Da Vinci was born in a. Florence b. Venice c. Anchiano
One of da Vinci’s famous inventions was a. a communication device b. a flying machine c. a printing press
More than a century after his death, da Vinci’s __________ were discovered. a. talents b. sketches c. notebooks
Discussion/essay questions
Da Vinci’s notebooks are famously difficult to read. He did not organize them by subject, and he often wrote backwards. Some people say that disorganization is connected to creativity. Do you think this is true? Why or why not?
Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian artist and engineer. He was born in Anchiano, Tuscany in 1452. Da Vinci is one of the most famous figures from the Renaissance period. He is especially well known for his paintings, including the iconic Mona Lisa. However, da Vinci was also an accomplished inventor. He even designed a flying machine, called an ornithopter, hundreds of years before the Wright brothers flew the first airplane. Because of his many talents, da Vinci is often called a polymath. For many years, most people only knew about his paintings. His notebooks were discovered more than a century after his death. They contained a complicated mix of designs, theories, and calculations. Although da Vinci died more than 500 years ago, his genius still fascinates artists and scientists today.
Michelangelo became an apprentice when he was a. 13 years old b. 14 years old c. 17 years old
Of all the art forms, Michelangelo was most interested in a. mural painting b. portraits c. sculptures
Michelangelo found the experience of painting the Sistine Chapel a. easy b. enjoyable c. frustrating
Discussion/essay questions
Michelangelo’s depictions of human bodies are celebrated now. However, the nudity in his paintings and sculptures was controversial in his time. Some people thought it was disrespectful to paint nude figures in religious buildings. Why do you think it often takes time for people to appreciate art? Which types of art are controversial today?
Michelangelo was an Italian Renaissance artist. He is known for some of the most famous artworks of all time. Michelangelo was born in Florence in 1475. When he was 13, he trained as an apprentice under the muralist Domenico Ghirlandaio. Although Michelangelo was very skilled in drawing and painting, he became more interested in sculpture, and he left his apprenticeship two years early. In 1504, Michelangelo completed his most famous statue, the 17-foot tall David. He was commissioned by the Pope to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in 1508. Michelangelo found the Chapel frustrating. He was more familiar with stone than paint, and the job was very physically demanding. He even wrote a poem about his dislike for the project. However, the Chapel ceiling is still one of Michelangelo’s most recognizable pieces. Michelangelo lived a long life, and continued to create art as he got older. He died in 1564, at age 88.