

Listen & Learn: Polar Vortex

8th January 2025 by Jaksyn Peacock

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • pressure: a measure of force per unit area
  • circulate: to move in a circular pattern
  • pole: one of the two ends of the Earth’s axis of rotation
  • atmosphere: the layer of gas that surrounds the Earth
  • temperate: typically having mild temperatures
  • pattern: a regular, predictable series of events

Listening activity

Gapfill exercise

A polar vortex is an area of low-pressure that circulates at the Earth’s poles. The winds of a polar vortex are very in the atmosphere, and they contain some of the Earth’s coldest air. The northern and southern vortexes are always there, but changes in the winds can affect around the world. When the winds weaken, they affect lower belts of air called polar jet streams. If a polar vortex is not strong enough to hold the winds in place, the jet stream can grow and irregular. Unusually cold winters can happen when jet streams spread cold polar air to more temperate regions. It is possible that climate change will affect the polar vortex by weakening the polar winds over time. This could change the way that many regions experience and create new extreme weather patterns, both hot and cold.

Comprehension questions

See answers below

  1. A polar vortex is an area of
    a. high-pressure wind
    b. low-pressure wind
    c. high-temperature wind
  2. The polar vortexes
    a. appear only during the winter
    b. appear every seven years
    c. are always there
  3. When the polar winds weaken, temperate regions will likely experience
    a. warmer winters
    b. warmer summers
    c. colder winters

Discussion/essay questions

  1. Has your region experienced any effects of climate change? What are leaders doing about it? Do you think they should be doing more? Why or why not?


A polar vortex is an area of low-pressure wind that circulates at the Earth’s poles. The winds of a polar vortex are very high in the atmosphere, and they contain some of the Earth’s coldest air. The northern and southern vortexes are always there, but changes in the winds can affect temperatures around the world. When the winds weaken, they affect lower belts of air called polar jet streams. If a polar vortex is not strong enough to hold the winds in place, the jet stream can grow wide and irregular. Unusually cold winters can happen when jet streams spread cold polar air to more temperate regions. It is possible that climate change will affect the polar vortex by weakening the polar winds over time. This could change the way that many regions experience seasons and create new extreme weather patterns, both hot and cold.

Answers to comprehension questions

1b 2c 3c

Listen&Learn: Midnight Sun

5th July 2023 by Jaksyn Peacock
midnight sun

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • phenomenon: a natural process
  • region: an area
  • axis: the imaginary line that the Earth rotates around
  • observe: to watch, see, or notice
  • horizon: the line where the sky meets water or land
  • distinguish: to show the difference between two things
  • mimic: to copy the effects of something

Listening activity

Gapfill exercise

The midnight sun is a phenomenon that occurs at the and south poles. During their months, each region experiences 24-hour days, where the sun does not set at all. This is because of the angle of the Earth’s axis. From June until August, people can observe the midnight sun in many northern regions, such as Norway, Alaska, and northern parts of Canada. While the sun still appears to through the sky, it never falls the horizon. Because there are no signals that distinguish day from night, it can be difficult to keep sleep habits during the northern summer. Many people use blackout curtains to mimic nighttime.

Comprehension questions

See answers below

  1. The midnight sun occurs at
    a. the equator
    b. the north pole
    c. both the north and south poles
  2. In the summer, the midnight sun can be seen in
    a. Australia
    b. southern Canada
    c. Norway
  3. People in the north often use special curtains to
    a. conserve warmth
    b. stay dry
    c. mimic nighttime

Discussion/essay questions

  1. What is the most interesting natural sight you’ve ever seen?


The midnight sun is a phenomenon that occurs at the north and south poles. During their summer months, each region experiences 24-hour days, where the sun does not set at all. This is because of the angle of the Earth’s axis. From June until August, people can observe the midnight sun in many northern regions, such as Norway, Alaska, and northern parts of Canada. While the sun still appears to travel through the sky, it never falls below the horizon. Because there are no signals that distinguish day from night, it can be difficult to keep healthy sleep habits during the northern summer. Many people use blackout curtains to mimic nighttime.

Answers to comprehension questions

1c 2c 3c