Writing Prompt ~ Say or Tell?
Posted by: Tara Benwell
Writing Prompt: The words “say” and “tell” have similar meanings in English, but are used differently in a sentence. Review the rules, usage, and fixed phrases for “say” and “tell”. Then demonstrate your understanding by writing a letter to a friend telling him or her about a conversation you had with a teacher, professor, or other authority figure. Use “say” and “tell” in as many ways as you can.
You will be happy to know that I spoke to Ms. Wilder about our project. She said we have to think of a different topic. She told me that another group is already doing a project on Greek architecture. I told her that we had already worked on our project for three hours, but she said that was our own fault. “You were supposed to get the topic approved,” she said. I told a bit of a lie. I said we told the supply teacher our topic last week. She said she didn’t hear anything about that. I think she could tell that I wasn’t telling the truth. My mom says I’m not a good liar. Ms. Wilder told me to go to the principal if I thought she was being unfair. I can’t believe she said that, can you? At the beginning of the year, the principal told everybody that he supports his teachers and doesn’t overrule them when it comes to assignments. I guess you could say we’re out of luck!
So, what topic do you want to use. What do you say we do our project on ancient laws?
Call me!
scary house says:
Hello dear sister
I told my father about what happened yesterday , he said that every thing will be okey just come home and he will talk to you you can tell him the whole story dont be afraid, he will understand you and tell you that he loves you . -
Hi Julie, as I promised you I talked to my boss about a job opportunity.He sad that at the moment the company doens´t need one new staff, but I told him how you would be a great staff because yours skills are so higher and you are so hardworking.
Anyway he told me that they are thinking about start a new company abroad and if it happens you will be the first how will be contacted.