Could you correct my translation please?

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Could you correct my translation please?

Post by fiamma »

Hello every one. I am a new member of this forum so I don't know if this is the right espace to post my topic but I need your help to improve my translaction. Thank you very much for your answers

Today we are observing a surge of enthusiasm for the body as can be proved by the flourishing of every kind of gyms, dancing schools, therapy centres of yoga, massages and physical mediation, by psychosomatic journals.
Taking aside the excesses, the distortions leading to excitement, to exploitation of the body, we can observe in this interest a positive note. The body is actually the first “way” through which the subject communicates with the environment.
I focus my attention on the utilization of the body, of the movement, of the artistic performance as personal instruments of knowledge through which I was educated as dancer and dancing master.
This thesis focuses on man as subject that is educated, in his inner being, in contact with the world, life and history.
The subject is really in the world; he looks after it, he comes existentially into contact with things around him which belong to him, to his life, to his history, to his world, to his education.
Man is his thought; that means he is the freedom of a life for self education in the world.
Man neither can live without thinking nor he can educate himself. He can only survive. Thinking is the seal of self control.
We can’t speak about alteration if we don’t recognize the importance of communication. That is why I discuss about man’s relationships with the others through language. For the same reason I entitle my thesis: “la danza delle relazioni” (lascerei il titolo in italiano mettendo eventualmente fra parentesi il titolo in inglese “ the dance of relationships”)
It is not possible not to communicate because the behaviour doesn’t have a counterpart: activity or inactivity, words or silence, every communication has a content and we all need communication to survive. The non verbal and paraverbal communication shows an extraordinary richness of emotional meanings, and is the most important way to express our emotions.
Non verbal communication involves words having a symbolic meaning. Language has to be clear, plain for people we are speaking to, according to their socio-cultural status. People who speak and people who listen have to use words which both of them know, having the same meaning for both of them. However people who speak have always to verify that the others understand them, without taking anything for granted.
Non verbal communication deals with eye contacts, facial expressions, gestures, body languages, proxemics, physical contacts, postures, clothing. Non verbal and paraverbal communication represents the most important way to express emotions such as joy, anger, fear, sadness, disgust, contempt, interest, surprise, tenderness, shyness, sense of guilt.
Each of us attributes instinctively great importance to the non verbal language even if we don’t completely know its code.
Our body is exposed not only to external stimuli but also to the internal ones such as, for example, rhythm, breathing, heartbeat, physiological changes. One of the most important objective of dance therapy is to work with our body, its rhythms, its deformations, its external stimuli to provide a sense of wholeness, of contact with our body, to enable us to have a consolidated image of ourselves, enhancing our sense of identity.
I think dance is the most complete art as it totally involves man allowing him to free the hidden emotions of his body.
Dance is a beating movement and, thanks to an accurate clothing, body ornaments and colours, it is also, together with music and figurative arts, a very powerful language. Let us now consider some implications about dance:
Each dance contains a message and it is related with the culture, the socio-cultural context, the moment in which it was created.
If we have nothing to say, we need no language.
We observe with more pleasure a significant movement rather than a superficial one.
Dance as language isn’t a one-way process, but rather a bidirectional phenomenon as dancer communicate not only with people observing him but, above all, with himself. Dance is consecuently a very important way to grow.
To let our body dance means that we pay attention to what it wants to say. In this case we consider the body as a custodian of our emotions, our feelings it receives from the environment or as a mirror reflecting our deep, inner essence.
Through beautiful choreographies dance narrates our inner being and it is an excellent way to meditation.
If dancer can dance with himself his body performs a really graceful dance without secrets and he isn’t afraid of the public opinion as his performance is unique and his healthy, vibrant body is in contact with the environment and with himself.
To do this dancer needs to be strong, he needs to consolidate his own image.
Only he who can find his truly essence, can enhance his self-confidence, can feel fulfilled.
That is why the figure of the dancing master is very important for the pupil as he represents a point of reference for his professional growth.
Dancing master should, therefore, behave positively towards his pupil, to let him have more confidence in himself.
Dance is so deeply rooted in man that he has the opportunity to be in an immediate contact with the world around him, beyond words… because dance is life.
Dance should be interpreted as a free expression, as a way of communication, as a discipline based on positive rules whose purpose should be autonomy, not depersonalization. Dancing master should communicate a strong passion to his pupils to let them feel, in their turn, a strong desire to dance.
Posts: 48
Joined: Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:10 am
Status: Learner of English

Re: Could you correct my translation please?

Post by clevermae »

There is a google translate that just with a copy/paste sentences, then it would directly help out with some translation at any languages.
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