

Listen & Learn: Abiogenesis

25th September 2024 by Jaksyn Peacock

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • mystery: a situation that is difficult to understand or explain
  • observe: to see or notice something
  • ancestor: a relative that lived a long time ago
  • molecule: a group of connected atoms that form a chemical substance
  • bond: to become attached to something
  • replicate: to create a copy

Listening activity

Gapfill exercise

Abiogenesis is the process that causes non-living materials to become living things. Abiogenesis is one of the greatest mysteries in science. Early life likely began in a “ soup” in the ocean. Scientists have observed that all kinds of life are made of very similar chemicals. People, plants, animals, and bacteria all share a ancestor, which lived about 4.2 billion years ago. Most scientists agree that life probably began when molecules in the chemical soup bonded to create RNA. RNA can cause the chemical reactions that made early life possible, and it can also store . This allows it to replicate itself.  Some scientists have tried to begin the process of RNA bonding in . However, no one has ever observed abiogenesis. Because all life is made of the same chemicals, many scientists believe that abiogenesis has only happened on Earth. 

Comprehension questions

See answers below

  1. Early life likely began
    a. in the atmosphere
    b. in the ocean
    c. on the Earth’s surface 
  2. All kinds of life are made of
    a. very similar chemicals
    b. very different chemicals
    c. an equal mix of similar and different chemicals 
  3. Life probably began when molecules bonded to form
    a. RNA
    b. DNA
    c. mRNA

Discussion/essay questions

  1. The origin of life on Earth is one of humanity’s most important and controversial questions. Why do you think this is? Do you think religion and science have the same purpose?


Abiogenesis is the process that causes non-living materials to become living things. Abiogenesis is one of the greatest mysteries in science. Early life likely began in a “chemical soup” in the ocean. Scientists have observed that all kinds of life are made of very similar chemicals. People, plants, animals, and bacteria all share a common ancestor, which lived about 4.2 billion years ago. Most scientists agree that life probably began when molecules in the chemical soup bonded to create RNA. RNA can cause the chemical reactions that made early life possible, and it can also store information. This allows it to replicate itself. Some scientists have tried to begin the process of RNA bonding in labs. However, no one has ever observed abiogenesis. Because all life is made of the same chemicals, many scientists believe that abiogenesis has only happened once on Earth. 

Answers to comprehension questions

1b 2a 3a

Listen&Learn: Absorption Lines

15th November 2023 by Jaksyn Peacock

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • prism: a glass object that splits white light into colours
  • spectrum: the range of colours that a prism reveals
  • block: to hide something from view
  • particle: a tiny piece of something
  • element: one of the basic chemicals found on the periodic table
  • random: happening without a pattern or reason
  • unique: specific to one person or thing

Listening activity

Gapfill exercise

In 1814, a German physicist named Joseph von Fraunhofer passed from the Sun through a prism to create a colour spectrum. He noticed that there were dark blocking out certain colours in the spectrum. Today, scientists call these lines absorption lines. Absorption lines happen when particles of light, called photons, move through a cool . The atoms and molecules in the gas absorb some of the photons and block certain colours of light. When an atom absorbs a photon, it shows up as a dark line in the colour spectrum. The photons that get absorbed are not random. Every element absorbs specific wavelengths of light, which means that every element also has a unique of absorption lines. Scientists can study these lines to find out which are present in stars and planets.

Comprehension questions

See answers below

  1. Joseph von Fraunhofer discovered that
    a. passing light through a prism would create a rainbow
    b. light could behave as a particle
    c. there were dark lines in the colour spectrum made by the Sun
  2. Absorption lines happen when
    a. a cool gas absorbs photons
    b. a hot gas releases photons
    c. photons pass through empty space
  3. Scientists can study absorption lines to find out
    a. the masses of stars
    b. the distances between stars
    c. the chemicals present in stars

Discussion/essay questions

  1. Do you know any interesting facts about light? What optical illusions or “tricks of the light” have you seen?


In 1814, a German physicist named Joseph von Fraunhofer passed light from the Sun through a prism to create a colour spectrum. He noticed that there were dark lines blocking out certain colours in the spectrum. Today, scientists call these lines absorption lines. Absorption lines happen when particles of light, called photons, move through a cool gas. The atoms and molecules in the gas absorb some of the photons and block certain colours of light. When an atom absorbs a photon, it shows up as a dark line in the colour spectrum. The photons that get absorbed are not random. Every element absorbs specific wavelengths of light, which means every element also has a unique pattern of absorption lines. Scientists can study these lines to find out which chemicals are present in stars and planets.

