I Am Not a Number
Posted by: Josef EssbergerI will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
For official purposes everyone has a number. Yours is number six.
I am not a number. I am a person.
Six of one, half-a-dozen of another.
Is this, is this what they did to you? Is this how they tried to break you…till they got what they were after? In your head must still be the remnants of a brain. In your heart must still be the desire to be a human being again.
This is the most serious breach of etiquette.
stamp (verb): impress with a rubber stamp (like a visa in a passport etc)
index (verb): make a list of names, subjects etc
brief (verb): instruct or inform (someone)
debrief (verb): question (someone, for example a soldier or spy) about a finished mission
half-a-dozen (noun): a dozen is 12, so half-a-dozen is 6
till (conjunction): until; up to the time that
remnants (noun): remains; residue; bits that remain
breach (noun): contravention; violation; failure to observe
etiquette (noun): code of behaviour
Are you a number?
Posted by Josef Essberger June 2018

Helen says:
People around the globe are trying to stop these processes to force us to be numbers,not humans. I understand the importance of the statistics or collecting data. However my friends from different countries and I have serious concerns about current situation. The world has become too digital, people get access to many conveniences using numbers ( cards and so on) but it all goes to giving a number to every single person on the Earth. The Bible warns us – it will be the worst times in the history of mankind. I am strictly oppose . I AM NOT A NUMBER!
The King Of Love From IRAN says:
Thank you for sahring,
Deborah says:
To have an number is to have an identity – it is when we become faceless and nameless (without even the label of a number)that we stop ‘being’.
Onee says:
No, I’m not. And I’m sure they still have heart. :)
Nid says:
I am Number 1 :)