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The Smartest Animals in the Sea

Announcement: All Good Things (Must) Come To An End 😭

Posted by: Jaksyn Peacock
These sea animals can have conversations, use names, and recognize their reflections.
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • creature: a living animal, insect, or person
  • species: a type of animal or group of similar animals
  • self-awareness: knowing and understanding one’s own identity
  • associated: linked, connected
  • communicate: to share information by talking or through body language

Listening activity

Gapfill exercise

Dolphins are adorable, , and playful creatures. They’re also some of the most intelligent animals in the world. They have very large compared to most animals. The dolphin is also one member of a small group of species that can recognize their reflections in a . This shows that dolphins have self-awareness, which is a trait associated with intelligence. Dolphins also communicate with each other using whistles. They seem to use this type of communication to solve , which might mean that they have their own language. Dolphins even have individual names. Every dolphin has a “signature whistle” that it can use to introduce itself. Humans are still trying to dolphins, but if they really do have their own language, we may be able to communicate with them one day.

Comprehension questions

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Discussion/essay questions

  1. Dolphins are sometimes kept in aquariums or zoos and taught tricks for human entertainment. This is a controversial topic because many people believe that dolphins and other animals belong in the wild. How do you feel about this?


Dolphins are adorable, friendly, and playful creatures. They’re also some of the most intelligent animals in the world. They have very large brains compared to most animals. The dolphin is also one member of a small group of species that can recognize their reflections in a mirror. This shows that dolphins have self-awareness, which is a trait associated with intelligence. Dolphins also communicate with each other using whistles. They seem to use this type of communication to solve problems, which might mean that they have their own language. Dolphins even have individual names. Every dolphin has a “signature whistle” that it can use to introduce itself. Humans are still trying to understand dolphins, but if they really do have their own language, we may be able to communicate with them one day.

Written and recorded by Jaksyn Peacock for EnglishClub

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