
kill two birds with one stone

This page is about the idiom kill two birds with one stone


If you kill two birds with one stone, you achieve two things with the one action.

For example

  • I need to go to the bank, and if I drop the books off at the library on the way I'll be killing two birds with one stone.

  • Jenny says that she kills two birds with one stone if she does her own housework because she gets the house clean and she gets some exercise at the same time.

Quick Quiz

Sandra killed two birds with one stone by going to Paris. She practiced her French before her exam and she

a. got better at speaking French

b. read a book on French history

c. went to her friend's wedding
a) got better at speaking French b) read a book on French history c) went to her friend's wedding
kill two birds with one stone

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Contributor: Matt Errey