photo Tara Benwell Listen to News with Tara Benwell - Instructions:
1. Preview the vocabulary and read the gapfill text.
2. Play the news report and try to fill in the blanks.
3. Answer the comprehension questions by writing full sentences.
4. Use the discussion question to write an essay or discuss the story with other students.
5. Click "show Answers" to see the full text.
6. Pretend to be a news anchor by reading each story out loud.

dateline: 14 August 2012

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Twin Earthquakes Hit Iran

Pre-Listening Vocabulary

  • magnitude: strength
  • aftershock: a smaller earthquake or tremor in an area where a large earthquake recently occurred
  • squad: a small group with a specific job to do
  • fault line: an area where the earth’s crust is cracked
  • panic: sudden fear

Twin Quakes Hit Iran

Two earthquakes hit northwestern Iran on August 11th, killing over 300 and leaving thousands injured and . The 6.4 and 6.3 magnitude earthquakes struck eleven minutes apart, and were followed by many aftershocks. Dog squads were used to find people who were trapped under the rubble in the villages. Residents reported that birds in panic moments before the first earthquake hit. The area is located on some major fault lines, and has been devastated by before. In 2003, more than people died in a 6.6 magnitude quake in Iran’s historic city of Bam.

Comprehension Questions

  1. Where did the earthquakes occur?
  2. Which types of animals does the report mention, and why?
  3. How did the earthquake in 2003 differ from this earthquake?

Discussion Question: Two days after the quakes, Iran’s President visited Saudi Arabia to attend a meeting about the crisis in Syria. He was criticized greatly for leaving his country at this time. Should leaders change their plans when natural disasters strike in their own nations?

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Written and recorded by Tara Benwell for EnglishClub
Tara Benwell is a Canadian freelance writer and editor who specializes in materials and articles for the ELT industry.
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