English to Remain Official EU Language
Posted by: Josef EssbergerIf the United Kingdom leaves the European Union, there will be no EU member state with English officially registered as their language of choice. EU member states Ireland and Malta both widely speak English, but on joining the EU they registered their language of choice as Irish and Maltese respectively. Yet despite this, EU diplomats have decided to keep English as an official and working EU language. So even if the home of English goes, the language of English will stay: which is perhaps fitting given the origins of the English language in what is now part of the European Union.
Posted by Josef Essberger October 2019

Rita Daniela says:
I know that the President of the European Commission, Juncker and the English Premier Johnson have found an agreement for the Brexit on the 17th of October 2019 in which they agree on a very high number of matters. If you read this article, appeared on the website of the Italian newspaper Repubblica, it will show you how does it work and for me English language will always be one of the official languages of the EU.
Here below you can find the link. Have a good rest and a very good weekend.
Tam says:
I heard that the French president Macron hopes French will be the main language among EU again after Brexit.
Bijan says:
Thank you so much and best wishes,
from the Persian Gulf