Arguing with a Woman
Posted by: Josef EssbergerArguing with a woman is like trying to fold the airmail edition of The Times in a high wind.
—Lord Mancroft
The Times is a newspaper. It used to be large format (ie, it had very large pages). The airmail edition was printed on very thin, light-weight paper.
Posted by Josef Essberger April 2009
Contributor: Josef Essberger, founder of EnglishClub. Originally from London, England, Josef is the author of several books for learners of English including English Prepositions List and Learn English in 7.
Aabda Mohammed Ishag Suliman says:
I’m appreciate
pierre corso says:
He had probably believed that it would be as same as arguing with a man ; it’s easier with ” The Sun ” lol
bashir says:
Hello every body, i hope you all have a cool evening, which is free from argument, discords, and unrest, its always important to understand each other, rather than arguing, by making your lives miserable, finally i would suggest ‘never argue with —–, because people can’t see the difference’.
see ya! -
Linda k hollywood says:
Hello everyone
Is very good Quotations Arguing with a woman.
By (Lord Mancroft)She thinks you are complete idiot and wonder
why she is wasting her time standing here and
arguing with you about nothing.Good luck
Linda k (Hollywood)