What Are Your New Year’s Resolutions for 2013?
Posted by: Josef EssbergerWhen we “resolve” to do something, we decide firmly to do it. It’s like a promise to ourselves. The verb is “resolve” and the noun is “resolution”. Typically, at the start of each year, people make New Year’s Resolutions such as:
- I will stop smoking
- I will lose weight
- I will make more money
- I will be nicer to people
What New Year’s Resolution(s) did you make this year?
Posted by Josef Essberger January 2013
Contributor: Josef Essberger, founder of EnglishClub. Originally from London, England, Josef is the author of several books for learners of English including English Prepositions List and Learn English in 7.
EVERY dAYe English
Trung says:
Try to maintain my weight at 65 kg
Try to learn English every morning
Try to build my blog completely
Try to play guitar basically -
Honey says:
Try to improve English communication skills better than before
Learn Japanese Language
Try to attend some Hospitality Management
Try to work out for body fitness
Try to earn more
Try to be smarter than before -
levi cerbito says:
I will build up my confidence
take every opportunity that comes to me -
Xellos says:
Try improving my English skill
Learn another language
Try hard to study computer science
Find something interesting to do
Train my body and lose weight
Can’t think of anything more… -
Maxim Orazov says:
1) I think that I will pass EGE in new year
Kirill Lushnikov says:
1) I will pass EGE in New Year because it is very important.
2) I think that all children must pass EGE. -
Rain says:
i want to improve my English for reading, speaking, listening and writing.
Mezinova Ksenia says:
In the new year, I promised myself more to help my mother around the house, do all the lessons and study hard in school, do not be distracted in class, do not quarrel with my friends, to be generous and kind, read a lot and learn English
Ivan Kaplunov says:
I will give your body in shape.
I will buy iPhone 5S.
I read War and Peace.
I earn 70,000 per month.
I press on the bars 70 times!
I will learn English …!
Елизавета Чернышова says:
When entering a new year, I gave a promise to accomplish these things:
I’m reading more than now
If possible, spend more time on lessons and school
More help the family
often walk in nature
to educate my sister
learn to cook
devote more time to my boyfriend, and well behaved) -
kristina says:
I want to know English well.
I want my family and friends do not hurt the next year.
I want to be peace in the world.
I want to meet your true love.
I really want to get high scores and just graduated with honors from the tenth grade!
I wiil be happy! -
Katya says:
I think that In last year I will learn English language every day.
I will study very good.
I will do sport every day and I want to be a champion.
I wiil eat health food.
I will read very much.
I wiil be happy! -
Aman says:
I will improve english writing skill.
shaaajsha says:
I decide to learn english as
clearly as perfectly at any cost -
Sadjad says:
I will be grateful for everything that GOD gives me .
monther says:
I will improve my English and start learning French
fgeaw says:
I ‘ll do my best for learning english
ambady says:
Oh… Don’t make me think of it again.
My resolution was to wake up at 4.30, study hardly and complete all the modules before my university exams will start….And what happened was on the 1st jan I wake up lately due to the new year party I had last nyt and nthng specl occurred days after that too..
M.A.S says:
Ah, not sure where to start writing my resolutions, but definitely, in general, I want to study, and study and even more study to complete my Chartered Accountancy.
I’ve lost the most precious thing in my life, that is time, by not utilising it into my studies. Don’t know where I lost after my matriculation.
Eli says:
I will be nicer.
I will study more to enter Harvard university and join my cousin. -
ali says:
i will be so more kind to other people !!
;) -
hadi says:
I will learn more words
I will try hard to make more money
I will be more careful to be health -
Adrian Alvarado says:
I will study hard to learn English
i will make more money than last year -
jose says:
I will study hard to learn English.
Chuz says:
I will be a order person, disciplined a applied.
julissa says:
I´ll be learn to drive
I´ll practice foreign lenguages -
Syfee says:
I’ll do my best to be a better man.
Aynoia Wolverton says:
I’ll read more books.
I’ll be sporty.
I’ll practice foreign languages.
I’ll be more independent.
I’ll make my life better.
I’ll travel. -
Komsan Visetdhorn says:
I’ll post my e-book on internet.
I’ll write more poems, short stories and articles.
I’ll practice English, Chinese language.
I’ll help other do anything. -
trainp says:
In 2013, I plan to find a good job. At first, I have to study English well. And infact, I’m learning hard to find out the best solution. I do hope that in near future ( after 2 or 3 month) my dream will come true.
Misbah says:
I’ll lose my weight.
I’ll make more money.
I’ll have my own car.
I’ll work hard and try to be more professional. -
Suheri says:
I will practice conversation in English every day
I will finish my thesis
I will practice public speaking, so I need help (would you help me?) -
ahcene says:
In this new year 2013, i will pass my first certificate exam in english;
I will read ten books;
I will do my best to help those people in need -
cahaya says:
i will speak up in my class with my teacher
i will improve my english
i will focus on my study -
sivar says:
I will try to loose weight
I will try too learn English -
Trinh Xuan Tuan Anh says:
For new year 2013’s resolution, my target will be some main point as bellow:
– I will practise english much more to make my grade higher
– waking up early is very important to work so i am trying to change my habit time
– I will go swimming more often at least once a week -
Jorge says:
I will travel and I will practice English.
Mastour says:
I will learn English more
med bk says:
i will get Bachelor’s degree
Hana bashir says:
I will to think about marrige seriasely.
I will to listen and read English words every day.
I will to research about Psychological PHD in English country.
I will bay acar. -
Pooltai Lawakron says:
I will try to share your idea of English Club to the English Beloved .
