Good Book
Posted by: Josef EssbergerTell us about a book you are reading (or have read). What is its title? Who wrote it? What is it about? Why do you like it?
Posted by Josef Essberger January 2008
Contributor: Josef Essberger, founder of EnglishClub. Originally from London, England, Josef is the author of several books for learners of English including English Prepositions List and Learn English in 7.
Ava says:
I would suggest all of you to read ‘The Endless Night’ by Agatha Christie. I haven’t read a more nicely woven story.
Ivana says:
I have an Indonesian book, I’ve read it repeatedly. The title of the book was “The Japanese guy and Me” by Camarillo Maxwell or Maxwell Camarillo, whatever……. I dont know. It told about Maya, an Indonesian girl has broken up with her boyfriend. In the another time, Kyoo, is a Japanese boy is going to chat online. He find the Maya’s email. It’s so unique email. So, he send a message, he wrote “Hi… I’m Japanese guy. What about you?”. At the same time, Maya is going to chat online. After she opened her account, she received an email from Kyoo. Then, they are chatting so seriously.
Bla…bla….bla…. (I forgot)
Suddenly, Kyoo has come to Indonesia. And they were met while (It’s secret).
Then…. finished…. Yessss…. ^_^ too long story ^^
It was very interesting, nice, good, great novel I have. The novel is about romantic story *.* <3
I hope you read this too. ^^ -
pierre corso says:
hello ,
“the old man who read love stories” is very interesting and charming . It’s the first novel of a chilean writer ,Luis Sepulveda . -
aijaz hussain says:
I read a novel “tell me your dreams” by Sidney Sheldon few days ago. It was the one of the most tragedic I have read. It was wriiten about a psychological disease “multiple personality disorder” and a series of murders commited by the diseased person. The most tragedic aspect of novel when I came to know was a incest between father and daughter. It was very shocking for me.
hannia says:
I remembered a great book that I read in the secondary it name ” loneliness one hundred” by colombian writter grile Garcia Marquez talking about the live and men in the old country and He putting in different time in the history and describe severeral persons and use a carefully description each of them characterized inside and outside , the book to stay interesting along the history and the end you could understand the emotional hÂżbehavior of the maryority of person in the novel.
Reza Ghatok says:
Now I am reading Eleven Minutes, a novel by Paulo Coelho. It is an interesting novel where Maria, a girl of Rio De Jenerio would like to earn more money and she went to Switzerland through women smagler and she has had a bad experience. She lost her verginity and bound to be a regular prostitute. She never cameback Brazil due to lack of money. Her income is very low so that she could not manage an air ticket.
Paulo Coelho is one of my favoutrite writer now. My wife Maya likes him very much. And she suggest me to read his writings and I feel interest to read gim more. -
lona says:
Look at the topic and what first came up to my mind is the “wuthering heights”, written by Emily Bronte. I cant figure out the reason that make me suggest this book, but It has been deeply impressive to me. Such a great story of love and revenge that Ive ever seen. When the orphan boy had to suffer the poor situation and bad behaviour from people in that social, I can feel the top of his sorrow is that he cant even have the one he love. She died cuz of his own revenge :| Besides, his loneliness til the end of that life is an obsession that will be not easy to forget. However, the meaningful picture in the end is that this couple is buried together. At least I could consider this as a good ending… Thats why I read Wuthering heights ;;;
sadaf says:
just few days ago i read a book in english (David Copperfield)author is charles dickens.the book says about a boy whose dad was die before he born.the things went in wrong way when his mother married other man then he faces lots of problems until he went to live with his anut.
i like this book because it is a story about a little boy who faces lots of teach us to never give up try and make a better life . -
KoHe says:
I definetly recommend that “Kafka On The Shore” by Haruki Murakami who is a Japanese famous auther if you start to do something new to you. I think that it is traslated by many languages.
This book consists of two stories. Those stories are a totally different approach to the end. One of them is that 15 year -old boy make his mind to run away from his home and go through both practical and very bizzarre experiences.
The other is that elderly person is main charactor. He can’t write, but has a special skill, becouse he had a rare experience.
There are many good charactors in this book as well. The writer put lots of matters in the book. if you are about to do something new to you or get lost in so many books, juset take it.
abhinav says:
hi everyone !
currently i am reading one of the best thrillers of all time ‘DECEPTION POINT’. Its a fascinating and exhilarating study with unexpected twists and turns.I find myself in the labyrinth of mysteries.Dan brown has succeded in captivating the readers through this rocket fast thriller.
