College Entrance Exam
Posted by: Josef EssbergerTime allowed: 1 minute
Scroll down for the answer…
Scroll down for the answer…
Scroll down for the answer…
Scroll down for the answer…
Scroll down for the answer…
Scroll down for the answer…
Scroll down for the answer…
Scroll down for the answer…
Scroll down for the answer…
Scroll down for the answer…
Scroll down for the answer…
That’s OK, I didn’t pass either :(
Posted by Josef Essberger October 2008

Janvier says:
Mike Hawk says:
I doubt this is really a college exam, but still fun and challenging nonetheless.
Leon says:
easy peasy got it on my first go
taylor says:
i failed… let’s leave it at that.
Mehdi Yousefi says:
Truly, very neat exam
please send me some sample of these type of exams if you got more of them.kind regards
Industrial Department
Sadjad Institute
Mashhad, Iran -
hong t nhan, vietnam says:
Does this test benefit anybody?
It looks much more like the sleight of hand rather than an educational test eh? -
George says:
Where does success come before work? The answer is in the dictionary! This came from Dr. Clark’s book, which is an excellent resource regarding how to (1) develop a personal network to aid in getting into the best colleges, (2) find financial assistance if needed, (3) fill out applications, (4) correspond with key individuals and (5) answer interviewers’ questions. After buying and reading his book, I highly recommend that everyone go to and buy his book. It is well worth the price.
Maria C. says:
I always have fun trying to solve new things. Send more of them, please!
ajith says:
i feel that only question no.03 is logical others are only funny but no logical way. but out of the box thinking it is great!!!!
marchez143 says:
piece of cake
kina says:
haha i it’s very interesting’ please send me more
Golnar says:
very interesting exam]
fuchoang says:
Interesting >_<, I think M T W T M T W, because T is symmetric, do you think about that? This is Funny exam, thanks, send me more.
Alexandra says:
Such interestin` and funny exam! Thanks! =)
zahra says:
very interesting!:)
vara prasad says:
It’s very thought provoking and fantastic.
give such riddles in future also. -
Eyad says:
It’s really interesting. Hope to send us more of these exams.
Moses Mgeni says:
Its very interesting questions. Hope to harvest more from you.Thanks once again and be blessed.
charudatta says:
very very nice but
i think nobody can know them -
arif gökmen yılmaz says:
reallly nice but i thıng it enbelieved
i think nobody can know them:)(fro penpal
Susan says:
Mukesh Goel says:
It is realy very very good for information that you should think first in easy step then you can think high bcz every big problem have a simple sollution with him.
marmar says:
I didn’t pass
Joe says:
Abhishek: that might be a smart solution too. The stroke would go through the = sign, like this:
5 + 5 + 5 ≠ 550
ie: 5 + 5 + 5 does not equal 550
I’m no mathematician so I’m not sure if it would then be a “formula”, strictly speaking (which was the original question). Perhaps a mathematician could clarify?
Abhishek says:
Can’t I use 5 + 5 + 5 =/ 550. =/ here implies not equals?? Thats also a single stroke. :)
elaine says:
mehr says:
it was nice and funny exam .
but unfortunately i could not answer even one question.
any way thanks a lot.
Send me more please -
Joe says:
ibnu asqori pohan:
5 + 5 + 5 = 550 is clearly wrong. But if you add a single line to the first + sign it looks like 4. So now it is 545 + 5 = 550, which is correct :)
ibnu asqori pohan says:
I’m still confuse with test number 2
Jean Bernard Rameau says:
Wow! That’s surprising to realize how EASINESS can be HARDNESS sometimes.
Awsan says:
I do not have enough time because I study medicine. Sorry
Devender Singh says:
i wasn’t able to answer any of the questions. I confess iI am poor. Shame on me!
Angelina says:
Fun and tricky!
I didn’t pass the exam.
I got the “anything” and nothing more…..But I enjoyed the answers and so did
my son!
Thanks a lot!!! -
tranle says:
I read the test at first but I don’t understand anything. Then I can understand what the test required. It’s wonderful. I’ll try next time.
binnu says:
yes i am ready to commit that i got totally confused in answering. when i saw answers of the questions i got crazy since answers were so eazy & needed only commom sence & which is normally not common.
Nga hong says:
That’s great!
maryfrances says:
Wao! what a game.
freedom waiter says:
that was very very very very very funny.thanks alot
Wajahat says:
an excellent exam. I would like to have more of these exams every day but with some extra time.