Arcim says:
i wish going to Kuala Lumpur
shapol says:
I will improve in inglish,exercise every day and read more book
Asfoor-yemen says:
i will study English language more than last year
i will improve my skills in each direction
i will overcome all my problems by hard work -
Lo Yuet Ngor Kathy says:
I have changed my e mail address from 1 Feb 2013
Nabeha Khwaji says:
I will stud better.I will be more closer to god.
luna phuong says:
i will improve my english skills
more mature
study better -
Hanna says:
I will( try )to organize my life better… Read more, learn more, and off course, spend more time with my friends. I’ll enjoy every day…even if it means doing just “the little things”… :)
Cris says:
I’ll imporve my English and make my students enjoy their English class much more!!!
I’ll learn French! -
safia dirie says:
for me i will enter the ILETS exam and reach my goal which is working as a GP in britain
Tarhoni says:
My 2013’s resolution can’t be explained cuz it’s the most important years for me ,,,
Just a sample point ,,, “I’ll get my lost dream Back ,,,”
malinda says:
I will learn English everyday.
I will keep fit,and go to dance every week. -
Yasin says:
I want to speak and to write English
I will learn study English every day
All friend’s, go on please call me
So, communication is well -
rose says:
i will finish my studies well
i will speak English fluently
i will finish my own works well and find a job -
omar says:
i will study every day
Maura says:
I’ll study more English and I’ll be more organized.
yeps says:
i will work hard.
i will learn new vocabulary every day.
go up. -
pras says:
I will teach English
racheal says:
I will find a job in UK.
Rasha says:
I’ll lose weight
I’ll save money
I’ll learn French
I’ll be the best teacher
I’ll be more fluent in English insha Allah -
user says:
I wil learn english fluently, and in first days 2013 my resolution was not drink for one month beer but I didn’t make it. ;/
AHMED says:
heba says:
i wish do the following
lose weight
read everyday
learning hard English -
Nancy says:
– I will lose weight
– I will study english everyday
– I will study HR
– I will apply to be a hostess -
del says:
I will gain some weight and off course study English every day
kanchana says:
I’ll speak English fluently.
khaled says:
I’ll speak English very well
Cinzia says:
I will loose weight and will read one english page per day at least!!!
ZARNI says:
I will lose weight.
I will involve more in Pastoral actions.
I will try better to take IELTS exam.
I will love more my beloved.
I will care more my parents and siblings.
I will participate more in Democratization of my Nation. -
DanielG says:
i will study english hardener
i will lose weight
i will start a new career
i will practice my english structure when talk -
adam says:
I will try to learn english more than any year
of cours we want a baby with my wife
thank all members -
dode says:
I will learn english bettar than bast. :/
Leyla Nassar says:
I will lose weight
uche says:
I will study English everyday
I will read Engish books more -
Pala says:
I’w try to read book in a month.
I’w try to focus on reading. -
Janna says:
I will progress at work
I’ll stady English every day -
Kyara says:
I’ll study hard to achieve my needed TOEIC grades.
I’ll be optimistic to everything, not to think too much.
I’ll go to gym every day to keep healthy.
I’ll live happier than last year! -
Jay says:
I’ll quit smoking, and study english harder
and drink less beer -
ROhan says:
Hello Every one here
I continue to learn and practice my English and study more. -
zulma says:
In this new year 2013,
I will learn to be more wise with people around me.
I will improve my teaching skill.
I will work harder to achieve my goals.
To keep fit, I will do more exercise.
I will give up smoking.
I hope everything will go fine. -
hpp_nuaa says:
i will learn english everyday
i will lose weight
i will do my work better
i will make more money than last year -
noura says:
i did some lot of resolutions for the new year,some of theme :
i will learn english very hard to get my tofl
i will work hard and get a beter job
to know new good people
keep my old friends -
SALMA says:
For 2013, I would want to become a nicer person, to have a nicer behavior toward people I live, work with or just know. About my job, I really would like to learn more about it and be be as professional as possible. Not aonly because I am in training, but also when I am hired. Having a good command of what we do gives pleasure and proud. And I will do my best to have these feelings.
sohrab says:
I will study English every day
Yustinus Heri says:
-I will be more humble person
-being more patient
-Study English more often -
naser says:
– I will go to the holly places in Saudi Arabia for ( OMRA ) , if circumstances enabled me to do .
– I will stay in touch with my two favorite sites Ec and VT. -
Marie-Danielle O'Reilly says:
I will still do what I always did until today because that’s keep me happy. I won’t change anything.
usman cheteh says:
I will study English every day.
abd Elazim says:
I’ll do more exercise to lose weight
I’ll lead a campaign to help the poor in my area
I’ll do more for my country -
Wennes Mota says:
I will read more books
I will finish writing my book
I will work out more this year
I will show my love to all people I love. -
Frank says:
I will learn 10 words ereryday.
Shamshad Hasan says:
I am trying to improve my English teaching skill.
majid says:
I,m going to continue to phD
ali says:
study english every day
Saras says:
I will find my future husband this year and i will try to make my english better and better
Bindu Rai says:
I will try my best to improve my English everyday.
mahsaaa_1990 says:
My resolutions for this year:
i will try to improve at piano so i should have much practice before then, and also i will be perfect in English language.. -
sewar says:
I will read everyday and my sons as well.
Mostafa Sherif says:
I intend to love people who disagree with me in opinion. Actually, i like to be more tolerant!
Gemma says:
I resolve to train hard!!
aida.h says:
i will learn 10 new words every day and i wont let anythings stop me studing english bec my wish is being an english teacher
mohammad says:
i will lose wiegh
i will learn english better than before -
[email protected] says:
I will learn 10 new words every day
sinta says:
i will lose weight,
and i want to be the best. i want to strive hard so i can get good score in semester 3. -
Tuty Prasetya says:
I will lose weight and try to be more patient for everything
Kiran says:
I will learn english everyday and will try to improve my english. Friends Happy New Year.
pirooz says:
I’m trying to improve my English skills.
My weight is normal. -
sid ahmed1995 says:
My goal for 2013 is good health, good studies, good life
Moojan says:
My weight is not high but I want to bee in good shape, so I will lose some weight. ;-)
And I graguated one mounth ago and I will looking for job.
