Teaching Pronunciation

Ideas and tips for teaching pronunciation

10 Fun Short and Long Vowels Practice Activities
Alex Case
Short vowels and long vowels games, and stimulating communicative practice of words with different vowel lengths

How to Teach Short and Long Vowel Sounds
Alex Case
Distinguishing and pronouncing short vowels and long vowels teaching tips

Rhyming Word Games
Alex Case
Fun activities for words ending with the same sounds

How to Teach Final Consonant Clusters
Alex Case
How to present and practise consonant blends at the end of words

10 Consonant Clusters Games
Alex Case
Competitive games to present and practise consonant blends like β€œspr” and β€œnths”

How to Teach Weak Forms
Alex Case
Unstressed forms of words teaching tips

10 Fun Activities for Consonant Clusters
Alex Case
Stimulating presentation and practice activities for consonant blends like β€œbl” and β€œnds”

How to Teach Word Stress
Alex Case
Stressing different syllables of words teaching tips

How to Practise Word Stress
Alex Case
Stimulating classroom activities for words stressed on different syllables

7 Fun English Syllables Activities
Alex Case
Stimulating presentation and practice of hearing and saying the right number of syllables

Counting Syllables Games
Alex Case
Competitive activities to present and practise one-syllable words, two-syllable words, etc.

Teaching Pronunciation FAQ
Tara Benwell
Questions that teachers often have about teaching pronunciation

Alphabet Pronunciation Activities For Adults
Alex Case
Ways to teach pronunciation and recognition of the English alphabet, including in fast connected speech

Typical Problems Pronouncing the Alphabet
Alex Case
A summary of problems different students have with saying and recognising the English alphabet, including in connected speech

How to Use Minimal Pairs to Teach Pronunciation
Alex Case
Minimal pairs are underexploited. This article looks at how teachers can teach pronunciation with minimal pairs, with some specific ideas for classroom use.

Minimal Pairs Games
Alex Case
Fun pronunciation games using pairs of words that vary by one sound only

Fun Homophones Activities
Alex Case
Games to introduce and practise the important point of words that sound the same but are spelt differently

Homophones in the EFL Class
Alex Case
Reasons to use homophones in teaching English and lots of ways to do so