Wajahat says:
An outclass IQ. At first I wasn’t understand these questions. I would like to have this kind of exam every day but with some more time. Hats off!
Giovanni says:
I hate numbers. I couldn’t do number 2. This is a very nice activity.
Paul says:
it’s really ceative… I couldn’t succeed even one
fatima says:
i couldnt do any of not cut out for such a hard lol
ahmed shebky abdelrahim says:
good test ‘ good luck for all
Joao Ghizoni says:
Wonderful and smart quiz! Thanks a lot sharing them with us. And congratulations to the person who devised them. Good luck!
Saman Jinadasa says:
It’s great! but I fail.
chiaki says:
I love these questions too
Gratia says:
It makes my brain more creative to answer these questions.. Great! Send me more… :)
Jimena says:
I am sorry! I failed the exam but is very funny, thanks.
ivy says:
when i see the answer, its so easy. but i stil dont understand the fourth question, sorry for myself.
Miguel Angel says:
It is an interesting exam that we have to use to check a general knowledge of people I am sorry I did not understand but when I saw the answer They are easy
Miguel Angel says:
It was interesting, but I could not answer any questions
Rachael Y says:
This test is more about your ability to think “outside the box” than anything else. and its about the subtleties of language…. Write “anything” here… a rectangle (containing) 3 lines…. Got to “read between the lines” for this one!
Thomas Mulcahy says:
This is really Saturday night down at the local quiz. I got 2 answers right, it took me more than a minute. I love these quickies, there are great. Bring on the next one
Alireza says:
Nice test but
I couldn’t pass -
Suchitra says:
cool! i loved the answers
Joanne says:
It’s difficult and funny ^^
canan says:
great!! the first one is interesting and the others are surprising but I didn’t get even one
Hidayet says:
My ALLAH! I am already a college student but I couldn’t answer any of the above questions.
I would like other tests like this one Please!! -
Nedime says:
I couldn’t pas any either
Tina says:
who make out these questions.It’s really perfect.
I like it . -
thuyhung says:
It’s quite difficult to understand how to answer these questions. I don’t like this test’s way
celso says:
Please, stay with me at anytime. And send to me any question.
Angie says:
sudha says:
it is a very enjoyable puzzel.i knew only one answer.most interesting was 5+5+5=550.i will like to do more funny things like this.
shzul says:
what a great,not even one fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
naresh says:
Interesting questions.These really make you think
oms says:
Very nice , it is funny exam, we need more like it
Thanks a lot our English Club … -
muson says:
So, each geometrical shape can be drawn with as many line as you want :)
vivian says:
i don’t answer any questions. i am so shame! i want to improve my English. Please help me! send me more question like that.
sucharitha says:
Mindblowing , i would like to get some more question like that , will u
Kathy says:
Thank you! So funnny, I wrote ” work”, so stupid Hee hee
chanderveer says:
nice send me more mails
Ad says:
Cool. Even I did not try, I liked the answers.
shima says:
it`s not fair. this exam is intelligence test
i couldn`t do that :( -
hassania says:
What a pity! I thought my English was quite good, but your test has proved me wrong. I did not answer any of your questions, but I am sure I will use them to keep my students busy and quiet. Please send more of these .
Kate says:
The fourth task prooves all ingenious is simple. I didn’t get it.
RongXiongDai says:
Sorry, bad marks: 25points, but it is the first time, I think I’ll be better next time.
rukiya says:
It’s so challenging and funny!
iftekhar ahmad says:
It’s so cute, I am trying to write in that passage but system is not allowed to me to write or do anything when i scroll down and see the answer, I am fully shocked. Too good . Send more question like this. Thanking you,
waseem pasha says:
thanks from me
bui thuy says:
Oh my god!
I was very surprised at the answers.Sadly,I didn’t get mark . -
iwan bachrum says:
I don’t expected to the answer,…how stupid i’m…pls send me more question…i don’t want to be stupid again..TQ
swallow says:
I couldn’t only number 1 question. Unfortunately, I cant enter the college.
prosperity says:
i faild in you exam. i’m so sorry
Samia says:
OMG!!!!Nothing is correct. Double shame on me i failed intelegence exam by the way.
sifax mimoui amzigh says:
It,s so funny, i answered all off them i had like them in my GMAT TEST ….waw . thanks a lot , you have some more ….
karthi says:
i have failed in this examination
jasonwang says:
None is right for me.shame!!
hang61gso says:
Dear sir
Thank you very much for your sending me 7 secrets of learning English . I always wonder the way how to improve my learning English quickly and effectively both in writing and speaking . In my country , it is very difficult for me to find a good English environment to practice . I hope that I can get much help from you .