A must read for all adventure and thrill lovers.Get ready to pump up your adrenaline and ride in this roller coaster called “Deception Point”! -
michal says:
I like reading interesting books about history and wars which can show us really face of this events..Recently I read two books from British writer Frederick Forsyth, the book´s title is “The Fis of God” and other book from the same author is “The Afghan”. Both books are the same hero “Mike Martin”. The first book is from operation from Iraq from 1991 and the second book is from Afghanistan. But the second book has very bad conclusion :-( I can recommend both books.
I am planning to buy those books in original language so I will try to read in english :-) -
Tayde says:
A good book I have recently finished is Eragon, the first book in a fantasy series called the Inheritance Cycle, by Christopher Paolini. It was very liberating to me. I’m currently reading the second book in the series.
Mehmet says:
Recently I bought a book English Novel Book.
The name is Betray, but I cant remember who is writer. Title about vampire you know that it s very common the whole world. Since Tv-series which Angel -
Mehmet says:
Recently I bought a book English Novel Book.
The name is Betray, but I cant remember who written by this book. Title about vampire you know that it s very common the whole world. Since Tv-series which Angel -
sherlo says:
my book is ‘the lost symbol’.the author of book is Dan Brown.I like the book,because it is telling our,about code and secret brotherhood.come on,man.lets go buy this book.
noha says:
What are the best books to learn English
mahdi says:
hi all
i dont read book more than read article in internet of course on the book information is more acceptable than internet.but i like to read on internet not on the book if i read book i read magazine and english magazine iam from iran iranian people cant speak english well if they learn that they can speak very easy and i read english magazine to learn english word -
jyline says:
Actually,Im not pond reading books.but i want to recommend “the secret”Its a book that comes naturally in everyones life,the struggles that we fight,stressful jobs we had,the financial problems and so with things we want in life that we think impossible to achieve.Its the book that can inspire people to live at the moment,cherishing the time we have in our life.An even those unreachable things we thought could be achievable.Its like believing yourself that you can do it,asking for it,believing on it and recieving it.The only thing thats clear to me is that when we want something that you think impossible just ask for it and feel that you recieve it already.Its a Law of attraction thats said if you keep repeating it one day you will recieve it.thats what i did now im asking for something that everytime I woke up i keep asking it and feel it that I have it already!
Im still on the process of recieving it but im hoping one day I just woke up and recieve without doubting i have it already. -
Glenda says:
A Confident Woman By Joyce Meyer
I recently, read this book, and I liked a lot,after reading this book I felt motivate and more confident.I recommend this book, to all the ladies, It’s a great book… -
Lily Kenyi says:
Iam so happy when i was reading the storys of each one of you. they are so interesting. some are making jokes some are talking about traveling all over the wourld that’s really good, some people really enjoy their life, but some didn’t what can you talk about them? one have ever mention about people are safaring from huge or not family or homeles. In my opion is good sometimes to know about them.
apple says:
My first novel is “Regular World”, written by Mr LuYao, one of the most famous authors in China. I read this book in high school and I remember it vividly. Now I know it’s a very complicated story, but in high school, I didn’t know it clearly, the reason why I remember this book so deeply is I, a single boy, was fascinated by those romance, those pure love which I was eager to have. Maybe that’s the explanation why I do remember this book. I think I should read this book again and feel those emotion too.
hero says:
hello every body.
the book which i like most call Chicken written by Keith very interesting for have storys about life and it teach me about way of life good.i very like it and i read it when i made me happy to live and to become perfect people.thank Keith D.harell…………….. -
N T D Hoang, Vietnam says:
Wow! so much comments. I want to share with you one of my good books. It called “I am Gifted, So Are You” by Adam Khoo. It’ll be very helpful for you, especially if you are still a student. This book will tells you how to change lazy to hard-working and give you plenty of study tips. If you have a chance, why don’t you give it a try?
dimas says:
the most wounderful book that I’ve read was to live a big love , from VinĂcius de moraes, this is a potry book , but the essenssial is on the way that he shows the love and tha person tha felt in love. that’s a amazing book.
there are a lot of good poetry books , but it’s very hard to find one that is really interesting without be borring! -
hong t nhan, vietnam says:
One of the books I have ever read and like most is How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie. It is a non-fiction, I do not know what genre it belongs; but it provides the practical advices to improve the interpersonal skills in doing businesses, in getting along with people from all walks of life.
