

Listen & Learn: James Earl Jones

11th September 2024 by Jaksyn Peacock
Darth Vader
Star Wars villain Darth Vader, James Earl Jones’s most famous role. Picture by AndrĂ© Volkmann (Unsplash)

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • stutter: a speech disorder that causes someone to pause and repeat words or sounds
  • soap opera: a TV show that airs during the day and contains dramatic, over-the-top storylines
  • cast: the group of actors who perform in a play, movie, or TV show
  • villain: a character in a story who commits cruel or evil acts
  • credit: to acknowledge someone for their work
  • captivate: to capture someone’s interest and attention
  • iconic: famous and recognizable, especially as a symbol of something else

Listening activity

Gapfill exercise

James Earl Jones was an American actor. He was born in January 1931, in Arkabutla, Mississippi. During his , he developed a stutter, which caused him to avoid for years. Jones’s earliest acting roles were in and soap operas in the 1960s. He was often the first and only Black actor in the cast. He became famous for his roles in Shakespeare productions, including Othello and King Lear. In 1969, he won his first Tony Award, and he began to act in many successful and Broadway shows in the 1970s. Jones is most recognizable today as the voice of Darth Vader, the villain of the Star Wars films. He was originally uncredited for this role. He believed that he was only providing “special effects,” and that he did not need the credit. However, his performance captivated , and his voice became one of the most iconic parts of the film series. Jones died in September 2024, at age 93.

Comprehension questions

See answers below

  1. Jones’s earliest roles were in
    a. animated films
    b. plays and soap operas
    c. sitcoms and musicals
  2. In 1969, Jones won his first
    a. Emmy Award
    b. Academy Award
    c. Tony Award
  3. Jones was originally uncredited for Star Wars because
    a. his voice was a last-minute change to the movie
    b. he believed he was only “special effects” and did not need credit
    c. he had a disagreement with the studio

Discussion/essay questions

  1. Are voice actors underappreciated? Can you think of some movies or shows with talented voice actors?
  2. What makes a character iconic? Which characters do you consider iconic?


James Earl Jones was an American actor. He was born in January 1931, in Arkabutla, Mississippi. During his childhood, he developed a stutter, which caused him to avoid speaking for years. Jones’s earliest acting roles were in plays and soap operas in the 1960s. He was often the first and only Black actor in the cast. He became famous for his roles in Shakespeare productions, including Othello and King Lear. In 1969, he won his first Tony Award, and he began to act in many successful films and Broadway shows in the 1970s. Jones is most recognizable today as the voice of Darth Vader, the villain of the Star Wars films. He was originally uncredited for this role. He believed that he was only providing “special effects,” and that he did not need the credit. However, his performance captivated audiences, and his voice became one of the most iconic parts of the film series. Jones died in September 2024, at age 93.

Answers to comprehension questions

1b 2c 3b

Listen&Learn: Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

11th August 2021 by Jaksyn Peacock

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • investigate: to try to find out the truth about something
  • avenge: to punish someone for hurting someone else
  • suspicious: believing that someone is doing something they shouldn’t
  • obsessed: constantly thinking about something
  • insanity: having an unstable state of mind
  • adaptation: a movie, show, or play that is based on an existing work

Listening activity

Gapfill exercise

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is a play by the famous English playwright William Shakespeare. The story is about a young named Hamlet whose father has recently . Hamlet’s uncle, Claudius, has declared himself the new king of Denmark. One day, the of Hamlet’s father appears and tells Hamlet that Claudius has murdered him. He asks his son to investigate Claudius and avenge his death. While investigating, Hamlet to lose his mind so that Claudius doesn’t get suspicious. However, as the play goes on, Hamlet slowly becomes obsessed with revenge. Eventually, his fake insanity starts to seem . The play is one of Shakespeare’s most famous works, and it has inspired many modern adaptations.

Comprehension questions

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Discussion/essay questions

  1. Some people think that Hamlet really loses his mind throughout the play. Others believe that Hamlet simply puts on such a good performance that he fools the audience as well. Which idea do you like better? Why do you think people can have such different interpretations of the same play?


Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is a play by the famous English playwright William Shakespeare. The story is about a young prince named Hamlet whose father has recently died. Hamlet’s uncle, Claudius, has declared himself the new king of Denmark. One day, the ghost of Hamlet’s father appears and tells Hamlet that Claudius has murdered him. He asks his son to investigate Claudius and avenge his death. While investigating, Hamlet pretends to lose his mind so that Claudius doesn’t get suspicious. However, as the play goes on, Hamlet slowly becomes obsessed with revenge. Eventually, his fake insanity starts to seem real. The play is one of Shakespeare’s most famous works, and it has inspired many modern adaptations.