Thank you very much -
Lubna says:
well, I thought to sort out technically but unfortunately didnt find the way. then later i got to know that we need to sort out this logically. its good.
Marilena says:
What fun!
Confession: didn’t time myself so don’t know whether or not was under or over 60 seconds. -
Amber says:
Wow, it’s a SO SO cute test,I really like it. I did think many things to write for the question 3. I would like to have more. Thanks
Miguel says:
It,s so funny, Although I couldn’t answer any of them.
learnmore says:
Yeah, it’s good puzzle, I thought too far to get the answers which are actually around the corner. Common, give us more !!!
navisdevaraj says:
Wow! What a FUNNY EXCITING Exam.
amean says:
Sorry i can’t understand these qustions
Buay Mary says:
Its so interesting exams,i like them ,i would like to try of the same kind cause i didn’t made even one,felt so sorry to my self.
precious says:
oh it’s really intersting !
Jose Elias says:
It’s an outstanding test. I got the third one. The others tricked. It would be usefull to send more tests like this one, I will appreciate because it will make us improve our learning.
sandhya says:
hey…its great! these are brain twisters and are helpful in improving analytical reasoning.
yusuf says:
Really nice, you’ve got to use your brain well to get it.
Ian says:
Delilah Says:
Gosh! I was at a loss. They’re really tricky!
I’m still puzzled at number 2.545 + 5 = 550
abu says:
wow , i could not get any of them; it is realy intersting; i hope that you will send us more.
thank you
Delilah says:
Great tests! They’re brain twisters!
Delilah says:
Gosh! I was at a loss. They’re really tricky!
I’m still puzzled at number 2. -
marni says:
it’s easy for a high school students like me, because my teacher told us how to get the answer of that kind of just using my common sense.
Meena Kalyan says:
Nice one . Got just anything correct, but answers were really cute!!Thank you. Would love more of the same kind
to relax my students -
Ian says:
ALPESH Says: I could not clear even one question. Still trying to understand the 2nd one.
545 + 5 = 550 :)
yasamin says:
It’s very nice riddle.
ALPESH says:
I cound not clear even one question. Still try to understad the 2nd one.
really funny one.
jodie says:
its cool and like it~~
actually, the third one is similar to one chinese question so i know the answer:) -
fanny says:
It is funny test and smart.I like it.But my score is 0.I feel shy .
Mohammad says:
hi, good test
chandika says:
hi, it is a good and tricky GK exam. It can increase analytical thinking.
Zahid says:
Couldn’t even figure out the questions. So Dumb
veeru says:
keep it up
veeru says:
hi, this is funny and very informative. definitely will help improving analitical thinking. look forward to see more
Ni Made Sasanti says:
This test is not logical test, but it makes me refresh. Please send me more.
Renji Abraham says:
But, i still havent figured out the second one.Am I daft?
Lella Pavelic says:
Just got the “anything”, but nice, keep them coming!
Balluga Maria Assunta says:
I don’t agree with this kind of test. In my opinion it’s too stupid!
rania says:
ha,ha.ha it is a funny exam send me more
Natalia says:
I haven’t done it! Poor me!
wilda says:
what a tough but fun exam! I want to try more…
Eugenia says:
Cool! It was difficult in the beginning, but easy when I read the answers…..Good for brain..
touria says:
i wasn’t able to get a single right answer.shame on me!
lexuanhiep says:
its really interesting.i can not answer any question
willys says:
first one is good
Pirooz says:
very nice, I saw this exam last 3 monthes ago with answers, but for second review, the first and second questions was difficult too!
Deddy D'Mahdi says:
intelegence test…it’s good
Leebug says:
Me either! Not even one :o(
Reina Mendoza says:
i was not able to get even one single score…. :(
sravanthi says:
send me some more lessons to talk english fluently
bagus ramdan says:
Is it really college exam. I don’t believe it! But, It’s cool. Trims
Pamela says:
jajaja I got the first three but number 4 was hard because I would of use one of the edges to build the rectangle only with 3 lines.