I first read its Vietnamese version, translated by Nguyen hien Le with the title Dac Nhan Tam. This Vietnamese version was translated and improvised by including some exemplifying incidents from Classic Chinese Literature, collected in Co Hoc Tinh Hoa ( the qintessence of Classics), telling the incidents of good behaviors in Ancient China.
Much later on, when my English was mature and I began to search old books in English to read, I came across it in a stores selling old books in downtown Saigon. Not until I’d read the preface did I know that it was just the original book that I had read and liked immensely.
After all, some books are not for just mere entertainment. They can help change or shape your life afterwards! -
julanda says:
hi there
last week ,i read the explaination of the Quran -muslims book- and i was surprised as well as amazed.
because it includes a lot of scientific facts which recently were discovered by scientists .
and to be hones this book has somethings special .
i recommend to read such this book. -
Miri says:
a fiction written by French writer. The Tree, And, Brain.. and so on. i read that when i was a sophomore, which i was 17 years old, and i still remember the content and still it comes to me impressive one i ever have read. if o have chances to read, i will read it as much as i can afford. that’s so required book that everybody should read. especially for kids or teenagers, it promotes their imagination, so it’s highly recommended books. also even for the adults, it will work on them to develop their imagintaions and it will allow them to rest even shortly out of the reality which sometimes make us depressed and annoyed. it’s improper for resting in a life.
Aia says:
Norma Fox Mazer
Amazing Story talking about a girl that has to take care of herself by her own after her mom had a heartattack ! So touchy story !!*** I’m Writing a book about my self (though i’m 14) , I’ll Tell you its name after it’s out ;)
mujey says:
i read the alchemist ten years back and still remembers bits and pieces. its a very interesting book.
maya says:
hello ppl
i have just gone thruogh the book”Alchemist” it put light on the significance of dream and want us to let our heart speak …. the book has a very strong spiritual aspect. -
Amel says:
I like diferent books by there are one which affected me, it is named “Samarcande”, written by Amine Maalouf, I read it in french two years ago, it’s about Omar Al Khayyam’s life, it’s a biography and a romantic novel in the same time, I like it because i’m obsessed by the oriental culture and literature and I suggere everybody to read it.
maddox13 says:
I like “The Odd Body by Dr. Stephen Juan”. This book is basically for the questions that you ought to know. I mean the things that make you feel annoyed,crazy and feeling weird about your body.Like for example why my tears taste salty?, Does a baby dream?,Will I get a wart if I kiss/ touch a frog? so many questions with factful answers and explanations and the book is so amazing.You will gain a lot of information.
sharaf says:
i want to learn english in the internet but i did not find any one learn me
silver says:
I m reading a book named TELL ME UR DREAMS by Sidney Sheldon. its a beautiful story about a girl’s struggle with her own self. I love this book, though I m a ardent fan of Sidney Sheldon. Thank you.
Patricia says:
I’m reading “Into the wild” by Jon Krakauer. It’s a true story about a young man who hitchhiked to Alaska and walked alone into the wilderness north of Mt. Mc Kinley. His name was Christopher Johnson Mc Candless. He abandoned his car and most of his possessions and invented a new life for himself.
It’s really interesting. -
Ann says:
One of the good books I read is “The Present” written by Spencer Johnson. It’s a good book that can inspire people to live at the monent, cherishing the time we have now. Don’t think about before and after is important and also very difficult. We can happily concentrate on the spot only if we are not worry about other things which are irrelevant to this moment. Like what says in the book, “now” is a present for everyone of us. So, just cherish the time you own now!
jhon A 2006 psik unri says:
can you help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have problem,,,i can not get nursing journal in internet,,,
can you give me all information how get or download nursing journal -
Lucas Lopes says:
i have just read “on the road” of Jack Kerouac. I did not like very much because it is a little different. Who’s usually read novels or poems, will see a big difference between Jack Kerouac and other writters.
Dany says:
This your choice, not the fact. If reading would be unecessary, all your activities and lessons you learned would not be there. So reading is not wasting time, this is a way to learn when you can’t do something you want like travelling somewhere or anything else. The education is possible for everybody with books in a civilisation advanced. So you should respect this without obscurcing the comments of people. As I said, this is your choice, not the fact. Salutation with respect.
Nguyen says:
I afaid to read novel. I know the book is very helpful and reading book is an enjoyment but it waste one’s time. If I have spare time, I’ll do something like fishing, chatting with another people, repairing my bycicle, washing my motor… I find that the life is a big book.
