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Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 7:23 pm
by Pirate
How to live to be 100!
Do you ... ?

1) have breakfast
A. never/hardly ever B. sometimes C. usually
2) have three meals a day
A. never/hardly ever B. sometimes C. usually
3) eat fresh fruit & vegetables
A. never/hardly ever B. sometimes C. often
4) eat fried food (chips, etc.)
A. often B. sometimes C. never/hardly ever
5) put salt on your food
A. always B. sometimes C. never/hardly ever
6) drink alcohol
A. often B. sometimes C. never/hardly ever
7) take sugar in tea or coffee
A. always B. sometimes C. never
8) do exercise
A. never/hardly ever B. sometimes C. often
9) travel by car
A. usually B. sometimes C. never/hardly ever
10) feel tired or stressed
A. always B. sometimes C. never/hardly ever
11) go out with friends
A. never/hardly ever B. sometimes C. often

How many ... ?

12) hours do you sleep a day
A. 0-4 B. 5-6 C. 7-9
13) cigarettes do you smoke a day
A. 10+ B. 0-10 C. none
14) cups of tea/coffee do you have a day
A. 3+ B. 1-2 C. none
15) hours do you work or study a week
A. 50+ B. 35-50 C. 0-35

********** do not look at this until you answer all the questions **********

Score: A = 3 B = 5 C = 7
Total score = number of years to live!


Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 7:24 pm
by Pirate

Scientists believe that if we follow ten rules we can easily live to be 100!

1. BREAKFAST : Always start the day with a good breakfast.
2. THREE MEALS : Always eat three meals a day.
3. DIET : Eat well! Eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables, fish and
chicken.(*) Don’t meat a lot of meat. Never eat fried food.
Don’t put sugar in your tea or coffee.
4. ALCOHOL : Don’t drink a lot of alcohol (but a glass of wine
sometimes with a meal is OK).
5. COFFEE : Don’t drink a lot of coffee.
6. CIGARETTES : Every cigarettes you smoke shortens your life. Stop
smoking today!
7. SOCIAL LIFE : People with a good social life often live longer. Married
people usually live a long time. Don’t stay at home! Go
out! Get married!
8. EXERCISE : Do exercise or sport often to live longer.
9. SLEEP : Sleep 7 or 8 hours a day.
10. STRESS : Stress kills! Don’t worry. Relax!

(*) Hey, but if there is “bird flu” (avian influenza) in your area, be careful, don’t eat chicken!

how to live till 100

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 2:20 pm
by mona
I think that being satisfied with one self and neverlooking up to what we see in others hand and be content to what we have in ours , to love all and never hate sleep well and remebreing God before so as to feel safe coming out to iur souls wgich will prevent us of thinking of the out going and coming of this life ,,which if we think of it we will die before even living in this life last it smile to life no matter it slaps u all the time ..coz soon lt will hug u so tenderly ..chear up all..its not a matter of getting till 100 age its a matter of what did u do all that long life u have from God ..what u have to do ..and what u have not to do ..its the secret of life ..that God brought us here to make ..

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 9:55 pm
by Pirate
Bravo :!:

If u are living usefully and people around u love u, stay healthy to live to 100 :wink:

Re: how to live till 100

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 5:43 am
by sweethuman
mona wrote:I think that being satisfied with one self and neverlooking up to what we see in others hand and be content to what we have in ours , to love all and never hate sleep well and remebreing God before so as to feel safe coming out to iur souls wgich will prevent us of thinking of the out going and coming of this life ,,which if we think of it we will die before even living in this life last it smile to life no matter it slaps u all the time ..coz soon lt will hug u so tenderly ..chear up all..its not a matter of getting till 100 age its a matter of what did u do all that long life u have from God ..what u have to do ..and what u have not to do ..its the secret of life ..that God brought us here to make ..
Well said dear :-)



Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 7:23 am
by lisaadler
I've never heard about it,So thanks for sharing this information