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Request for grammar check.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:00 am
by promod
Cambodians pour into the streets to bid farewell to the late Mr. Rahim, a two time king energetic statesman revered for leading this Asian Nation into the independence.

Monday's cremation of Mr. Rahim- who died in October in Beijing- was the culmination of the four- day funeral replete with rites, rituals, and including a procession through Phnom Penh which drew a crowds estimated at one million strong.

"Loosing the king is like loosing the Cambodian's earth" said a 60 years old farmer who journeyed southern Teako to witness the funeral. He was always honest, kind, understanding, and kind. He always cared for his people.

As the king wished some of the ashes will be scattered near the confluence of the four rivers in Phnom Penh, with the remainder to be kept in an urn in the grounds of the Royal placeace.

Re: Request for grammar check.

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:41 am
by EnglishFix
Cambodians pour into the streets to bid farewell to the late Mr. Rahim, a two time king and energetic statesman revered for leading this Asian nation into independence.

Monday's cremation of Mr. Rahim who died in October in Beijing was the culmination of the four day funeral replete with rites, rituals, and including a procession through Phnom Penh which drew crowds estimated at one million strong.

"Losing the king is like loosing Cambodian's earth" said a 60 year old farmer who journeyed from southern Teako to witness the funeral. "He was always honest, kind, understanding, and kind. He always cared for his people."

As the king wished, some of the ashes will be scattered near the confluence of the four rivers in Phnom Penh, with the remainder to be kept in an urn in the grounds of the Royal palace.