contrast: to show differences between two or more things
folk ballad: a song that people in a certain culture know,especially one that tells a story or myth
critic: someone who analyzes and comments on art or literature
symbolic: representing a certain idea
Romantic era: an artistic period in Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries, when artists and writers took interest in imagination, nature, and strong emotions
Songs of Innocence and of Experience is a. an epic b. a play c. a book of poems
The book is told from a. Blake’s perspective b. a child’s perspective c. many characters’ perspectives
The term Blake used for his printing technique was a. illustrated printing b. illuminated printing c. illusionary printing
Discussion/essay questions
Do you know any folk ballads? Where did you first hear them? Why do you think so many cultures like to tell stories through music?
Songs of Innocence and of Experience is a 1794 book of poetry by English writer and artist William Blake. The Songs were originally published in two books. Songs of Innocence contained 19 poems, and Songs of Experience contained 28. Most of the poems are told from the perspectives of different characters. Blake paired many poems in Songs of Innocence with poems with the same title in Songs of Experience. The pairs of poems often contrast an adult’s perspective with a child’s. The poems in the Songs have a musical style inspired by popular folk ballads. Blake’s work was unique because he printed and bound all of his books by hand. He etched his words and illustrations on sheets of copper, which he used to make multiple copies. He called this technique “illuminated printing.” Blake was never famous when he was alive, but critics eventually began to recognize his writing and art as symbolic works of the Romantic era.
Andy Warhol created his art in a. Pittsburgh b. New York c. Los Angeles
Warhol was a famous figure in the a. pop art movement b. surrealist movement c. abstract art movement
Warhol’s studio was a. a venue for many parties b. often a crime scene c. the subject of one of his famous artworks
Discussion/essay questions
Warhol’s works often reproduced iconic images. This has caused debates about credit and ownership of art. Some people believe that transforming other people’s work is a form of art. Others believe that this is stealing. What do you think?
Andy Warhol was an American artist. He was born in 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Warhol was one of the most famous figures in the New York pop art movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Pop artists created works that used flat colours and icons of popular culture. Some common subjects of pop art pieces included consumer products, comic characters, and celebrities. Among Warhol’s most famous pieces are his prints of actress Marilyn Monroe. Warhol lived an eventful and controversial life. His art studio was a venue for many celebrity parties. In 1968, he survived a gunshot wound after a dispute with a writer who worked with him. He was also gay, which was illegal at the time. Warhol died in 1987, at age 58.
The trees for the Future Library were planted in a. Scotland b. Norway c. Canada
Margaret Atwood was a. the first author to contribute b. the only author to contribute c. the most recent author to contribute
The purpose of the trees is to a. hide the location of the manuscripts b. decorate the outside of the library c. provide paper 100 years in the future
Discussion/essay questions
It is impossible to fully predict what will happen in 100 years. Do you think the project will achieve its goal? Why or why not?
The Future Library is an ongoing creative project started by Scottish artist Katie Paterson. In 2014, Paterson began planting trees in Oslo, Norway. She planned to make this the site of a library for people 100 years in the future. Every year since, Paterson has asked a different acclaimed author to write a manuscript for the library. The manuscripts will be locked in glass boxes until 2114. The goal is to collect a century’s worth of stories and allow readers of the future to experience the changing times. Canadian author Margaret Atwood was the first person to provide a manuscript, and 6 other texts have since joined the Future Library. By the time that all 100 stories are complete, the trees in Oslo will have grown enough to become paper for an anthology.
Because it is illegal, graffiti is a very controversial subject. Some people believe it is a legitimate art form, while others believe it is wrong. What do you think about graffiti?
Banksy is an anonymous British street artist. He is known for creating art with political messages. He first became famous in the 1990s for making freehand graffiti around Bristol, England. In the early 2000s, he started to use stencils for his art. Banksy has made paintings in many major cities, including London, New York, and Paris. It is difficult to be famous and anonymous at the same time, and many people have theories about Banksy’s identity. Some people think that Banksy is really a team of artists instead of one. Others believe that Banksy is secretly a woman. The most common theory is that Banksy is Robin Gunningham, an artist from Bristol who has been photographed with stencils and spray paint.
How has the Renaissance affected art, science, culture, and politics today?
What do you think was the most important invention from the Renaissance period?
The Renaissance was a period of cultural change in Europe. The term ‘renaissance’ is a French word, meaning ‘rebirth’. The Renaissance began in Italy in the 14th century, when a movement called humanism became very popular. Humanism emerged after 14th-century Europeans began to rediscover ancient Greek philosophy. The main ideas of humanism were that humans deserved to pursue wealth and happiness, and that science, literature, and the arts were essential to human life. This was a contrast to the Middle Ages, when religion was often considered the most important part of life. Humanism encouraged many people to study and create art. One of the most well-known artists of this period was Italian painter Leonardo Da Vinci, the creator of the Mona Lisa. Although the Renaissance ended around the 17th century, the ideas and discoveries from back then are still influential in many cultures today.
Frida Kahlo was one of many creators who have used art to cope with pain. Why do you think people find comfort in art and creativity?
Frida Kahlo was a Mexican painter, best known for her self-portraits. She was born in 1907 in Mexico City. At the age of five, Kahlo contracted polio, which left her with a permanent limp. Later, as a teenager, she was seriously injured in a bus accident. Throughout her life, Kahlo had to have surgery often in order to stay alive and healthy. Because of this, she spent a lot of time recovering in bed. In fact, many of her most famous works were painted from her bed. Though the accident caused a lot of pain in her life, it also inspired much of her artwork. Almost half of her paintings were self-portraits, most of them meant to symbolize her pain. Kahlo’s work has often been classified as surrealism, a style of art that is inspired by dreams. However, Kahlo disagreed with this, because she had always seen her art as an expression of real life. As Kahlo got older, her health got steadily worse. She died in 1954, when she was only 47. Although Kahlo died young, both her life and her artwork are still celebrated today.
The Mona Lisa’s fame came from the 1911 theft. If Vincenzo Peruggia had stolen a different painting, do you think that painting would have the same popularity that the Mona Lisa has today?
The Mona Lisa is considered the most famous painting in the world. The piece was painted by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. It is currently displayed in the Louvre, a famous art museum in Paris, France. The painting gained international attention when it was stolen from the museum in 1911. It was missing for two years before a former Louvre employee named Vincenzo Peruggia was caught trying to sell the painting. Peruggia had stolen the painting because he believed that it should belong in an Italian museum, rather than a French one. After Peruggia’s arrest, the Mona Lisa was returned to the Louvre. However, the Mona Lisa’s fame attracted many vandals. In 1956, a vandal threw acid at the painting, causing damage. It is now kept behind bulletproof glass to protect it from any acts of vandalism. The Mona Lisa is also one of the most commonly replicated paintings. Since 1911, many artists have tried to recreate the Mona Lisa, and a few older copies exist that may have been painted by da Vinci’s students.