Dany Champagne 26 ans says:
I read a great book named The emerald knights. It’s a collection of twelve books. It’s about a story of a long war between the continent of Enkidiev and the Dark Empire. A really good story to read for anyone, any age. There’s even a website of “Chevaliers d’ĂŠmeraudes” in French, but English too. But the most important thing about these books is the principal. There’re generations of knights who take young squires in charge to teach them all they know; combat, war strategy, survey, communication, working, good manners, etc.
The chosen children will become squires at about ten years old and upgrade as knights at eightteen or twenty depending on their evaluation. The sex of the future knight is not important, only his or her will.
Try it. -
issa says:
befor 1 year i read abook it titel
“Eleven Minutes”its astory about girls travil from barizel to sweidin to make mony and then she was bithch there
its very good story and his title come from the sex coz the writer think the operation for sex need eleven minutes
and alll pepole in the world thinking and working and doning any thing to have this minutesso nice book
Nguyen says:
The book I’ve been reading, is title as “The 7 habits of highly effective people”. Author is Stephen R.Covey. I help me understand myself. Why I fail, why I don’t enough time to do some thing… I feel become better. I want to change my life.
anka says:
i like to read books very much too… my favourite writer is konstantine gamsaxurdia… its georgian writer… he wrote books about romance… i keen on to read books… :)
Ali says:
The book I’ve been reading, since a week, is titled as “Religion, Violence, and Political Mobilisation in South Asia”. The book carries a very interesting and important issue prevailing in South Asian countries; e.g. the growth of the sense of Communalism. The book is edited by Ravinder Kaur.
Raquel says:
Hi! My favourite book is Deception Point. I really love this book because the history envolve ourselves and we just want to know how it will finish.. The autor of this book is Dan Brown, a great writter and I like all of his books. I liked to know that his interest about Nasa started when of student of his school was arrested because he said that he wanted to kill Bush. This is ridiculous, but his books are absolutely fabulous.
mesoc says:
Hi Robson,
Many thanks for your advise to read “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus”. i have downloaded it from internet and have read some pages. It is really good and useful. i’m going to translate it into Vietnamese so that my friends can also read it.
For thoses who love to read books, there are some interesting book available at, please go there to search for the books you like. If anyone have good books please go there and share with the others. -
mianh nguyen says:
I like every books. Do you know? I can read a thick book just in a night. The best book I like it is Twilght, New Moon, Elipse and Princess Diary. Read book very interesting with me. I hope every body love book like me. :D
BOTHAM says:
I lie this page very much I like to continue how can I start please tell me. perstionally I thout this kind of disscussion very useful our life even very encoagment aswell . espiceally we can find good books to read.really I am very luckey Today I read this and I found this web thank you very much for every body.
Nastea says:
My favourite book,that i red is called”Between life and death.I have forgotten the author of this book,but i acn recooman everybody to read this,is very impressive and interesting story.Is about a man who killed 2 man’s in his life.The first man,he killed 10 years ago,but he believe that he was right,because rescue the society.That man also killled another man,and his death was one condign.During the long time,policy couldn’t find who was the assasin.At finally,the finally was happy,nobody known and will not be able to know who was killed two mans
h.j says:
my favourite book is the secret. I red it 2 years ago.that time i had several problem in my life,and i was so depress. when i red it, i cant belived that i can change my future. the secret is about law of attraction.i start use from this law. it reply to me.this book can change your life.i suggest study this book to all of earth people. the author is Rhonda Byrne.
Cristine says:
It’s sad to say that I only read book when I visit in national bookstore because but not completed details, I only passage to read the book that I like. I cannot afford to buy books. How I wish that I have books to read everyday, the only way to study English is through and I gonna rent 1 hour or 2 hours but not always.
this site I always told my friends that the very good site to study english. -
Esha says:
The book I read last is ”Padma Nadir Maghi’ (The fisherman of Padma River). It is a story of fishermen who live near the Padma river and struggle to survive. After reading the book I thought may be they are the poorest people who are surviving in the world. It is heart touching for everyone.
syasakclamp says:
Hi, I Don’t like book very much. but I very like read “Harry Potter and the half blood prince.”
lisa says:
I would like to introduce you to ” The Alchemist” written by Coelho Paulo. It is a novel and has a simple plot about Santiago’s journey in order to search for his treasure. However, the novel gives me many lessons about the meaning of pursuing our dream, the language of the Universal, and the definition of love. the novel inspires me to pursue my dream even sometime i think it is impossible. the novel is translated in many languages and it becomes famous in the world.
Luis says:
I was read some book, by example “Batallas en el desierto” it short history, but good, other “Azteca” and “Raices”
Farooqui says:
Since long I did not read a book so it is very difficult to write about a book. But I believe many people give their comments about different books without reading it fully. So it is not a big deal to comment on any book if you are clever. But you have to follow certain rules and principles.
