptoms phobia are sweating, dizziness and a feeling of loss control over their behavior.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:27 pm
by RogelikIID
I disagree with this opinion because in point of view everybody are scared of something but scare it isn't the same as phobia If you are phobic you are very scared and you have some health problem like feeling dizzy or feeling nauseous. So I think that not everyone are phobic.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 9:24 pm
by nicbase
:-| I think it is true that everybody is phobic about sth, lots of children are fear of darkness, they hate spent time in dark spieces. I heart that some children cry and imagine some unussual creatures which scared them when they wake up at night. Some childs have a fear of spiders and dogs, so they are trying to avoid them. A lot of adults have a fear of thunder. This information doesn't suprise me. I also hate storm. I'm sure that the majority of people have a phobia of sth, because scientists discover a lot of new phobias, so people think that they have a few phobias. Who knows probably they have a phobia which wasn't discovered yet. Don't worry ! You might not have any phobias! :-|

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:52 pm
by alicpryl
In my opinion it's hard to tell. I think that lots of people are phobic about something.
For example some people feel the fear of water, darkness or spiders.
Each of us has some phobias but it is not always significant.
I really don't like spiders but in fact I don't know whether it is a phobia or I'm only afraid of them.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 3:22 pm
by aladrelich
I thinkt that people just thinks that they are phobic, beause they read too much articles. They are just afraid of something for exaple spiders or snakes.
Some people are really phobic and they are not just afraid but they are frightened when they see that or feel sometking on skin.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:42 pm
by natalianowak
I suppose that people think that they are phobics, because on the internet or in tv we have a lot of things about this. In fact people don't know whether are phobics. Only specialist doctor can diagnose fobia. But people forget about this and frequently they consult with tv or internet. These sources of knowledge are not reliable.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:05 pm
by Lucywa
This statement may have two versions of their answers. I think some people are phobic about something. They don't like for example dark, spider , dog and etc. Some phobic are conscious, but the other - are unconscious. My friend is afraid of the elevator and when she comes to me , Asia always enters the stairs even though I have elevator in my block.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:40 pm
by agatawerecka
As far as im concerned I'm not phobic and I'm pretty sure that everyone is afraid of something, but this is not always phobia. Nowadays, many people are told themself that have some phobias. It's all thanks to this great ability to access a wealth of information. A long time ago there was no such possibility, there was no phobia.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:54 pm
by wiktoriasz
I think that a lot of people feel fear of something but it isn't a phobia. Phobia is something seriously difficult to deal with it and something that does not allow one to move and etc. In conclusion man is able to overcome the fear but when have phobias man need special treatment. Because not all sitting at the doctor in my opinion not everyone have a phobia.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:55 pm
by NaKuzajewska
When it comes to phobia I claim that people often think that they are phobic about something, but in fact they just afraid on it. In the XXI century people have easy access to websites, they read articles about phobia and think that they really have it, but I think that only doctors say that someone has phobia and then they should treat it, because it can make life really difficult.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:10 pm
by justynasta
Firstly we should gloss the concept 'phobia', because actually a lot of people don't know what it is. Phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation. This definition was created somehow. It means that people are phobic about something. But is everyone ? In my opinion not everyone is phobic about something. I know some who don't afraid of nothing, but I also know some who fear terribly for example dogs or heights. A few years ago I was phobic about spiders, so I understand people who are phobic.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:44 pm
by kowalskidzik
Yes, I think that everybody has a phobia. I do not know a person who would not be afraid of anything. Not long ago we had a lesson on this subject and all the students said that they have phobias. I am personally afraid of spiders. When I see them I have chills. Phobia for spiders is quite common.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:49 pm
by OskiDz
I believe that everybody has a phobia but then it grows . Nowadays I think people often talk themselves into various phobias which do not really have.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:14 pm
by KubaKoi
No, I don't agree everybody is phobic about something. We are phobic about something, when we panic about something or we can't stand it. I think more people are just afraid of something, they aren't phobic. They feel fear or they panic in some situations, but it isn't phobic. In my opinion everybody is afraid about something, it's normal for me, but everybody isn't phobic about something of course.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:22 pm
by klamolga
I strongly believe that everyone have some kind of fears. Contrary to the common opinion the bravest ones usually have also the greatest fears. So how it comes out that they can overcome them? They just acknowledge their weaknesses and face them with courage. In the end of the day fear is an abstract feeling which exist only in our head. So do not lost your head about it!‏

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:42 pm
by OlaaMej
In my opinion - yes. Today every single human has a phobia becouse there is so much of them. Sometimes we don't even know if we are phobic. It's enough to not tolerate something very much and it can be your phobia. For example, I'm typical phobic - I have claustrophobia but my sister starts to panic when she see a spider. For me all our fears are a ours own phobias.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:51 pm
by Adifanstal
I think every person is scared about something, but in my opinion a phobia is too big word. For example bungee-jumping scares many of people, but this is not a phobia, because it isn's somethink that we can't defeat.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:41 pm
by MajaPu
In my opinion some people are phobic about sth, but not everyone. In my case- I'm phobic about cleaning my hands. I mean, I'm cleaning my hands hundred times by day and I'm talking literally! :D I do it because I have that feeling that I have dirty hands and when I don't wash them I have sth like panic attacks haha ;) I always have with me specially gels for washing hands without water haha ;)

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 10:36 pm
by itspaulina
I don't know if it's true. Phobia is a big word. Sometimes it's just a fear of something. When I was a child I was afraid of Santa Claus.. I know it's the funniest kind of fear ever but it happened to me ;-) I know that everyone is afraid of different things like spiders, thunders or even clowns! Fear is a natural part of being human. I don't say that nobody is phobic but.. Is it always a phobia? I don't think so.. :-)

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 10:56 pm
by annmadej
I think that not everyone have a phobic, i think that a lot of people mislead normal fear with phobic. For example i really dont like public speaches but i think that is normal fear like everyone have.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:48 pm
by kruwik
In my opinion everybody is phobic about something. Someone is arachnophobic, somebody needs clearly room and other person is afraid of bacteries. I think it is normal thing, but not every phobia is normal!! Some of them impacts on health and it isn't good for us.

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 9:47 pm
by Krisi
Vega wrote:This is a very interesting topic. Here is a list of all phobias
:ok: :ok:
useful! :-)

Re: Everybody is phobic about something

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:32 pm
by ritzkevin
I have my own share of phobias too. Is there someone out there who doesn't have any phobia at all?