
The tide must be taken when it comes

This page is about the saying "The tide must be taken when it comes"

Possible meaning:
We should use all opportunities when they come, before it's too late.

Compare: "There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune..." (from "Julius Caesar" by William Shakespeare 1564-1616)

Origin: Ships (especially in the old days) often need a high tide to leave or enter port. Man cannot control the tide, so when it comes ships have to use the opportunity it gives them without delay.

the tide (noun): the rising and falling of the sea caused by the attraction of the moon and sun

Quick Quiz

"The tide must be taken when it comes" is a saying suggesting that we

a. wait for opportunities

b. look for opportunities

c. act on opportunities
a) wait for opportunities b) look for opportunities c) act on opportunities

See Saying of the Day today

Contributor: Josef Essberger