And I will improve my English. -
marwa says:
i will lose weight
i will learn English better than the past -
jose ramon says:
I’ll try to be a better human being
I’ll be a nice person instead of important -
noorali says:
•I will lose weightand improving my English every day
Iwish a best time and succesful year for all
juneth says:
I will be a better English teacher.
Jock Lee says:
I will continuously focus my mind on self-improvement.
zaya says:
I will lose my weight and I will learn 10englsih word and 10 korean words everyday because I.m study now korean english. I must to to.
Monthir sUHAIL says:
I will study hardly in order to get the certificate of specialty examination set by royal colleges of Great Britain in endocrinology and diabetes.
chastu says:
I will study English everyday.
Negar says:
I will accept in MA exam.
anni says:
I will learn English TOEFL TEST.
I will study Cosmology every day.
I would like learn more deeply English in all skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing)
I will keep the sport of Taekwondo.
I will more and more with God… and i think is solved all of my problems ..
thank you . -
TompuL says:
I wanna marry my girlfriend n make a baby :D
I’ll reduce to open Facebook, I wanna learn english through as I learn german -
savina says:
Chanthy says:
I will continue English class.
I will improve my English langue. -
hasanbasri says:
My resolution are
1. i will try to speak english every day
2. i will do the best in everything
3. i hope can give the best for family
4. i will say “I love you so much my wife and my sons” -
dewi anggraeni says:
i will do the best trip around the world
Anna says:
I will study English every day&
Italian twice a week;-) -
David says:
I will lose weight
I will buy a new computer
I will improve my English -
Marcia says:
I will lose weight
i will be more proficient in English -
Ehab says:
I will be more active in English club
mojde says:
I’ll be lose weight and improving my English every day
Tina says:
I will improve my English every day and to make more money for travel a lot! :D
jennifer pham says:
i am going to learn and improve my english….i try best myself!!!
Dinara says:
I wiil learn english every day and improve my english
Sophia says:
I won’t start smoking again!
assia says:
i will have my diplomat in addition to this i will learn 5 new words in english
Mahdi from iran says:
I’ll fairly speak English with anyone and i know i can
Mudassar Hasnain says:
I will complete my education , and continue it further, Learn English more and more I do. Allah give me strenght.
Etienne says:
I will read more literature works.
Leguesse Teguest says:
I’ll be very kind, will try to solve my problem, pray God every time and learn 10 english words per day. Thank you and I wish you a happy new year 2013.
Leguesse Teguest says:
I’ll be very kind, try to solve my problem and pray God every time
Leguesse Teguest says:
I’ll be very kind, try to solve my problem, and pray God every time
surendra says:
I will learn 5 new words every day
surendra says:
I will learn English 1 hour a day
Oleg says:
I will learn English 3 hours a day.
I will do sport. -
Nazi says:
I will marry in 2013.
I will start a new job.
I will finish my MA studies. -
I’ll keep on learning English
Sonya says:
I’ll keep on learning English.
I’ll loss 5 kg weight.
I’ll learn to swim.
I’ll fix and renew some of home broken things.
I’ll do several good jobs for others. -
Chandresh Jaguwala says:
I will study English every day
I will learn 10 new words every day -
Mutharasan S Sellaya says:
I would like to improve my speaking and writing englih.
Heaven Love says:
i will get a degree in English
Nia says:
I would like learn more deeply English in all skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing)
I would like to someone better than before
I would like to be someone who is always loved by everyone
AGT. says:
I would like to learn more English, specially could speak.
I will try to walk more.
Juan Orcial says:
I hope this year speak english much better, with help of English Club.
Natalili says:
I am changing my work at school for working in EPAM.
Lars-Olof Andersson says:
No resolutions
but a concentrated try to… read English every day
… learn five new words per day. -
Sea says:
I will study English hard and lose weight.
Min Min says:
I will be better to do with my professional job.
I will try my English to be improved.
I will pay homage to my parents more. -
Praful Abhani says:
I will encourage/motivate my students to learn English
I will try to teach English through Functions/Activities
I will regularly update myself -
Gladys says:
I want to improve my English
I want to fulfll my dreamscape
I want to be Happy
I want to be paciencia -
leila morocco says:
I will read some english book
i decide definitly to learn Quran inshallah, at least 5 Hizb by the end of the year.
Best wishes for all of you!
Harry says:
i will loose weight
i will learn english -
masi says:
I will learn another language such as French or German
Shekhar Chandra says:
I will study English every day
I will learn 10 new words every day -
Bistra says:
I’ll try to be more careful and polite with my family,friends and students.
I’ll try to learn more for many things that interest me.
I’ll try to visit places I haven’t been before. -
Emmany says:
I will learn ten words in english everyday and teach twenty.
That is my resolution concerning to English language -
sedigh says:
I will be more honest with myself and with others
Ernest says:
I will improve my christian life
I will study more
I will learn English,especially idioms -
washington says:
hello everybody!
in this year i promisse:
i will study english every day
i will speak english
i hope!!! -
tamriko says:
I’ll try to start the trip round the world in this year!
Anna says:
I will lose weight
I will get an international English Certificate
I will study more and better -
Ramsha Rafiq says:
I’ll stop blaming my life and will work harder than before IN SHA ALLAH !
david says:
I will try my English power (or) skill better than past.I will reduce smoking day by day.
Alla says:
I will continue learning and practicing English and learn Polish.
msol says:
I will never make any new year’s resolutions again. I always break them.
sanam says:
I will try to study English every day, to listen to songs and find their lyrics on the net so that i can improve my listening skill. and of course i will try to loos wight
Nam says:
very important is good healthy to do it.
Nam says:
My english not good, so i try to study english everyday to speak to foreiner easy, and a baby , a business .Why not?
Muhammad Yasir Khan says:
i will not backbite again
Muhammad Yasir Khan says:
i will not backbite again.
Alexandr says:
Be happy, and stay positive, no matter how life is going treat me!
