Word in the News: EXTRADITION
Posted by: Josef EssbergerThis week the word EXTRADITION is in all the newspapers as the American government tries to get their hands on the world’s greatest journalist Julian Assange

EnglishClub Wordchecker
extradite EX-tra-dite (verb): hand over a person accused or convicted of a crime to a foreign country that wishes to try or jail said person—Finally the UK did not extradite him to Sweden.
extradition ex-tra-DI-tion (noun): the act of extraditing a person to another country—His legal team have fought for years to prevent his extradition from the UK to the USA.
appeal ap-PEAL (verb): apply to a higher court for reversal of a lower court’s decision—Today he is appealing to the High Court in London.
appeal ap-PEAL (noun): an application to a higher court for reversal of a lower court’s decision—If today’s appeal fails, it’s not yet clear whether he can appeal further to a European court.
Posted by Josef Essberger February 2024