Writing Prompt ~ Capital Letters
Posted by: Tara Benwell
Writing Prompt: Important things deserve to be noticed. In English, an important person, place, or thing often calls for a capital letter. Demonstrate your understanding of capital letters by writing a letter to a friend or relative about what you’ve been up to this week. Try to use as many capital letters as possible in your letter. DON’T MISUSE THE CAPS!
What’s new? Last week I took the Ford in for maintenance at Friendly Motors on Main. Our mechanic Chuck only works on Fridays, so we had no car on the weekend. We took the Cambridge bus all over town. Hailey and Michael’s favourite band The Waggle Dogs was playing in Marine Park on Sunday. The Waggle Dogs are from Calgary, Canada. They sing in English and French. Hailey loves when the dogs sing about the planets. Her favourite planet is Mars.
These days Michael is all about planes, trains, and automobiles. He loves to draw pictures of the Titanic and the Lockheed Blackbird. We got him lots of crayons and books for Christmas.
I’ve been busy rereading some Charles Dickens’ classics, including Great Expectations. As you know, Steve enjoys religious or political books. Right now he’s either reading about Buddhism or President Eisenhower. Boring!
That’s about all we’ve been up to this June. How are you doing? Write back soon.
Love Aunt Jill
Try this writing prompt in your notebook or on your MyEC blog.