
All clouds bring not rain

This page is about the saying "All clouds bring not rain"

Possible meaning:
We can rephrase this: "Not every cloud brings rain." And that's true. Sometimes there are many clouds in the sky, but it doesn't rain. Don't judge things by appearances.

cloud (noun) = visible mass of water vapour high in the sky (usually white or grey in colour) | rain (noun) = water that falls from clouds in the sky

Quick Quiz

If we say "all clouds bring not rain" we suggest that

a. the clouds in the sky may be snow clouds

b. it is not going to rain today

c. what looks like one thing may turn out to be another
a) the clouds in the sky may be snow clouds b) it is not going to rain today c) what looks like one thing may turn out to be another

See Saying of the Day today

Contributor: Josef Essberger