So I will not wirte any thing about the books.
ID says:
I read book called “sold” i don’t remember the writer but the book is good because the story is true. Basically it about two sister who lived in the UK and the follow the culture of this country so their dad did not like the idea so he told them that they will be going to holiday to their land and when they did he sold them into marriage which they face lot of problem such as beating,not allowing them to go anywhere, use them as a serven.
htram says:
I spoke the book named “Don’t broken”. I don’t remember who read it.It talk about how should we think when we face to difficuties. Thank to it, I see that my life isn’t bad,which I used to thinhk.
Arun says:
I just finished reading the book named ” The Present” written by Spencer Johnson. This is the second time I read the book after year’s. It talks about How to Balance one’s work life ? It talks about How to make use of past?, How to use your future? & what to do in The Present?
Wonderfull book which brings lot of solace to the one who is disturbed in their work life.
Thank U. -
Genx says:
I genx from indonesia, … I read a novel titled “Laskar Pelangi” in writing by Andrea Hirata, a novel … very touching because it contains about the journey of life Andrea Hirata little time in a very poor condition and can become very popular because of his dedication set for life
orky says:
my firts book was “mujeres de ojos grandes” this book is very interesting because it talks about all types of woman and you can identify with one of them
laura says:
the last book I have read was: A FINE BALANCE
by Bombay´s writer Rohinton Mistry
for me is a masterpiece, -
rozie says:
3 months ago, Iâm travelled to Labuan. I fell bored in my plane. So, I took a book. The title is âGOING PLACEâ. It was written by Malaysia Airlines (MAS). The topic I choose from that âWelcome to Malaysiaâ. the book explains about Malaysia official language, official religion, climate and time.
I like read the topic because from that, open my eyes to all the cultures of Asia â Malay, Chinese, Indian and those of other ethnic groups â and see different custom, traditions and art forms that have been around for centuries like the silat â an ancient form of Malay martial art.
There are also many festivals to take part in â Eid-ul-Fitr, Chinese New Year, Christmas Day, Happy Deepavali.
If you want a colorful, cultural experience, the time is now the place is Malaysia. -
qurrotul ayuni says:
I’ve read this book, about 2 years ago.but until now, I stiil remember.because this book so touch my heart. the tittle is “ayat-ayat cinta” by habiburahman el-shirozi (indonesian writer). this book tell about man who have two wifes, and he must have fare feel to his wifes. actually the story is so interesting, but i can’t tell of you all. I don’t have skill to tell. sorry…
soltan says:
I am reading an interesting book of Japanese writer, Raico Oshyda. It talks about self control in general. She usually prove her thouthts by things happened to here during her past life.
vandana says:
I m reading Funny side up by Ruskin Bond. Its very interesting. Bond even comment on his name which could become Bonda in coming time as the name is changing of cities so rapidly in india. He talks about the crush of a little girl monkey for him. the humour he creates is by self deprecating.
oanh says:
now i am reading a book, its name is Harry potter, it is a very good tell about a intelligent you like it?
Paula says:
The book I’ve been reading is called “Brilliant sons, Fascinant classmates” by Augusto Cury . It’s a brilliant history about a teacher who works at a school where all classmates are very violent,poor, but, him, with all his experience and knowledge, tries to change the future os these classmates… that’s a very very very beautiful history… -
juan says:
Hi, readers:
Tle last book I have read was: “Buda” by Deepak Chopra, about a man who was a great simbol and the profet of the one more importand religion of the world. I like to read this kind of litterature because I have been a great interesting to understand this topic all may life, and I wonder why human beengs need a religion to understand themself.
Mondet says:
I read actually a book writted by Douglas Mc Gregor. The title is ” la fonction du manager”.
It’s to explain the best management to succed in the fonction of leader.
I am very interest in this book because I will have a leader job. -
ormila says:
Hi everybody!