Nuredin Abdulkadir says:
I will learn English better and better than the past. thank you for your help joe
yati rachmat says:
I hv eagerness to fulfill my resolutions for the year of 2013 as follow:1. Try harder to study english to meet the requirement as a a good private English teacher; 2. Focus on how to write as as a professional author and push myself to read much varios kindof books; 3.To put my short stories all together into one book and publish them as my first book.
saly says:
I will try to raise my weight
I will try to found new job
I will try to improve english
I will try to found new ways to change my life to the best -
Ahmad says:
I will pray that peace and safety will prevail my country Syria.An English teacher as I am, I will leave no stone unturned to improve my conversational English.I will also try to always look at the bright side of life.
marisa says:
I’ll try not to get angry. I’ll take a deep breath, count up to three ang smile.
Nicolas says:
lose weight 7KGs
Go to gym 3 times a week
Go Running 5 times a week
learn to improve English
Stay Healthy & Happily -
Baran says:
Keep continuing my English
Go to the gym 3 times a week
Restart my French Class
I will try to make my final decision about some important matter in this year to release my mind -
Abed Latifi says:
I will try to finish a full presentation of a car design and modelling in Rhino (it’s a software).
and I will be very good in reading newspaper, listening news and watching movies in English. -
Nazia says:
I will improve my writing skills for which i will keep in touch with English Club
Ngoc Anh Pham says:
I will try to make my english better
I will earn more money
I will be stronger! -
John Chiang says:
Keepy my promises
Read a book a week or a month.
Make the choice to let go of my past. It is dustry history. -
Nita says:
enrich my child’s life
write something everyday
read something everyday
concentrate on improving my cooking -
Dhruba Khanal says:
I will learn 10 new words every day.
Elise says:
I will learn how to play guitar.
I will pass the exam of second diploma about English at university.
I will get more and save more money. -
Johan says:
I will rejoined the gym after four months in absence.
daisy says:
i will learned english everyday,also the photograph.
Leonora says:
I will make more money to help my family.
Isabel says:
I’ll try to have a more relaxed life. I’ll work less and relex a lot.
ana says:
I will study english every day.
Nurdin says:
I will study English more hard
ezdiani says:
I’d like to see few of my paper being published. Any tips anyone?
ahmedzare says:
1-I will do my best to learn english
2-I will do my best to make my parents happy -
umrn says:
I will study English better than last years.
I will learn how to live much happier than before.(This is just a hope :))
grace says:
I will live every day like if it was my last day on earth
Kati says:
There are lot of Ali. Are you accidentally from the Iranian town, Yazd?
Sadjad says:
I’ll study english language more than past because i have a problem at my speaking .
Mohamed says:
I will study more english language.
Thank you -
Marcelo says:
I will study english 5 days a week to get new jobs opportunities.
I will have more time with my parents and friends. -
Silvia says:
I will try very hard to be happy everyday of 2013
kevin jackson petelo says:
i will help other with what i have got
Den Tiny says:
My New Year’s resolutions are :
1. Study hard
2. Have extra time for review
3. Practice my speaking English every day. -
homa says:
merry christmas.
in the new year i wish to learn more and improve my english, and also i ganna do the my best for the university thesis.
Smith Sifuentes says:
My New Year`s Resolutions are the following :
1º Finish my estudies in Law
2º Upgrade my English
3º Study Italian
4º Find better job
5º Be a better person, son, brother ….. -
Tofu says:
Admitted to the State Examination
fafa says:
i will do exercise every day
Sangita says:
I will organise my life better.
I will try to stick to my belief. -
Tony Vega says:
Greetings of ecuador..
Tony Vega says:
.. I will study English every day
I learn 10 new words every day -
jagannath says:
I will teach English in a better manner.
ludmila says:
I will read 2 pages of my favourite English books every day & try to improve my pronunciation.
Reddy says:
I’ll learn 5 new words everyday and try to use them in daily conversations.
Ushka says:
I will find a new job.
My pupils will improve their English.
My daughter and my granddaughter will be the best pupils.
I will try to find a boy-friend. -
aiman faris says:
i will improve my english and learn english everyday..
Rufus Gnanaraj says:
I want to settle down with a right Job and that could be my long time career goal.
Humaira says:
I would like to go learn some thing new and make efforts to become a good muslim, and i would speak fluent english in the end of this year.(aamen)
niloofar says:
I wont backbite anymore!
I will try to finish my thesis sooner.
I will help people more than before. -
Marcelo says:
This year, I will lose weight and gain some muscles. Besides, I will try to finish my studies and improve my english.
simon says:
i will improve my english ,study every day,and looking for new good job
i will learn ten words every day -
MHMD says:
mahy says:
i will improve my english
Muhammad Shoaib says:
I will learn 10 new words every day
Daniyal says:
1…I’m gOing to study better than before..
2… I Will search many things over geOlogy…
3… I m gOnna imprOve my English language…
4… I would try be the gOod teacher..
5… I will pray tO God …
6… I will recite the Holy Quran daily Inshallah… -
latifa says:
I’ve more than a resolution, but I’d start by learning more English, I’m not so fat, but I’d like to lose a little weight too
happy new year everybody -
Zoja says:
I will study English every day. At the least, 30 minutes daily.
jihojojo says:
i will achieve my ambitions and be more active.
jojo says:
i will achieve my ambitions and be more active
Geraldo Netto says:
I want studyng more.
i will try to speak in english.and improve my communication skill
Habibeh says:
I will help people more than before.
I will study English more and more. -
ttk7712 says:
I will learn harder and get a ticket to a good university.
Suat says:
Actually, My resoluation was to leave smoking that i try it at the start of each year. I give up easly.
Kana says:
I want to improve my English.
I want to get curvy body.
I want to cook much well. -
Tomas says:
Definitely, my main new year’s resolution is to improve my level of English, thanks for helping us to do that. Of course, other new year’s resolutions are related with work, couple, etc. etc…..
