Just The Word

An EnglishClub Site of the Month (May 2013)

Just The Word

Just The Word

Just the Word is a tool that can help you choose the right words and phrases in English. It can also help you correct your writing mistakes. It is a combination of dictionary and thesaurus, and is very useful for learning collocations. Collocations are pairings or groups of words that are commonly found together. To test out Just the Word, go to the search box on the home page and type in a word such as “life”. Then hit Return on your keyboard. Look through the results that come up. The clusters show words that are related in meaning. The unclustered words are not closely related to each other. Click on the links to review example sentences. On the right side of your screen, you will see the parts of speech related to your word or phrase. To use this part of the tool, you will need to learn the short forms used for different parts of speech (eg. ADJ for adjective). Just the Word also helps you understand how common a collocation is in English. Note: Some words that you type in may not bring up any results.

Just The Word



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