

Listen&Learn: Ada Lovelace

21st December 2022 by Jaksyn Peacock

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • mathematician: a person who solves problems using numbers
  • theoretically: according to theory rather than physical evidence
  • calculation: the process of solving mathematical problems
  • algorithm: a set of instructions that a computer can follow
  • predict: to make a guess about something that will happen in the future
  • generate: to produce something

Listening activity

Gapfill exercise

Ada Lovelace was an English mathematician known for her contributions to early science. She was born in 1815. Her father was Lord Byron, a famous poet. However, her mother wanted her to be in math and science instead of the arts. In 1833, Lovelace met a mathematician named Charles Babbage, who had designed a machine that could theoretically make calculations on its own. This machine was called the Difference Engine. Lovelace was inspired by Babbage’s and helped him write an algorithm for his next , the Analytical Engine, which was even more complex. Lovelace’s algorithm is now known as the first computer program. In her notes, Lovelace predicted that machines would one day be able to generate music and using algorithms.

Comprehension questions

See answers below

  1. Ada Lovelace’s father was
    a. a poet
    b. a mathematician
    c. a scientist
  2. Lovelace helped Charles Babbage
    a. build the mechanisms for the Difference Engine
    b. write an algorithm for the Analytical Engine
    c. develop the idea for the Analytical Engine
  3. Lovelace predicted that
    a. machines would become smarter than humans
    b. society would become extremely dependent on machines
    c. machines would be able to generate music and images

Discussion/essay questions

  1. Computers have advanced a lot since Ada Lovelace’s time. Today, artificial intelligence can generate many things, including art, writing, and music. What do you think the future of artificial intelligence is? Do you think it is possible for a machine to be creative?


Ada Lovelace was an English mathematician known for her contributions to early computer science. She was born in 1815. Her father was Lord Byron, a famous poet. However, her mother wanted her to be educated in math and science instead of the arts. In 1833, Lovelace met a mathematician named Charles Babbage, who had designed a machine that could theoretically make calculations on its own. This machine was called the Difference Engine. Lovelace was inspired by Babbage’s ideas and helped him write an algorithm for his next project, the Analytical Engine, which was even more complex. Lovelace’s algorithm is now known as the first computer program. In her notes, Lovelace predicted that machines would one day be able to generate music and images using algorithms.

Answers to comprehension questions

1a 2b 3c