Rashid says:
Hi, I will try to work hard and Improve my English.
Farah Habahbeh says:
I will try to be a good listener !!
Mohammad says:
I will enter to the new world by learning english.
misheel says:
I will learn english and pass TOEFL test
I will start fitness and dance
I will make many friends -
howaida says:
i will learn every day 10 words
i hope that -
Nelly says:
I’ll use less computer and I’ll have less arguements with my husband because of it.
Olga says:
I will pay more attention to my children.
Erna E Adril says:
For my new year resolution:
– I will use English for ever by writing much in magazines or printed materials.
– I will post every tourist spots in my region through English
– I will come to my nice garden every week
– Invite the foreigners to stay in my house by joining CS Forum in order to practice my English
– To take a short course or get Master program in abroad. Who wants to be my supporter ? -
chella says:
1. I want to submit my research paper in nature journal.
2. improve my English
3.to develop new experiment from ancient Siddha -
mary says:
I’ll try to brush up my english everyday and I also want to lose weight and do what it need to be done regardless of what others should do or not
Katherine says:
I will practice drawing every day.
Yahya Abdulwahab says:
I will study hard to learn English.
I will leave or change some bad habit and improve my skills .
Thank you for your responding . -
elga says:
I would try to go to gym everyday to keep my self healthy
i’d read a lot of English article to improve my skill
sepideh majd says:
i will find my love
i will go far away from here
ahmed says:
In 2013, I’ll stop smoking and improve my English to sreak better. I’ll try to find someone to speak and chat to eatch other in Eng.
karyn says:
In 2013, my resolution will be-to cultivate good habits and be a better person. Polish my vocabluary and be eloquent with my speech. cheers:-)
Aditya kumar says:
I will study English every day
I will learn 10 new words every day -
Melissa says:
I will try to be patient and less nervous to the people around me.
omid mazda says:
I will continue to learning English and improve it very well.and i thank you for all kindness.
jitendra tripathi says:
i will learn 20 new words every day.
Jabir says:
I will prepare studying English master program.
I will be more peaceful.
I need help to choose subject for my master program. So I want to choose the difference between English literatures and French literatures, or the Grammatical different?? I need help from those they’re studying English and French language before.
I will work this year as a volunteer to help people, everything that I have known before in each human right sector.
I am able to teach human right.
I am looking for supervisor from any International university to cooperate with the university that I study in . -
Hamidreza says:
I will try to translate a book about scuba diving
Lily says:
I will read all the book I’ve been meaning to read
I will reach my goal weight by being more active
As a tour guide I will try to convince the travel agencies to hire me :-)
and finally I wish there will be more tourist this year -
Nigussie says:
I will read at least 30 minutes everyday.
I will study my MA this year. -
Dana says:
I will do my best to find the sense of my life.
Shalva says:
I will study English every day
Elza says:
I’ll teach English my six years daughter.
sana says:
i will study English every day
i will improve my skills
i will lose weight
i will get marriage
i hope all wishes coming true -
Malitha says:
I will quiet smoke this year.
I will make money moor.
I will work out everyday. Drink lot of water keep in good health. -
Lilian says:
I will pursue post graduate studies
I will buy a car -
Sinan Ender says:
I will loose weight.
I will marry. -
Andy says:
learning english everyday for higher grade! working as plan
Julia says:
I will continue to fight with my disease
I will try to marry
Of course I will continue the endless process of studing English! -
masoud says:
English language is necessary for me to join international society.I try my best learning from Englishclub site.
fahri says:
I will continue to learn English.
Mohamed Darwish says:
I will find a new job with higher salary
I will omprove my english in writing and speaking -
mortaza says:
I will go to a trip
I will make a plan for learn english -
abbas jammaa says:
i will study english every day
Baran says:
I’ll lose wight with more sport. I’ll study English so much better. I’ll take more and more and very good photos. I’ll want eat more fruits and vegetable. I’m going to success…
roin says:
I will learn English high grade. I will not stop smoking. hahaha, Wish a happy Year and full of Enjoy to all.
Jignesh says:
I will lose weight.
I will try to find good life partner.
I will learn driving.
i will join jim -
Sahondra says:
I’ll try to learn new english words every day
I will be more careful about my own health
I will spend less to save more money because I would like to built something for my children -
Bashir Memon says:
I will improve my English.
Angie says:
I will lose weight.
I will save my money.
I will keep exercise 3 times a week at least. -
Mohamed Yasin says:
I will lose weight
I will meet nice peaple
I will bealive in my self -
Siang Khen says:
I will read English book more and try to learn hard and share what the people need.
Arman says:
I will learn more and more english from englishclub site and love more and more this site.
Arman -
Yaw Agyare says:
I will seek to work more from within than working from without.
I will improve my English speaking and hope with the help of English Club, I can do that.
zoreh says:
I will study English every day
Assel says:
Hello everyone!
my new 2013 year resolutions are:I will improve my english and pass TOEFL test
I will go to driver course and get a driver licence
I will keep going to the gym and keep fit.
i will attend some personal development trainings.
i will save my money.
i will not be lazy. -
lalo says:
Well they are a lot of things to do but i think the most importants are this
I will lose weight
I will study and improve my english
I will be a beter person than the last year in all senses -
Sarah says:
I want to memorize some English poems ;)
Camellia says:
I’ll keep going to the Fitness club.
I’ll try to watch more ENG movies.
I’ll go to French Language class.
I’ll try to help my mother more than in the past.
I’ll study more about fitness, healthy foods and vegetables.
I’ll try to concentrate more on my work.
I’ll do my best to save money.
I’ll try to be more patient and let time heals and solves sorrows.
I’ll do my best to be more happy and try to leave in a moment, not thinking about past and not thinking about future,,,, -
sima says:
1-like every student in the world i will try to improve my English.
2-to write my story as soon as possible.(oh God this is very important for me)
3-to lose weight more than past .