The lattest book what I read,was “A Thousand splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini about the lifestory of 2 Women from Afghanistan,a Story of Afghanistan´s last thirty years. His first book was “The Kite Runner” New York Times Besteseller.
mayra says:
I have just finished to read ‘The innocent man’ by John Grisham. I have read it very fast (even though it is quite long ) because I found it very interesting. It’s a true story -happened in the 80’s- about three men that were judged for a crime they didn’t commit. One of the men was an ex baseball player who suffered from bipolar desorder.The author narrates all the trials during fifteen years. The terrible thing is the wrong way in which justice treated their case.
maria says:
i was reading a bok and this was very interssing bok and it was about one girl she is on secondary school and she use the hijab and it very dificault for her because she is very nervose to use the hijab and she think about peopel how they wil react on she.and she think of be ganged up on in class……
lacio says:
i think every body once read some books called engima feeling of the thouhgs in the dusky night hanged on the space with stars and calamity of the don and mastrious lass wit the dude in the land scape of great flat platfrom waiting the gash of the jeapordizing where the sun sits on the harbour on the spasific oceans . some say the darker the deeper the juice then the sweeter in far beyond in human mind the rovoultions of man kind in the techonolgy and growing ternds of the sky srapper gravities the spider man who should be the ficitional hero never deceases .
fahad says:
Good book
What is its title?
The title is Giant steps.
Who wrote it?
Anthony Robbins.
What is it about?
dreams of destiny. -
laziona says:
my book is animal farm i find in such abook that mention agraet conflict between two ideas . this lmast ” ideas ” made the word get up side down and how an philosiphicer conflict drive a world to war . here my question what is the use of could tow cultures ” ideas” live all together or there must be a winner
Soretta Y Davies says:
Hello Readers and Friends,
I really enjoy reading books and poems made by me,they are to the point,they have moral lessons that the readers understand,it is very good for both young and old to learn, it has key points that you learn from,it is basically on the World and your Life,the facts about friendship, love, happiness, the fight about HIV and Aids that is affecting people, the spreading and prevention of it,e.t.c -
Chiaki_angel19 says:
Well, i am reading a book named “The Secret” now,I just bought it yesterday evening. The reason why I hv choosen this interesting book is because I have been wondering why this book is very popular in USA and it’s the best seller book!!
I told my self I need to find the answer by reading it…..
You know what, at the beginning I have read it…..I can say
” it’s miracle”……So let’s find what the secret the writer’s pround to present us! -
jn says:
good evening
i read several paper about politcal parties in iran.all have a servay of political parties in iran from 100 years ago till now
and they told that why political parties couldn,t stonged iniran.
they said that governmet haven,t allow to parties for grow -
lesly_black says:
i really enjoy reading book especially the books about teaching how to succeed and how to live.and im currently reading the famous book” the alchemist” which i love so much. it seems give me a strength to get through the problem in life. it is also give me the encouragement for me to achieve my dream which i would never think that i should follow it cause it is too far and big for me. but after reading this book i tell myself that” if i think i can do , so i can”… i really like the character santiago, the alchemist who are wise person…. i also really learn and achiave a lot of another wonderful lession in real life from some of the wise quotation: ” dont think about what you left behind”, “the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself”, ” the secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world , and never forget the drops of oil on the spoon.”.
shahla mansurzade says:
dear Mr Essberger
Psychology For Language Teachers is the book ive studied recently .It is a very useful book for all language teachers because having an understanding of what is involved in the process of learning has a fundumental importance to inform andunderpin our teaching of L.
this book is written by:Marion Williams&Robert L.Burden -
Lily says:
Hi! I’m just reading a book from SinĂŠad Moriarty with the title: A perfect match. She is a young Irish author who has written only a couple of books yet.
In her first novel (The baby trial) she described the successless trial of Emma and her husband to have a baby, and how this struggle for a baby changed her/their normal life.
The follow-up novel treats of the complicated adoption-process of a small Russian boy. I’m still at the beginning of the book, but I know, it will have a happy end.
Both books are touching and hilarious at the same time. Most of all I would recommend them to women who have difficulties in conceiving. -
rasool says:
I am reading The Old Man And The Sea by Ernest Hemingway,
it is about an old man who is going to the sea to catch a fish,
it is about the life reality and the problem which we will be faced with them in our life and one of the best way to take the problems over that is working hard and not to be yeilded. -
lacio says:
iam reading book called substrate fermentation, it is very exciting in reading because it says that we can ferment animals bones which are too freesh and easy to be smashed into poweder . the way of making this local odour fermentation takes three days on the vat far from the reach of the kids .
the way of forming this stew in the west of SUDAN in Darfur region . it is locally is called DODRY . IS MADE FROM THE BONES OF THE ANIMALS SUCH , cheeps , lambs . beef , bones marrow . the system of making , the bones are chopped by axes and smashed by stones the it is going to be put on the sunrays for drying , the second stage it will be but in the vat mixed with canbu power for three or four days so after it will be ready for having however sudanese they have Dodry with ,Aseda from breakfast in the moring in the invation time and refeshment .
this book is very cordinal virture fro tardtional food in Africa . -
inaam says:
i am reading a book named (Thinking abuot Psychology) the editor of this book try to Explain what is psychology and to help people find out what taking a degree in psychology will be like. and it also tells us about careers in the different areas of professional psychology. its is useful book for a different age to all people to understand their behaviour and individual differences between their.