Listen&Learn: Romeo and Juliet

17th February 2021 by Jaksyn Peacock

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • playwright: a person who writes plays
  • tragedy: a type of play that has a sad ending
  • feud: a fight that lasts a long time
  • masquerade ball: a type of party where people wear masks
  • forbidden: not allowed
  • forgive: to stop being upset with someone

Listening activity

Gapfill exercise

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by English playwright William Shakespeare. The main of the story are two teenagers named Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. Their families have an ancient feud. The two first meet at a masquerade ball, and they fall in love almost instantly. However, they later that they are members of rival families, and their relationship would be forbidden. They decide to get in secret. But Juliet’s parents want her to marry someone else, a man named Paris who is a friend of the family. Towards the end of the story, Juliet fakes her so that she doesn’t have to marry Paris. Romeo, believing that Juliet is dead, poisons himself so that he doesn’t have to live without her. When Juliet wakes up, she finds Romeo dead and kills herself as well. The story ends when the two families realize their feud has gone too far and decide to forgive each other.

Comprehension questions

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Discussion/essay questions

  1. Romeo and Juliet is a world-famous play that has been translated into many languages and performed many times. Have you ever seen the play? Did you enjoy it?
  2. Even before Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet, the theme of forbidden love was very common in books and plays. It’s still very popular today. Why do you think people like this theme so much?


Romeo and Juliet is a romantic tragedy written by English playwright William Shakespeare. The main characters of the story are two teenagers named Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. Their families have an ancient feud. The two first meet at a masquerade ball, and they fall in love almost instantly. However, they later discover that they are members of rival families, and their relationship would be forbidden. They decide to get married in secret. But Juliet’s parents want her to marry someone else, a man named Paris who is a friend of the family. Towards the end of the story, Juliet fakes her death so that she doesn’t have to marry Paris. Romeo, believing that Juliet is dead, poisons himself so that he doesn’t have to live without her. When Juliet wakes up, she finds Romeo dead and kills herself as well. The story ends when the two families realize their feud has gone too far and decide to forgive each other.

William Shakespeare

20th May 2020 by Jaksyn Peacock

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • dramatist: a person who writes plays
  • credit: to recognize someone as the creator of something
  • iconic: famous; widely known
  • comedy: a type of play that makes use of humour, and has a happy ending
  • tragedy: a type of play that has a sad endingoften the death of the main character
  • relevant: important to the time or situation

Listening activity

Gapfill exercise

William Shakespeare was an English dramatist and poet, currently considered to be one of the greatest of all time. He was born in 1564 in Stratford, where he would spend the rest of his childhood. At age 18, he married a woman named Anne Hathaway, and the had three children together. After the birth of his youngest two children, Shakespeare travelled to London and helped to found an company known as the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. While working as an actor, Shakespeare began to write scripts. One of the first plays to be officially credited to Shakespeare was the iconic Romeo and Juliet, a story of two young lovers who come from families. During his life, Shakespeare wrote at least 38 plays: 14 comedies, 12 tragedies, and 12 histories. Shakespeare died in 1616 – over 400 years ago – but his plays are still relevant today because of their influence on stories. In fact, many of today’s books, movies, and plays are based on concepts from Shakespeare’s work.

Comprehension questions

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Discussion/essay questions

  1. Do you know of any modern books, movies, or plays that are based on Shakespeare’s plays?
  2. Why do you think that so much modern entertainment is inspired by these plays?


William Shakespeare was an English dramatist and poet, currently considered to be one of the greatest writers of all time. He was born in 1564 in Stratford, where he would spend the rest of his childhood. At age 18, he married a woman named Anne Hathaway, and the couple had three children together. After the birth of his youngest two children, Shakespeare travelled to London and helped to found an acting company known as the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. While working as an actor, Shakespeare began to write scripts. One of the first plays to be officially credited to Shakespeare was the iconic Romeo and Juliet, a story of two young lovers who come from rival families. During his life, Shakespeare wrote at least 38 plays: 14 comedies, 12 tragedies, and 12 histories. Shakespeare died in 1616 – over 400 years ago – but his plays are still relevant today because of their influence on modern stories. In fact, many of today’s books, movies, and plays are based on concepts from Shakespeare’s work.