4-to find international friends .(this is sweet ) -
Long Nguyen says:
I will find a good job
I will put on weight, practice everyday
I will improve my E language
and attempt looking for a girlfriend -
vishal kumar says:
(1)I will learn good English this year.
(2)make more money.
(3)lose extra weight. -
Johan says:
I think, I must make consequency
I will more seriously to improve my english, right to read,to write & to speak.
I will hope my career to be improve or open my business this year.
Wish God bless my prayer. Amin -
HOSEINI6801 says:
I will ending my education in AM and complete my english language
Hiwa Sharif says:
I will marry in 2013
I will lose my weight
I will improve my english language
I will improve my job quality
I will work harder -
Dalton says:
(1)Make God the number priority in my life.
(2)Study English in depth.
(3)Loose weight and eat right.
(4)Excercise more often. -
rajaqaiser says:
My new year resoulation is to improve my english skills better than past and also reduce my weight.
Subhash says:
I will study English every day….
Therese says:
To teach abroad – Brazil is on my wish list:)
Bubbles says:
i will marry in 2013
i wish everything will be fine and everyone be healthy -
tiger121 says:
hi dear,
In this year i’ll try to study english more than the past.
I’ll loss weight.
I’ll improve my language and learn more. -
teresa says:
i will avoid negative thinking…
Nair R P says:
Each day I will read some spiritual literature, by eminent masters.
Sreesaila says:
I will learn English everyday and speak it very well.
I will think positively .
I will make a daily routine time table and surely follows that. -
Cristina says:
I will volunteered on my community .
Satya says:
I am going to take better care of my health this year and will also try my best to be financially independent.
jaydeep says:
I will try to make more friends so that i can improve my language and may help to achieve more in life
Helmi says:
I’ll help my students speak English better.
jean paul says:
i will learn English every day
i will learn 10 words English per day -
Mehdi Khani says:
I will try to learn English everyday.
ali says:
i will make things better for better life
Shakerullah says:
I will learn English grammar better than past year.
benson says:
I will learn English everyday
Satish Bisht says:
I will learn 15 words english per day.
Shakerullah says:
I will learn English grammar better than post year.
I will have finished my MBA by the time I get my regular Master in Agriculture.
I will study hard to achieve my settled goals of 2013.
I will lose wight.
I will keep in touch with my friends. -
Minh Nguyệt says:
I will make a small business beside my main job
I will slove a half of my debt
Improve my English (at understand and Speak)
Travel to the North of Vietnam -
EyaLova says:
I will get marry this year
I will learn English harder because I want to build my on school for children :D -
Grace says:
Get excellent marks in exam.
Earn more money.
Improve my skin quality. -
Rangina says:
I will join doctor residency program in one of the hospital.
Nadhiya says:
I ll be calm here after when ever i get angry and i wants to be a good and loveable person to my belongings!
Héctor J. García says:
I have to lose some weight and… stop being so lazy! Seriously, I have to improve my English as soon as possible!
Also I would like to start learning some French… -
Toirxon says:
I will continue my lessons “Computer-Based English” with changed programme.
I will change the site of my school and try doing it the best site in our country.
I will travel to the mountains on a bike in the summer. -
Svetlana says:
I will pass the Cambridge First Certificate exam.
ayaz says:
I will learn english 20 words a day
abusalma says:
i will make things better for better life.
oxana says:
As for me, I didn`t make any resolutions.I want to achieve some aims, want my relatives to be healthy.But these are, may be, wishes-not resolutions.
kathom says:
I will learn English better than before.
Thera says:
Hello English Club
In this new year I promise with my self i must improve my English through English Club every day.So every one should join together because English very important and i love English. -
Faridah says:
I don’t have resolutions. I only have visions.. one of the visions is to make our world a better place to live… :-) let’s do it together….
Diamond says:
I will make my life better than last year
I will learn any thing much more than last year
I will love myself than last year -
Thazin says:
I will study English every day
Hossam says:
This year, I’ll gain some muscles, increase my stamina, I’ll join a conversation course that will improve my language a little… plus taking some courses in my field “accounting” to be more qualified for any job.
elizabeth says:
This year I will loose weight, come to office on time, and i will join an English conversation club around here, traveling abroad, and exercise regularly. Hope I can do all of it.
Taimor Zafari says:
I will study Enlish every day
luisa says:
I will try to study English every day
jean catandijan says:
I hope that I will lose weight before my husband arrives on May. I know he loves me with the way I am, but I want him to love me more if my physique is better or sexier than I used to be.
I will be more productive this year with regards to my profession as a high school teacher.
Abdul Hafeez says:
Being a senior learner, I simply wish to have own website of English language en literature so as to facilitate its new learners just like u, dear sir.
kyaw moe says:
I will study English every day.
Ratih says:
I will study English more to be able to teach others.
somsuck says:
I will lose weight because my weight quite high
I will learn English in ten minutes a day
Andrew says:
My first resolution is to be sensitive and second: making great bienes(negocios). Happy new year! :)
I will improving my English
I will make more money
I will travel to abord
Exercise regularly and lose weight -
wz.chen says:
I would like to have a girlfriend.
the resolutions of new year says:
make me happy and others too!
Siti says:
I will be getting married again :)
Anh Dao says:
I am going to be less trict to my students
dalip kumar says:
Of course last year I learned lot of English through your English club.com and I will keep it continue this year and also help the needy person .
Dalip -
Stone says:
TrangNhan says:
I will start to spend an hour practicing English every day to get IELTS 7.0
amasui says:
learn esl and keep smile in a day
mark says:
I will study English everyday!
Nildes says:
This year I want to live each day like it was last day in my life!!!
Prabhat Paudel says:
Hi there,
I’ll start to do Yoga to be fit and fine.
Prabhat -
Fausto says:
I will start to the gym
Claire says:
Now I’m 58 years old, I’ll try during all the year to behave as a very good girl! Ja, ja, ja!!!!
Mudiah says:
I will learn more English this year Inshallah.
