What Abbreviations and Acronyms Do You Know?
Posted by: Josef Essberger
An abbreviation is something like “Dr” or “Dr.” for “Doctor”, or “Ltd” or “Ltd.” for “Limited”.
An acronym is made from the First Letters of other words, for example “NASA” for “National Aeronautics and Space Administration”, or “laser” for “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”.
What abbreviations and acronyms do you know?
See also: Abbreviations
Posted by Josef Essberger October 2011

Truman says:
I usually type ‘ty’ to say thanks in message/online game. It’s the first letters of the words “Thank You”
Tejinder Arya says:
RIP : rest in peace
WIP : work in progress
FYI : For your Informaton -
safia dirie says:
I don`t know what to add,but I want to thank the admin of this website for his or her endless effort to satisfy the need of thousands of people who hope to improve their language.God bless u.
kate says:
Mali , lol means laugh out loudly
metalgearsiolide1 says:
abrreviations:1.”etc..” for “iterate”
2.”$” for “Dollars”
3.”Mr” for”Mister”acronyms:1.CIA:Central Intelligence Agency
2.NATO:North Athlantic Treaty
3.EC:English Club -
Mali says:
Thanks everybody for your perfect informations, but can anybody tell me the meaning of “LOL”?Does it mean “lots of laugh”?
kris says:
English is really vast!!!! but it is wonderfully interesting!
Val says:
And LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) too! There are many indeed!
Val says:
Hi, everyone!
How about SCUBA (Self Containing Underwater Breathing Apparatus) and SSDE (Surface Supplied Diving Equipment)? And RADAR (Radio Detection And Ranging)?
All in all, thanks for this website exists!! When I think my creativity is getting to an end I will call on its tips and hints!!
Daniel says:
BPGHNFWMY thats the most popular one :)
Richard says:
Wow! that is alot of abbreviation and words. I am a beginner in this club hoping that someone can teach how to correct my grammar. Anyway this website is cool.
Olga says:
personally in chat I like to use “ROFL” (“Rolling On The Floor Laughing”)
Olga says:
lol — lots of laugh
but not officially people use it like “lols of love” (it’s just the play of words, or abbriviations…anyway it’s pun) -
Olga says:
Thanx for everything you do to help ups learn learn English! One day English will take over the world)))
Priyanka says:
I just want to what is the actual fullform of “lol” that they often use while chatting. Im a bit confused on this one.
Aleksandr says:
KGB – ( Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosty (in Russian)- Commitee State Security) – CIA anolog in USSR.
RF – Russia Federation -
isam says:
beautifull topic go ahead and be activate
Richard says:
It’s an funny topic.I like it.
Rosalie T Cigaral says:
just to clear correct me if I’m wrong about DST is it Daylight Saving Time???
Olga says:
you cover rather interesting and useful topics! keep up, good job! my students read you with pleasure, and you know how difficult it is to make them do something))
anyway, thank you very much) -
mehrnaz of Iran says:
It was helpful. I learned some new things. Thanks alot.
Sabina says:
ASAP means as soon as possible :) we use it frequently in our office
Maisbilingual says:
It’s really amazing to be one of your member in this site. I get so many new things to learn. Thanks a lot.
serigne says:
This is very usefuJl Mr Joe,really you’re a wonderful man I hope that one day I’ll meet you.That’s a dream and I think it’ll be realised.God bless you
mariana says:
Many thanks Gabriel Sowrian for this collection it was very helpful . -
Joe says:
Thank you Gabriel. That’s very kind of you. More will be welcome anytime.
M.S.KHAN says:
M.S.KHAN says:
Gabriel Sowrian says:
Hello Mr Josef Essberger!
How are you! Quite frankly, I always wanted to thank you personally for creating “MyEC”, a fantastic Virtual English Language Club! I’m sure many people would have poured their heartfelt gratitude to you in many ways for that selfless immense contribution of yours to all the non-native speakers around the world. Thus, it may sound nothing new to hear this from me! However, I wish to pay you with a big “Thank You” as my debt of gratitude! God Bless You, Sir…!
Well! For your info, I started to compile words according to their categories (close to a hundred) ever since I decided to get serious in improving my English Language Skill. The following is one such category picked from my own ‘archive!’ (I’ve mixed both the “Abbreviations” and “Acronyms” into one single list. Sorry!)
a.m. : ante meridiem
AD : Anno Domini
AH : Anno Hegirae
AIDS : Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
aka : also know as
APEC : Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
ASAP : As Soon As Possible
ASEAN : Association Of Southeast Asian Nations
ATM : Automated Teller Machine
BA : Bachelor of Arts
BC : Before Christ
BSc : Bachelor of Science
DIP : Document Image Processing
DJ : Dico Jockey
DST : Daylight Saving Light
DVD : Digital Versatile Disc
etc. : et cetera
FIFA : Fédération Internationale de Football Association
FM : Frequency Modulation
GCSE : General Certificate of Secondary Education
GDP : Gross Domestic Product
GMT : Greenwich Mean Time
GNP : Gross National Product
GP : General Practitioner
GPS : Gobal Positioning System
GSM : Global System (or Standard) for Moblile Communications
GSOH : Good Sense of Humour
GST : Goods and Services Tax
HQ : Headquarters
HTML : Hypertext Mark-up Language
IMF : International Monetary Fund
INRI : Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum
IRC : Internet Relay Chat
ISBN : International Standard Book Number
ISO : International Organization for Standardization
ITTO : Internation Tropical Timber Organization
JP : Justice of the Peace
MC : Master of Ceremonies
NAFTA : North American Free Trade Agreement
NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organization
OHP : Overhead Projector
OPEC : Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
p.a. : per annum
p.m. : post meridiem
PA : Public Address (System)
PO : Post Office
PS : Postscript
PTO : Please Turn Over
SARS : Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
SW : Short Wave
TEFL : Teaching English as a Foreign Language
TESL : Teaching English as a Second Language
TESOL : Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
TIFF : Tagged Image File Format
TOEFL : Test Of English as a Foreign Language
TOEIC : Test Of English for International Communication
UHF : Ultra-high Frequency
UHT : Ultra Heat Treated
UK : United Kingdom
UN : United Nations
UNCED : United Nations Conference on Environment
UNESCO : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNHCR : United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF : United Nations Children’s Fund
UNO : United Nations Organization
UPC : Universal Product Code
URL : Uniform (or Universal) Resource Locator
USA : United States of America
USSR : Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
VCR : Video Cassette Recorder
VHF : Very High Frequency
VHS : Video Home System
VIP : Very Important Person
VJ : Video Jokey
VOA : Voice of America
WHO : World Health Organization
WTO : World Trade Organization
WWF : World Wildlife Fund
WWW : World Wide WebPS: My list is ever growing! If you’re not against, perhaps I can forward more in future.