Posted by: Josef EssbergerVocabulary is easy! How many days in a year are there? 365, normally (on Earth).
If you learn only 5 new words a day, you will learn 5 x 365 = 1,825 new words in a year. ONE THOUSAND, EIGHT HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE WORDS. That is a lot of new words. And we are not counting all the other words you will learn in other ways – reading, conversation etc. Buy a notebook and write in 5 new words EACH day, EVERY day. Learn them! You will soon have an excellent vocabulary.
Posted by Josef Essberger May 2023

Princess says:
I would like to improve my vocabulary and how to use certain words in correct context. Eager to learn 5 words each day.
river says:
hello there, I’m 17 and I’m half american but I want to improve my vocabulary becues I know a lot of words but I dont fully understand them and don’t know wehen exactly to use them in the correct context, also I hope with learning new words I’ll improve my english vocabulary and with that be able to explain my self in a way where people can understand me better
Calista says:
Tafadzwa Simon Gavi says:
Im interested
Ram says:
5 words a day
Lehel says:
I would like to improve my english vocab and language skills
Rashidul alom sk says:
I am keen to learning In english
castro jr says:
Shaafici says:
You can speak English
Lan says:
As i started to read in english more and more, I am coming across more and more words that I am unfamiliar with so this will undoubtedly help.
Ishraqa says:
Let’s go
Ashwaq says:
I would like to learn 5 English daily
Hosein says:
Hi, please help me to learn five new words a day, thanks
Kyler says:
Wow so very helpful
Tongthenlal says:
5 new words a day
Alex says:
I would just like to be emailed 5 words a day.
Mads says:
Lets go
Hilal-Haj-Ali says:
Promise says:
Let’s go
R says:
5 words a day
Princess De Castro says:
5 words a day with definition ang meaning
khalil says:
thank you very much for this informtion
Joel says:
Bimal karunatathne says:
I like very helpful .i am learning lot.
Don Hsen Lun says:
It is very effective.
natnael zemene says:
I found that attractive.
van, Nguyen Thi Hong says:
It is okay
TRANG says: