The pH level of the oceans is a. increasing b. decreasing c. fluctuating rapidly
Ocean acidification is caused by a. plastic pollution b. fertilizer runoff c. dissolved carbon dioxide
Carbonic acid a. makes seawater poisonous to fish and whales b. makes seafood dangerous for humans to eat c. destroys the shells of clams, plankton, and coral
Discussion/essay questions
Do you think humans will be able to stop ocean acidification and climate change? What are some actions that people can take to help the environment?
Ocean acidification is a dangerous environmental process. Over time, the pH level of the oceans is decreasing, which is likely to lead to the disruption of ecosystems and the endangerment of marine life. Like climate change, ocean acidification is caused by human activity. Excess carbon dioxide emissions disrupt the chemical balances of the Earth. While some carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere, causing a greenhouse effect, some dissolves in the ocean. Carbon dioxide molecules bond with water molecules to make carbonic acid, which can destroy the shells of marine animals like clams, coral, and plankton. The loss of these creatures would cause major consequences for underwater ecosystems, and for human life, too.
Fertilizers are very useful for humans. They help us grow enough crops to feed large populations. Do you think that we can prevent eutrophication while continuing to use fertilizers? Why or why not?
Eutrophication is a process where a body of water fills up with plant nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus. This usually happens when rain washes crop fertilizers into a lake. The fertilizers, which use nitrogen to help plants grow, cause excess amounts of algae to grow on the surface of the water. This is called an algal bloom. When the algae die, bacteria use large amounts of oxygen to decompose the plant matter. This process is harmful because it depletes the lake’s oxygen, causing fish at the bottom to suffocate. Eventually, the lack of oxygen can create an aquatic dead zone: a place where little to no aquatic life can survive.
As mentioned above, some of the best ways to help prevent climate change are using less energy, taking public transportation and eating meat less. Have you made any of these changes in your life? What else do you do to help prevent climate change?
Climate change is a major problem in the world today. Scientists believe that climate change is mainly caused by an excess of greenhouse gases, like methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide. Humans put these into the atmosphere with our everyday activities. The excess of atmospheric carbon dioxide is caused by burning fossil fuels, which we use to power our cars. Climate change is expected to cause many issues in the future, such as droughts, strong storms, and the loss of ecosystems. Scientists predict that the Arctic ice will be completely melted by 2050. However, there are lots of simple ways to help prevent this. Using less energy, taking public transportation often and eating meat less are all easy ways to fight climate change.