Tidy Up Your Written English
Your written English doesn’t have to be perfect for people to understand you. It does need to be tidy. You will get your point across more easily if your presentation looks neat.
Here are 3 secrets for tidying up your written English:
1. Use proper capitalization. Start every new sentence with a capital letter. English should always have a capital “E”. The word “I” should always be spelled with a capital. Your EnglishClub friends deserve a capital and so does your country. Even if you use your mobile device to type messages, take the time to use proper capitalization.
2. Use punctuation. Please put a period after each sentence. Your punctuation doesn’t have to be perfect. You do need to try your best. Don’t use a comma to separate two sentences (or three or four). Some learners incorrectly use commas instead of periods. Also, don’t forget to leave a space between paragraphs.
3. Check your spelling. Look up words you aren’t sure about. Keep a spelling diary. If you see a red squiggly line, look up the correct spelling and fix it. Make a note of the word and practise using it.
When you look good, you feel good. The same goes with writing. To tidy up your English, pay attention to proper capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. When you take the extra time to make your writing look nice, it shows that you care about your reader. Please keep this in mind when you are writing emails, sending direct messages, leaving comments, and writing blogs. Yes, even English learners have blogs!
Tara Benwell is a Canadian freelance writer and editor who specializes in materials and articles for the ELT industry.
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One comment
Surya narayan sahoo says:
This is tha best for me to deblop my english skill