Phrasal Verbs

put on (2)

This page is about the phrasal verb put on (2)


to make an appliance or a piece of equipment start to function


turn on, switch on

For example

  • put on sth Don't forget to put on the heater when you get up in the morning.

  • put sth on Do you want to watch TV, or do you want me to put the radio on instead?

Nouns often used as objects with put on (2): light, TV, radio, heater, air conditioner, kettle, fan, music

Quick Quiz

If someone knocks on the front door at night, the first thing you should do is put on

a. the door

b. the alarm

c. the light
a) the door b) the alarm c) the light

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1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context

Contributor: Matt Errey