Site Of The Month November 2009 ~ Magazines Plus

An EnglishClub Site of the Month (November 2009)

Mary Glasgow MagazinesMary Glasgow Magazines have been available since the 50s. The magazines are unique because they are written specifically for teen (or YL) English language learners. Understanding the digital learning trend, the UK publisher recently launched Magazines Plus, a website for their teen readers. Like the magazine, the website materials are for various levels of learners. In order to access most of the site you need a code from the print version of the magazine. Teens (and children) all over the world can subscribe to the magazines (6 level choices) via the website or through a local agent. In addition to the pop-culture and teen subject based articles, audio, and worksheets, subscribers have access to a social network. Watch the guided tour to see why the website recently won the prestigious ELTons award.

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