Paul says:
I’ve read THE PRESENT written by Spencer Johnson. This is one of my favorite books. I can learn how to live to be successful and happy from this one. The present is a gift from life so we have to work hard. We should get experience from the past to repair our mistakes. We should plan our works in the future to get success.
This is a worthy book I’ve read. -
Becky says:
I am reading a book named A Walk to remember,which is written by Nicholas Sparks.It’s a love story,a story that tells people how a perfect girl changes a bad boy into a good one.Well,I have seen the film that is adapted by the book before,and was moved by that film a lot.While,I found that book on the internet by chance,so I downloaded it at once.And as the writer said in the prologue”first you will smile,and then you will cry”,I believe that it is really a book that is worth reading.
linoz says:
Hi, I’ve just read “Laskar Pelangi” by Andrea Hirata. This book is really touch. He Andrea, told us about ten elementary students who studied in the worst building and no one want to school there because the building is bad. In the first time Andrea registered, a teacher said that he couldn’t study with them if they didn’t get another boys/girls to registered too. They needed 10 students at least. And the miracle cames, one boy is registered by an old woman. Then… TADAAAAA.. Andrea could study at school finally.. :D :D
shereen says:
i am reading a book named (stranger) it is a real story about a woman lived in moroco and her father tried to kill the king second hasan but king killed her father and put the whole family in the jail for 20 years even the littile boy who was only 3 years old it is very intresting story
nina says:
I read all Sydney Sheldon books. The books are very interesting. I couldn’t ever guess what is the end of the story, every books has a special ending. The books also help me to improve my English.Please let me now if I skip one of his books!
Bedish says:
I am glad to read that someone else also reading one of Dr. Dyerâs books âYour Sacred Selfâ. I have read all of his books. Currently I am reading âGODâ by Victor J. Stenger.
Mong Thi says:
My favorite book is Gone With The Wind. It wrote by Margaret Mitchell and it was published in May 19, 1936. Gone With The Wind tells the story of Scarlett O’Hara and her adventures in the American South during the Civil War. During the book, she falls in love with Rhett Butler. This is the book I want to read many many time because I love Scarlett and her love story with Rhett Butler.
I also like this film. -
orlando says:
I’m reading a book right now, its name is “the thousand and one night” and i could say that it’s one of the most interesting books i have read and it’s very funny i recomended it to everybody.
hanaa says:
the most best play i have red is (waiting for godit,by samual beket).i like it because it touches on the cores and the strings of the hearts of every humanbeing.
astiag says:
hi. the best books i have ever read are: 3 fusiliers, the auther is alexandre duma. its an historical novel, it gives you alot of information about history.
and the other one is: the great cyrus, the auther: harrold lamb.
another one: sat near the pidra and cried, auther: paolo kuilo.
and another one of this auther is :chemical. -
Dessy says:
I have read for second time “PETER I” by leo Tolstoy and the book delight me as the first time I read it. The story tells about the life of the greatest Russian king Peter I. He managed to change a lot of things in Russia and all for good. Under his government the building of one of the most beautiful cities in the world was started. The city is Saint Petersburg.
Another book I have read was a SiFi “Fatal experiment” i do not like it very much but it was not and very bad. The story tells about the creation of AI. -
Kannika says:
Dear Sir,
I like to read many kind of English language book. At my home, I have many books about English such as how to write English well, speacking and listening as well as 4 languages skills in English flied. Due to no good English of me so I have to practice my English skill by reading books. Because I thinks it make me speak or good in English language. Well, I can’t remember the writer of those books because it’s a lot. -
majo says:
i am reading BIBLE everyday , i think the one and the only book can change your life is bible, please try to experience
thank you
Naser says:
Yesterday I read a part of international economics book, an economic book which is writen by Dominik Salvatora.I read only about exchange rate ,I have found ot good and useful and samply I could know what is the idea behand the articals.
ymberzal says:
I am reding the book ‘THE BOYFRIEND’ now. It’s interedting and mysterious. Stine talks about a girl called Joanna who uses boys for time-pass and to her boys were meant to use and throw. She broke up with a boy called Dex. But the boy was deeply and madly in love with her. He died.