Answers to comprehension questions

1c 2a 3c

Listen&Learn: How Elements Are Made

6th September 2023 by Jaksyn Peacock
atom visualisation

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • element: one of the basic substances found on the periodic table
  • abundant: existing in large amounts
  • core: the centre of a planet or star
  • fuse: to create something new by joining multiple things together
  • collapse: to violently fall inward
  • dense: containing a lot of material in a very small area
  • remnant: a leftover piece of something that has been destroyed

Listening activity

Gapfill exercise

The simplest chemical elements in the , hydrogen and helium, originally formed during the Big Bang. These are the most abundant elements out there. The cores of stars can make more helium through a process called nuclear fusion, where enough energy forces the centres of atoms together to make more atoms. Other light elements, like oxygen and carbon, also originate from this process. Iron is the heaviest element that a star can fuse. This usually happens near the very end of the star’s life. There are two ways that elements are made. The first is when stars, especially massive stars, collapse and die. The second is in a collision between two extremely dense star remnants, called neutron stars. These events create enough to fuse elements like lead and .

Comprehension questions

See answers below

  1. The most abundant elements in the universe are
    a. hydrogen and helium
    b. hydrogen and carbon
    c. helium and oxygen
  2. During its life, a star can’t use nuclear fusion to create
    a. helium
    b. iron
    c. gold
  3. Heavy elements can be made in a collision between two
    a. planets
    b. comets
    c. neutron stars

Discussion/essay questions

  1. Scientists are beginning to experiment with nuclear fusion as a possible power source. Current nuclear power plants use a process called nuclear fission, which does not produce as much energy. What do you think about nuclear power? Do you think it will help or harm the environment? Why?


The simplest chemical elements in the universe, hydrogen and helium, originally formed during the Big Bang. These are the most abundant elements out there. The cores of stars can make more helium through a process called nuclear fusion, where enough energy forces the centres of atoms together to make more complex atoms. Other light elements, like oxygen and carbon, also originate from this process. Iron is the heaviest element that a star can fuse. This usually happens near the very end of the star’s life. There are two ways that heavier elements are made. The first is when stars, especially massive stars, collapse and die. The second is in a collision between two extremely dense star remnants, called neutron stars. These events create enough energy to fuse elements like lead and gold.

Answers to comprehension questions

1a 2c 3c

Listen&Learn: Neurotransmitters

8th June 2022 by Jaksyn Peacock

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • cell: the smallest unit of life
  • neurotransmitter: a type of chemical that sends messages between different parts of the body
  • receptor: something that senses and responds to signals
  • imbalance: a disproportionate amount of something
  • mental: relating to the mind
  • depression: a mood disorder that causes people to feel upset and exhausted often
  • regulate: to keep something at a normal level

Listening activity

Gapfill exercise

Neurotransmitters are that nerve cells use to communicate with other parts of the body. When a nerve cell releases a chemical, it is detected by a receptor in a different cell. This gives the body a to do something. Some neurotransmitters functions like moving or breathing. Others control and learning processes. There are over 100 known types of neurotransmitters, all with different purposes. An imbalance of neurotransmitters can cause both mental and physical illnesses. For example, people who with depression may have low levels of the chemical called serotonin, which helps to regulate emotions. Other commonly known neurotransmitters include dopamine, which responds to rewards, and adrenaline, which responds to danger.

Comprehension questions

See answers below

  1. The cells that make neurotransmitters are
    a. nerve cells
    b. blood cells
    c. skin cells
  2. There are at least
    a. 100 known neurotransmitters
    b. 200 known neurotransmitters
    c. 1000 known neurotransmitters
  3. Serotonin is responsible for
    a. regulating emotions
    b. responding to rewards
    c. responding to danger

Discussion/essay questions

  1. Brain chemistry is something scientists are continuing to learn more about. Why is it important to understand the brain?


Neurotransmitters are chemicals that nerve cells use to communicate with other parts of the body. When a nerve cell releases a chemical, it is detected by a receptor in a different cell. This gives the body a signal to do something. Some neurotransmitters control functions like moving or breathing. Others control emotions and learning processes. There are over 100 known types of neurotransmitters, all with different purposes. An imbalance of neurotransmitters can cause both mental and physical illnesses. For example, people who struggle with depression may have low levels of the chemical called serotonin, which helps to regulate emotions. Other commonly known neurotransmitters include dopamine, which responds to rewards, and adrenaline, which responds to danger.

Answers to comprehension questions

1a 2a 3a