
Rome wasn't built in a day

This page is about the saying "Rome wasn't built in a day"

Possible meaning:
All things take time to create. And great things like the city of Rome take a very long time. So we shouldn't expect to accomplish something or achieve success immediately.

Rome (proper noun) = the capital city of Italy, founded according to tradition by Romulus in 753 BC | built = constructed; made

Quick Quiz

Angela told her son that "Rome wasn't built in a day" when he

a. said that the flight to Rome was going to be late

b. complained that his new website was taking a long time to create

c. asked how long it took the Romans to build Rome
a) said that the flight to Rome was going to be late b) complained that his new website was taking a long time to create c) asked how long it took the Romans to build Rome

See Saying of the Day today

Contributor: Josef Essberger