It’s a good novel to read, especially during night. -
hanane says:
SORRY, it is JOE and KATE NOT Elizabeth.
Robert says:
At the moment , I’m reading “Oliver Twist” . This book is written by the well known writer “Charles Dickens” .
The book touches on some black pages in the history of London and the towns in its proximity. It follows the life of Oliver Twist , an orphan boy.
You’ll probably have heard of the story, there’s also a famous movie adaption.
Someone looking for a classic read , I can heartily recommend “Oliver twist”.
Dayal Singh Gosain says:
I read these article and I think it is good to view the comments about how to read or why to read and what you gain from it.
genius7 says:
“Your Sacred Self” by Wayne Dyer.
It certainly is awesome & I really recommand it to anyone who wants to get above his/her current level of consciousness & experience divine calmness & joy in life. It helps you to realize where you came from, that you don’t miss anything after you die, & that life & death are both divine blessings. -
haroon says:
i want learn evry book for as the reading in english.
haroon says:
i like english language in the begining and my aim only for learning enlish fast , and easily like a antive speaker.
Dhayanithi says:
I have started reading book titled ” Self-knowledge” by Swami Shivanada. It talks about the total faith one should have on GOD. Swamiji tells about how to practise the principles in day-to-day life.Its really wonderful and useful book for the GOD-SEEKERS.
Tehua says:
Hi there!
I’ve read all 7 books from the Harry Potter saga. My favorite one is the fourth “El CĂĄliz de Fuego” (What’s the name in English?). I’ve read the trilogy from The Lord of the Rings. I really enjoyed the way JRR Tolkien described every detail in his books. The Hobbit was also one of my favorites with Bilbo sealing Frodo’s faith. I’ve also read four books from the Narnia Chronicles. My favorite one is the first, where the White Witch and the pole and Aslan appear. As you notice, I love fantastic, magical, mythology based books, with lots of strange creatures, dragons, elves, dwarfs and all those interesting, frightful, loving characters. -
kim says:
I have read the story “In another country’. This is the famous story of Hemmingway. The story talks a bout the fate of soldier after the war. When I read this story by myself, I cannot understand clearly what the meaning of the story. After my teacher explains it, I understand all the meaning of the story.
This story gives me a profound lesson about life. We cannot run away with difficult in our life. Because life looks like a way and each of us has a responsibility to complete it. Besides, there is some difficult, complex which we must overcome. -
Idea lee says:
âMen are from Mars and Women are from Venusâ.
it looks very instersting ,i want to look it too. thanks. -
hanane says:
Hullo Dear Sir,
it is a Danielle Steel’s LONE EAGLE. I read it three times/thrice. it is about an aviator, Joe, who loves airoplanes and Elizabeth, an eighteen-years old girl. they fell in love. But what is exciting about this story is that struggle between the tree items: love, freedom and possessing; joe who wants to flybfree and Elizabeth hwo wants him by her side.Because of its easy English and interesting events I liked it.I also read SHE and Gone but not forgotten and some others.Now I am reading Thurston House. thank you for asking -
Bruce says:
I am now reading the sequel to WOLF OF THE PLAINS by Conn Iggulden (Harper Collins). His second historical novel on the life of Genghis Khan, LORDS OF THE BOW (ISBN 978-0-00-720176-1 is also a winner.
I use texts to teach aspects of creative writing … adjectives, adverbs, metaphors and the overall use of synonyms plus excellent syntax!
Furthermore, because it makes interesitng reading for people from that part of thr world there is an added incentive to read! A much needed discipline in language learning!
The last book I read in English calls: “The Devil’s Advocate” from Morris West. It is the most impressive novel I have ever read to the point that I decided to write my seventh novel in English, “Operation Arcadius” (editIon EAN 9782960056693). My main character, the fascinating Countess Anne-Louise de Sanctis, has been inspired by the English author: I didn’t even change her name. You will find a synopsis on my website I am currently reading “Our Man in Havana” from Graham Greene. Typically British! GEORGES THIBEAUX
september says:
I read¨”la casa de los espiritus” (I don´t know the title in English) some years ago. It was written by Isabel Allende, who is Chilean and I´m reading it again. It´s a wonderful story of a family and it´s full of passion. Read it. I recommend it.
Robson says:
The book is: ‘Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus”.
I don´t now who wrote, but the book is very intersting,
The book is related the behavior in our relationship, how we can undestand each other.
I´ve choosen this book due to the title, which suggest difference between male and female and I thought that could help me in my relationship.
Anyway, I liked a lot…