‘Novaxx’ Djokovic Teaches Us IRONY
Posted by: Josef Essberger
Image courtesy Tim Clayton-Corbis/Getty Images
IRONY is such a hard word to define or explain, for example:
irony (noun): a state of affairs that seems contrary to what is expected and is often wryly amusing as a result
ironic (adjective): happening in a way contrary to expectations and therefore somewhat amusing
So we have to thank tennis champion Novak Djokovic for giving us the perfect example of “irony”. And not just one example but FOUR.
Novak famously stood up for his rights (see Nuremberg Code* and informed consent) to refuse the (at the time**) experimental COVID “vaccine”.
Some people may see it as ironic that:
- His very name is Novak, which reminds us of “No vaxx” or “No vaccine”
- After being refused entry to the USA last year for not being “vaccinated”, he actually won the US Open Tennis Championship 2023
- The US Open was sponsored largely by ModeRNA, one of the main manufacturers of the “vaccine”
- “No vaccine” Novak won the ModeRNA “Shot of the Day” (“shot” can mean both 1. a hit or a kick of the ball in a game, and 2. an injection of a “vaccine”)
*The ethical guidelines written after World War II prompted by inhuman experiments performed by Nazi doctors
**At the time, the “vaccine” was still in phase 3 clinical trials.
Posted by Josef Essberger September 2023

Aaron Mary Greenwood says:
He taught us not only ‘irony’ but ‘principle’ too.
Yui says:
Great guy and a great stand. Well done Novak!
Ed says:
hahaha @Joan ! Nice one! But you should note you can use *single* quotation marks just as well. It doesn’t make any difference :)
Joan says:
Perhaps a lesson on the use of the double quotation mark to cast doubt on or belittle should be your next lesson, and how the use of such tricks reveals the writer’s true intentions.
sergio veniste says:
David says:
Hear, hear Helen! So finally he taught us not only ‘irony’ but ‘principle’ too.
Helen says:
A great example of a man with a strong character and a clear vision.All my foreign friends are on the same page with him regarding these shots. I’m in awe, how among thousands of renowned sportsmen he was the only one to stand his ground, up to sacrificing his brilliant career. At the end of the day he has won. Bravo! Cudos!