

7 Slang Phrases for a 7+ on IELTS Speaking

5th March 2021 by Jessica Beck

What vocabulary does the IELTS Examiner want to hear in IELTS Speaking Part 1?

If you want a 7 or higher for vocabulary on your IELTS Speaking test, you must show a range.

What is a range of vocabulary and how do you show it?

The range required for a 7+ means that your words must match the tone of the question, from informal and relaxed to formal and serious.

Thus, in Speaking Part 1, as the questions are personal and informal, your vocabulary must match that tone.

To show your ability to communicate informally in a natural, native way, try using some slang. This means using words or phrases that natives use in informal, daily speech, but, usually, is not taught in a textbook. This is why most students don’t use slang on the Exam, and end up with a 6 for vocabulary.

Here are native, informal, interesting phrases you can use for IELTS Speaking Part 1:

Instead of ‘like’ or ‘enjoy’, say:

  1. I’m a big fan of sitcoms.
  2. I’m all about science-fiction.

When describing your job, say:

  1. I don’t want a normal 9 to 5. I want a position where I can work remotely, with flexible hours. [a “9 to 5” is a job with working hours from 9am to 5pm]
  2. I always give 110% at my job. [ “give 110%” means to give something all your energy; to do your best]

When talking about school, say:

  1. Before an exam, sometimes I pull an all-nighter. [“pull an all-nighter” is to study all through the night and not sleep, or sleep very little]
  2. I was kind of a nerd in high school, actually. [a “nerd” is a smart person who studies a lot, and might not be considered cool]
  3. I played a lot of sports, so I guess I was a jock in high school. [ a “jock” is someone who plays sports a lot]

Choose four slang phrases from above. Write them down in your own sentences. Then, use them to answer these IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions:

  • Do you work or are you a student?
  • What do you like about your job/school?
  • Were you a good student in high school?

Sports Idioms: Sound Like a Native Professional

16th December 2020 by Jessica Beck

Have you ever studied business English? If so, you’ve likely learned very formal vocabulary and structures. 

Perhaps you’ve tried to take those lessons out into the world and use them with native speakers. However, before you got the chance to open your mouth, you noticed something: the English-speaking professionals around you DO NOT SOUND LIKE A TEXTBOOK!

The fact is that in many professional contexts, natives will tend to be more informal — with coworkers, long-term clients, peers at networking events, and even new connections at industry conferences. 

One very specific way you can sound more natural and informal, just like a native, is by using sports idioms. These phrases abound in the business world, from the top of the corporate ladder to the new intern on his or her first day. Thus, if you are unfamiliar with these idioms and their meaning, you may not be able to connect to others and build stronger professional relationships.

You may look at this list and wonder, “Hey, aren’t these mainly American idioms?” The answer is yes, but, although many of these sports idioms are American in origin, they have become more and more common all over the world. 

Yet another reason to learn today’s vocabulary is that using idioms is an effective way to get your point across in a way that is more memorable than literal language. These phrases paint an image for the listener, and this person will be more likely to want to listen and engage with you.

Sports Idioms for the Business World

hit it out of the park– Do or perform something extremely well

  • Wow, Tom, you really hit that presentation out of the park. Everyone loved it!

down for the count– Unable to continue

  • I heard that company had to declare bankruptcy. It seems they’re down for the count and will close very soon.

throw a Hail Mary– Try something, out of desperation, that has almost no chance at success

  • I could not find anyone to create the website I wanted. Finally, I just threw a Hail Mary and called my cousin, who’s into computers. I got lucky on that one, and our new site looks great! 

benched– Taken out of something, like a team or project 

  • If you show up to work late more than twice, the boss will bench you. You’ll get no new client referrals after that. 

in my/your wheelhouse– Within one’s area of expertise or talent

  • Sales is not really in my wheelhouse, but if no one else is willing to try, I’ll meet with Mr. Johnson about the new products.

minor league / major league– (Minor) Having little influence or power; (Major) Having a lot of influence or power

  • I think selling to individuals is real minor league stuff. If you want to make real money, you need to be selling to other businesses.

drop the ball– Make a mistake; Not take care of one’s responsibilities

  • Sorry, guys, I dropped the ball on that one. I was supposed to get Miss Plinth to sign the contract before today, and I completely forgot.

a slam-dunk– Something that is certain

  • Charles is a slam-dunk for VP. I know for a fact that the big boss has wanted to promote him for months.

throw a curveball– To surprise or introduce something unexpected

  • She really threw me a curveball when she wanted the documents all translated into Chinese and Japanese. Good thing it’s so easy to hire translators these days!

the ball’s in their/your court– It’s their / your responsibility now

  • Listen, I already sent them a counteroffer. I’m not going any lower than that price. The ball’s in their court to decide.
  • Choose four idioms that you want to use from today’s lesson.
  • Write them down, with their definitions.
  • Then, write your own sentence using each of the idioms.
  • Read these sentences out loud.

Recommended reading and listening:

Photo courtesy Biser Todorov (adapted)