Writing Prompt ~ Third Conditional
Posted by: Tara Benwell
Writing Prompt: In English we use the third conditional to talk about something in the past that did not happen. There is no possibility for this thing to come true because the past already happened. The result is also impossible because the past is in the past. Review the structure of the third conditional. Then demonstrate your understanding of how to use this structure by writing a paragraph staring with the phrase “If I had known…”.
If I had known that my grandmother was going to die young, I would have planned a special trip for the two of us. If she had said no to the trip, I would have insisted. If we had gone on our weekend away, I would have taken lots of pictures. I would have taken her to a nice restaurant on an island somewhere and I would have asked her all about her favourite memories with my mother. If I had known that she was going to die early and that I was going to inherit her sewing machine, I would have asked her to teach me how to quilt. If my grandfather had not died shortly after her, I would have visited him regularly. I’m sure he would have stayed with us in the summer months. If I had known that my grandfather would die a few weeks after her, I would have asked him to go on a trip, too. I would have asked him to write me one last letter. If I had known that my grandparents were going to die a few weeks apart, I would have taken some videos of them with my kids. I would have told them how much they meant to me. If only I had known…
Alexa says:
If I had known that my mother was going to leave me early, I would have planned many things to do together. If I had known that my grandfather was going to pass away early, I would have visited him before.
Angelica Espinosa says:
If I had known that I was going to study so far from my family, I would have thought twice. If I had known that I was going to cry because I missed my best friend, I would have made a plan to see each other in the middle of the year. If I had known that university was not what the teachers at school said, I would not have been so afraid of leaving school. If I had known that being an adult was so difficult, I would never have wanted to be an adult when I was a child.
jasper says:
If I had known my best friend was going to die, I would have gone on the trip to his favorite mall every time he asked. If I had known, I would have been less annoying to him. If I had known, I would have hugged him every time I saw him. If I had known my best friend was going to die, I would have spent every second talking to him. If I had known about the condition of his heart, I would have begged him not to attend water polo training. If only he were here, I would tell him how much I miss him. If only I had known…
Xin says:
If I had known that my brother was going to study at college, I would have planned a special trip for our family at Pulau Pinang. If he had agreed with it, I would have taken him to a famous restaurant there. If I had gone there, I would have taken a lot of pictures for memory. If I had known that he was going to study abroad, I would have brought him anime characters that he wanted a long time ago. If only I had known…
Nusii says:
If I’d known I’d run out of time, I would have done so many things. If I’d known that time would stop doing me a favour, I would have flown all over my home and collected my memories with you. If I had known I wouldn’t be able to look at your face, I would have used every second to analyse it and its beauty. If I’d known, I wouldn’t have said those things to you, hurt you or even loved you…
Leila-Iman El Harrati says:
If I Had Known
If I had known how stressful school was, I would have lived in the forest.
If I had known my grandfather was going to die, I would have spent more time with him.
If I had known that school isn’t that important and that you don’t need the best grades to achieve great things, I wouldn’t work so hard to get the best grades.
If I had known how much I had to study, I would have started earlier.
If I had known there was a tram, I would have taken the bus earlier.
If I had known how much it would escalate, I would shut up sooner.
If I had known I was going to hurt someone, I would be quiet. -
crocetta says:
If I had known I was going to Italy, I would have prepared my suitcase earlier. And even though my mum said I had time, I would still have prepared it earlier so I wouldn’t be so stressed. Now I am more stressed and afraid that I will forget something, because if I did I would probably blame myself. If I blame myself, it is more likely that my confidence will go down.
Laila Citlali Guerrero MartÃnez says:
My vacation in Cancun… If I had known that my trip to Cancun would end so quickly I would not have wasted a moment, if I had known it would be cold I would have brought a sweatshirt, if I had known that on the beach They invited me out, I would have brought more changes of clothes, if I had known that I would burn so much I would have put on more sunscreen.
Armando del jesus Hernández colorado says:
. I would have told them how much they meant to me.
Sholeh says:
Hi dear
Thank you a lot. It was useful for me to get third conditional.you said the past already happen,so it is not throu. So we talk about an unreal condition.if I were you I’d write a text by your own about third conditional,if you do it I’l be really happy.
Sincerely yoursSholeh Raeisdana
Y.M.K says:
We all have our own interests and a career that we want to do. Sometimes, we find it difficult to accept our interests because of some dominance and trauma. Once upon a time, I didn’t know my interests and what I wanted to do. I spent my precious time not doing what I love. If I had known my interests earlier, I would have been able to spend my time doing what I love. If I had accepted my passion and hobbies, I would have learned a lot about that. What fun it would have been.
Kulvinder says:
Very good paragraph it’s interesting thanks
Bini says:
If had known that my grandpa was going to die eating a piece of papaya, I would have bought another fruit more easy to eat, like a guava. But moreover I would have asked to him that teaches me zapoteco with sufficient time together.
kevin ramÃrez says:
If I had known that my grandmother was very mean to her children and very distrustful, I would never have done her so many favors and trusted her.
Dafny Mariel Angeles Robles says:
If I had known the career I chose would be so demanding. I would have studied harder. I would have learned many things before. But I guess that’s the point. You never know what you’re going to face.
Julieta Meneses says:
If I had know that my mother was cheeated on my dad i would have never trust on her, and never told all my life, and help my dad had a better life with out her
Cesar Ramirez says:
if i had known that the pandemia was going to be so long i would have worked all that time so i could had some money.
Joaquin Badillo Manzano says:
If i had known that my father was going to go to work in another state, I would have liked to go to soccer games, baseball, any sport but to be with him more time.
Cesar Ramirez says:
If I had known that the pandemia was going to be so long I could had worked all that time so I could had some money.
Cesar Ramirez says:
if i had known that the pandemia was going to be so long i would had worked all that time so i could had some money.
Prueba 1 says:
Marce says:
If I had known that systems engineering pays well, I probably would have studied this. However, I am too old to have any regrets about my career choice. However, I still want to study for this degree to make more money.
Riya Singhania says:
If I had known that my best friend betrayed me, I would have never made her best friend in fact, not even my friend. If she had said to me I like to be your friend, I would have definitely said no because I don’t want to add these kinds of people to my friend list. As a very well phrase I remembered that A book is equal to a friend, but a good friend is equal to a whole library.
Jolie says:
If I had known this web before, I would not have been so confused. :))
Joe says:
If I had known my grandmother would not have lived longer after I left to USA, I would not have done that. But if my grandmother had known that I postponed my trip because of her, she would have insisted me to pursue my dreams. A real conundrum, if I had a second chance I probably would have made an effort to understand her better or probably considered visiting her often.
Jorge says:
If I had understood how fast a week goes by, I would have finished this homework a week ago! 😅
Steven says:
I came here to learn third conditional but I didn’t expect to find that much feelings.
sako says:
Very Good Paragraph