Health, Food and Fitness Crossword 2

Click on a number in the crossword, write your answer, and then click "Enter". (Click "Hint" if you need help to get the next letter in each word.)
1    2     3     
4        5   6   
8       9     


1. Round vegetables with green or purple leaves
4. Eats too much
7. Pancakes are made in a frying _ _ _ .
8. Water that's heated for a long time will _ _ _ _ .
9. Short for "Environmental Protection Agency"
11. To cook food for too long


1. A book of recipes
2. Honey is collected from these
3. Fruit that wine is made from
5. If you turn it, water comes out.
6. I put on weight if I eat _ _ _ _ _ _ between meals.
10. I also put on weight if I eat _ _ _-cream.