Joyce says:
I am gonna live a healthier lifestyle .
Lose weight
Exercise regularly
Learn to cook
Focus on studying English
Finish homework on time -
silver moonshine says:
i`ll find a perfect boyfriend
I`ll learn to cook well
I`ll learn Italian -
Nelson says:
I’ll improve my English skills;
I’ll read more books (written in English);
I’ll enjoy every minute with my kids and wife;
I’ll practice more sports. -
Ida Bagus Gede Sutarja says:
I will change my method of teaching.
I will come to class on time.
I will be more friendly to my students
I will make more money -
Erika says:
I will take care of myself better in order to help other people.
I will eat more healthy food
I will try to fulfill my dreams
I will keep up improving my English! -
Peter Gonzalez says:
I will not make any resolution! -
kaku says:
I will learn English do excises every day and
Rafa08 says:
God will be my priority this year
I will improve my English and teaching skills
I will be a better person -
Grantyoon says:
I will be one of the best known English Teacher in my town.
I will make more than 4 foreign friends living outside my country. -
Patricia Coelho says:
I will learn more and more as I want to be rich :)
Arshia says:
I will sleep 20 hours a day. ;)
Marco1004 says:
I will try to learn more english and speak fluently
I will make friends that learn english in other countries.
I will try to be more quiet
I will learn more about my career and relationships. -
Charan Jit says:
I will become loser since I will lose weight.
I will be winner as I will improve my English as well -
Sarita says:
I will pass my English test to level C1, required to continue in my university. I’ll stop eating so much because I want to lose weight. I’ll travel to US to visit my daughter in June. I’ll work more on academic and social projects. I will take more care of my health and love my family more!!
watan182 says:
I will learn new vocabularvieies, watch lots of educational videos and improve my accent by talking with foreign people.
And am going to change my work! -
dawid says:
First of all I will study English harder
Make more money -
ahmed shogar says:
I will study English very hard every day and the most important thing i will Correct my mistakes
Nicole says:
I will try to find myself, fight for myself, and then realise myself!!It’s a resolution not just for this years, but for all my life.I want to became the person i want to be!
So simple! :) -
Ali says:
Hi dear Josef.I wrote to you to talk to you face to face.But you didn,t read my mail at all to answer it!This the fault of senseless automated machine!!!?Thank you very much for efforts and letting people have access to knowledge.Though I know that you are very busy,but well done+so long+long live and live long.
Smaila says:
I will slow down with everything I’m doing
I will take things easy and avoid stress
I will be more friendly with my family and friends -
ahmed says:
I will study english very well
Alizée says:
I´ll try not to worry for anything
rusiko says:
English Club, at first let me wish you Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. My New Year’s Resolution is to learn much more than previous year.
atefeh says:
i’ii start to speak english with confidence
Yassine.pro says:
I will study English more than ever.
geo ghada says:
I will lose weight, study more th English languague until be perfect, i will forget everthing bad in my life I want to start with smile, I will be good.
ibrahim says:
i’ll make more efforts to be righteous Muslim.
ibrahim says:
i’ll keep making efforts to become a real man.
Rozita says:
I’ll learn English more than befor because I love it.
Zahari says:
I will study English more than every day.
Alex says:
I will learn english and norwegian but not every day ;)
Tangka Norbertha says:
I will read English more to improve my vocabulary and grammar.
Andrey says:
I’ll learn english harder!
Pablo says:
I will study english every day, I would like to reach fluency by the end of the year.
Happy new year!!!
Hazim says:
I will lose weight, and improve my english language.
Nice says:
I´ll be more patient!
I´ll listen more! -
Julia says:
I resolve to have more fun, to love more deeply, to be kinder to those I love, to be more focused on what is important in this life and the next.
Istvan says:
I have to learn more English language so much! I would like intensively improve my English speech. I have so trouble in connection with understanding. True God please help me!
Henrique Rodrigues says:
I’ll buy my own house and leave my mother in law talking to the wall :)
Mr Enormous says:
I will give more beavers to the sanctuary.
Juha says:
I will go to jogging more than last year.
vaithy says:
I will stop smoking
I will read English books
I will loose some weight
I will read something everyday -
Frances says:
My New Year’s Resolution is to learn something new every week, whether it is career related, life related or general knowledge related. One can never stop learning as long as one is alive.
Alicia says:
I would like to achieve balance in my life, open my heart to love again and hopefully become more patience :)
Happy 2013 from beautiful Playa del Carmen -
Yassine says:
I’ll study english every day
Kati says:
I would like to keep this resolution. I want to be forgiving with those people who offend or hurt me.
It’s more frequent that people add insult to injury and this upsets me for a while. This isn’t a religious resolution as I am not religious. -
Chau Heywood says:
I will speak English in my daily life.
LAMINE says:
I will teach better
I will take care of my business -
Liliana says:
I will speak english perfect
I will learn 10 new words every day -
Piroska says:
I make a promise: I never give up my membership
at English Club because you are the best of all
Happy New Year to you ! -
RAMIRO says:
•I will lose weight
•I will study English every day -
Anilkumar says:
I will study more english everyday
fari says:
I will look at life with reality.
akram says:
I will work hard and be Punctual on things by the walling of God
Salah LGebali says:
I will study English every day
I will teach my children better English
Jose Luis says:
I want to consolidate my knowledge in English and I will do
Luciana says:
I will be more organized
I won’t be lazy
I will read a book per month
I will save money
I will study more -
ryszard krezel says:
I no smoking but:
I will lose weight ….. is great think I have +25 kg
and more,more …….. more learning English -
Olga says:
I will study German every day.
I will write my Master Thesis three days a week.
I will do my morning exercises every day.
I will go to the fitness club twice a week. -
Grigori says:
I will move to Canada
HUSSAM says:
I will be more friendly with my family, students and people around me.
I will exercise every day.
I will not gossip.
I will read and publish more research papers.
