
quick as a flash | quick as a wink | quick as lightning

This page is about the idiom quick as a flash | quick as a wink | quick as lightning


If you're as quick as a flash, or quick as a wink, or quick as lightning, you're very quick.

For example

  • Jimmy knew the answer and, quick as a flash, he put up his hand.

  • Rafael is a big guy for a tennis player, but he's as quick as lightning when he's running around the court.

Quick Quiz

His boss came into the office and quick as a wink Mark hit a key on his keyboard because he

a. wanted to show off his keyboard skills

b. was running short of time

c. didn't want his boss to see what he was looking at
a) wanted to show off his keyboard skills b) was running short of time c) didn't want his boss to see what he was looking at
quick as a flash | quick as a wink | quick as lightning

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Contributor: Matt Errey