
a wolf in sheep's clothing

This page is about the idiom a wolf in sheep's clothing


A wolf in sheep's clothing is someone who seems to be a good person but is really a bad person.

For example

  • The priest at our church seemed to be a very warm and caring man, but we later found out that he was a wolf in sheep's clothing.

  • People in our town suspected that Henry was a wolf in sheep's clothing, but I think they were wrong.

Quick Quiz

We realised the teacher was a wolf in sheep's clothing when he

a. was seen smoking a cigarette in a bar

b. was given the "Teacher of the Year" award

c. was arrested for abusing one of his students
a) was seen smoking a cigarette in a bar b) was given the "Teacher of the Year" award c) was arrested for abusing one of his students

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Contributor: Matt Errey