I will try to forgive. -
Carmen Aguilera says:
I will travel to Great Britain
Pranvera says:
i will lose weight
i will wor more e gain more money
i will be a better mother than before -
Ali says:
First of all, I plan to do exercise more than last year.
I want to read the books about religion.
I Like to learn English better than before.
and so on. -
Anita says:
Before I speak I will ask myself : what I say is necessary, is kind, is inspiring?
if the answer is no I´ll shut up. -
Hatem Aboud says:
I will keep my smile
I will make new relations with new pepole
I will study more at my career human resources
I will tray to learn emglish more than before
I will keep the happy life in my family -
ummi says:
I want to raise my weight. I’ll finish my study very soon and get a job. I want to join youth Exchange to Australia and improve my English there, get experience, new friends, and new family.. I will pay more attention to my family, take care my mom and dad,,, and I’ll give my boyfriend much care…
María says:
I will start my treadmill training.
I will talk positively.
I will always smile.
I will take things easy.
I will get a better person. -
Migda Elizabeth says:
I wish the best for all the group. I have a lot of projects and I want to get at least one done.
lazhar says:
you too;happy new year
I’ll do my best to be satisfied about my english and meet native speakers -
Gabriel Rizzato says:
I will try to spend more time with my family
I will meet with my friends
I will do more sports to lose weight
I will try to be happy every day of my life -
crina says:
I will start writing.
I will regularly go to church. -
Penka Stoichkova says:
I will study English every day
Lady Dziriya says:
I will do more sports to keep fit
I will try to lose some weight
I will eat healthier food than before
I will get more and more fluency in speaking English like natives
I will make more people around me happier -
Rao says:
I’ll enjoy everyday even something depress me a lot.And,I want to reduce my weight.
Olga Ivanova says:
I will try to be happy and make other people happy
Scarlett says:
1. For Learning English : do more reading, listening, speaking and writing.
2. For lives :
– Change my attitude for something bad in the past.
– Caring more for my beloved ones.
– Doing something very new that I’ve never tried before. -
m-ismail says:
I will work harder than any time to learn english
carole says:
I will try to spend more time with my children and be less absent-minded , especially at work!! I know I will have to make efforts to be more organised.
Anush says:
I will be more attentive to my actions.
I will recognize people who are so honest.
Iwill continue to read English books.
I will apriciate my friends and will be happy ………. -
nazanin says:
I will be more kinder
sasi says:
1-I will go to the university in master education
2-I will employee as teacher
3-And absolutely i will learn English hardly
regi abreu says:
I’ll resolve to be richer! Thanks for your help, Joe!
hipodnano says:
I will make more money,
I will lose weight,
I will learn English better than before: I’ll improve my English speech..and than I’ll find a better job ;-) -
hm says:
•I will study English every day
Moisés says:
I would like to learn to say “no” to certain things. I’m gonna try to be more punctual and also focus on when I am working.
hossam says:
I will lose weight
I will learn English better than before -
Haydée Porras says:
As I got my pension last year, I had the idea of working less, but I got involved into so many things that I´ve worked harder than ever!
So, my only resolution is to work less and enjoy life more! -
alinanick says:
I`ll read original english books evry day and want to improve my English to find a good job.
hana says:
i will organise my life;
i will read english books;
i will read news papers every day -
Anna says:
I’ll lose weight and i will do my best for it.
I’ll try to be more positive and i’ll try to smile often.
I’ll improve my English. -
Kamran says:
My new year’s resolution would be having more vegetables and cut down on fast food.
Sema Farhoud says:
I’ll find a better job , I’ll study hard , I’ll make myself proud IsA
Aija says:
To learn a new language
مريم says:
I am going to get 7 in IELTS exam.
I am going to upload my first game to BB markets.
I will start my PhD program by the end of 2013 inshaaAllah.
I want to be semi-native in English conversation :)
I need to lose weight.
I hope to solve homeless children problem in my country.
I wish all the success for Arab Spring revolutions.
I hope all human become happy and live with love…. -
Weller Gouvea says:
I want definitely stop smoking, practice more sports and
Save money ;-)) good luck to you all!! -
Guillermo says:
I want to learn English and speak it very well.
I want to learn to play guitar.
I want to study a MBA or in education -
Juma Al-Harrasi says:
I will invite more people to Islam to win Allah’s mercy!
Vazir says:
I love English language very much! I would like intensively improve my English speech. Let’s do it! True God please help me!
Dja says:
I’ll learn English speaking, listening and writing …
and find friends who want to do this with me … -
Freiman Navarrete says:
I will read more english books and I will study more english
babak says:
I want to get more money and will have alot foreign travels.
Rosario Segundo says:
i will lose weigh
i will study english every day
i will read more -
Akbar says:
I will learn English TOEFL TEST.
Ayad says:
I have a great focus on English, I do my best to speak with fluency but I need to know more vocabularies and the most important thing is to use these vocabularies during the conversation.
Isabel says:
I’ll improve my English speech
Anau says:
I will more seriusly on my studying and do the best for my Thesis!
Abed Mohammadi says:
I will try to get 7 score in IELTS Exams.
mohd aslam says:
I will lose weight. I will give my best.
Edita Dolezalova says:
I will be more patient.
Katia Mileva says:
I will read more books in English.
Susana Carolina says:
I will try to live a little more quiet.
Evaldo Lemos says:
I will study English more.
Sara Beatriz says:
I will study English every day especially conversation with native speakers.
Sultan Ahmed says:
I will study English every day
I will learn 10 new words every day -
mohammad says:
I will stop smoking
k Rakshith chauhan says:
I would like to become a english facilitator
Aline says:
I will loose weigt and learn everyday new word in english
hector says:
To learn english every day .and to make new friends !!!!
jorge says:
I will gain some weight and off course study English every day
Zdenek Taborsky says:
I have no New Year’s resolutions. I am quite satisfied with myself. ;-)
Ghassem says:
I will lose weight.
I will learn English better than the past.