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Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:47 pm
by naseh
It is me, Naseh, the eldest friend of this thread.

Please I wanna a big welcome for my friend who join this thread. He is from Yemen too.

Therefore, I forget to hello you all, all of you, old memebers and the new. I have been following you from out side.

Naseh of Yemen.

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:54 am
by Moroo
Hi my friend Behnam

Thank you so much for asking about my daughter, en shaa allah she will be fine :-D

In respect of my story , Ooooooh don't get me wrong. She didn't get formal engagement, she only saw this person for not more than two weeks, and even he doesn't saw her father. And do you know after we get married she told me that she wasn't attracted to him, but she did that to make me feel how important is she :evil:

Hope now it's clear for all :?:

In respect of my criteria of measuring the beauty, in my opinion the inside beauty is much more important than the outside beauty. I described my wife as beautiful for the following reasons : First: she loves me so much. Second :She knows about me more than me even if I make tea I asked her how much sugar that I need :lol:

Third :??????????? :~:

Wish you all the happiness and love.
20 March, 2013
1:53 PM

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 12:16 pm
by naseh
Hello members of this thread,

How is life with you?, one by one, then a special ask to Behnam, Mohsen, Amal, and Elham. How are you my old friends? I am sooooooo happy to join you again. And hope other friends would forgive me if I forget their names..Also, a warm welcome to the new memebers who have joined.

I can't tell what had happened to me to stop joining you and just satisfied by following you. let's call it a technical error.


Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:03 pm
by Elham
And finallyyyyyyyyy

******* SPRING is here ***********

My beautiful, wonderful, majestic, glorious, breathtaking, uplifting, happy, magnificent, colorful, tasteful, sweet, favorable, melodious, lovely spring! :-D :-D :-D

Huraaaaaaaaaaa :-D :-) :-D

Oh my dear friends, do you smell the bride of seasons, spring? She's here again with its all fantastic features. I am so happy, I love spring and whatever it brings; playful blossoms, lovely pleasant weather,wonderful rain, that energetic green color... wowwwwwwww, it brings a whole new life!

I'm here to congratulate you the spring and wish a very happy new year for my Iranian friends. I wish you all health, happiness and calmness.


Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:11 pm
by Elham
Hi dear Moroo, the family man {-;

How are you? Hope your little lovely girl is better. I've read all of your posts and I like your intimacy and friendly writings.

Let me congratulate you on your beautiful wife! The woman who loves you so much and cares about you. For sure she's a gift from god to you. Emmmm, actually all women are special gift of god to the world! {-; :lol:

I'm very happy to hear you enjoy her presence and I'm sure it goes for her too. I wish this beautiful love goes on for ever this way. :-)

Hope to hear more from you,

All the best,

Happy New Year!

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:18 pm
by behnam
Dear Iranian friends, and people who celebrate the first day of spring,

Happy New Year to you and to your family. I hope this year will bring you more happiness, success, calmness, peace of mind, and prosperity.

All the best,
Behnam, 20 March, 2013

More Explanation Please!

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:37 pm
by behnam
Hi Moroo,

Thank you for your kind reply. Storynory is a site that provides stories for children. You can download the audio files as well as the scripts. Go to Google and write 'Storynory+story' in the searching box. You will find it useful. I hope so.

Dear Moroo, you are still in the trap! What do you mean by 'inside and outside' beauty'? How do you know that your wife loves you so much? This can be an extremely important question, since its answer provides men with some handy criteria for measuring wives' love for their husbands. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Finally, you haven't made the third reason clear! What's that? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hope to hear from you soon.

All the best,
Behnam, 20 March, 2013

Ways to Improve your Body Languag(Part one)

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:03 pm
by behnam
A friend has emailed me the following text. It can be useful in terms of English practising and knowledge gaining.

Improving your body language can make a big difference in your people skills, attractiveness and general mood.

There is no specific advice on how to use your body language. What you do might be interpreted in several ways, depending on the setting and who you are talking to. You'll probably want to use your body language differently when talking to your boss compared to when you talk to a girl/guy you're interested in. These are some common interpretations of body language and often more effective ways to communicate with your body.

First, to change your body language you must be aware of your body language. Notice how you sit, how you stand, how you use you hands and legs, what you do while talking to someone.

You might want to practice in front of a mirror. Yeah, it might seem silly but no one is watching you. This will give you good feedback on how you look to other people and give you an opportunity to practise a bit before going out into the world.

Another tip is to close your eyes and visualize how you would stand and sit to feel confident, open and relaxed or whatever you want to communicate. See yourself move like that version of yourself. Then try it out.

You might also want observe friends, role models, movie stars or other people you think has good body language. Observe what they do and you don't. Take bits and pieces you like from different people. Try using what you can learn from them.

Some of these tips might seem like you are faking something. But fake it til you make it is a useful way to learn something new. And remember, feelings work backwards too. If you smile a bit more you will feel happier. If you sit up straight you will feel more energetic and in control. If you slow down your movements you'll feel calmer. Your feelings will actually reinforce your new behaviours and feelings of weirdness will dissipate.

In the beginning easy it's to exaggerate your body language. You might sit with your legs almost ridiculously far apart or sit up straight in a tense pose all the time. That's ok. And people aren't looking as much as you think, they are worrying about their own problems. Just play around a bit, practice and monitor yourself to find a comfortable balance.

1. Don't cross your arms or legs – You have probably already heard you shouldn't cross your arms as it might make you seem defensive or guarded. This goes for your legs too. Keep your arms and legs open.

2. Have eye contact, but don't stare – If there are several people you are talking to, give them all some eye contact to create a better connection and see if they are listening. Keeping too much eye-contact might creep people out. Giving no eye-contact might make you seem insecure. If you are not used to keeping eye-contact it might feel a little hard or scary in the beginning but keep working on it and you'll get used to it.

3. Don't be afraid to take up some space – Taking up space by for example sitting or standing with your legs apart a bit signals self-confidence and that you are comfortable in your own skin.

4. Relax your shoulders – When you feel tense it's easily winds up as tension in your shoulders. They might move up and forward a bit. Try to relax. Try to loosen up by shaking the shoulders a bit and move them back slightly.

5. Nod when they are talking – nod once in a while to signal that you are listening. But don't overdo it and peck like Woody Woodpecker.

6. Don't slouch, sit up straight – but in a relaxed way, not in a too tense manner.

7. Lean, but not too much – If you want to show that you are interested in what someone is saying, lean toward the person talking. If you want to show that you're confident in yourself and relaxed lean back a bit. But don't lean in too much or you might seem needy and desperate for some approval. Or lean back too much or you might seem arrogant and distant.

8. Smile and laugh – lighten up, don't take yourself too seriously. Relax a bit, smile and laugh when someone says something funny. People will be a lot more inclined to listen to you if you seem to be a positive person. But don't be the first to laugh at your own jokes, it makes you seem nervous and needy. Smile when you are introduced to someone but don't keep a smile plastered on your face, you'll seem insincere.

9. Don't touch your face – it might make you seem nervous and can be distracting for the listeners or the people in the conversation.

10. Keep you head up – Don't keep your eyes on the ground, it might make you seem insecure and a bit lost. Keep your head up straight and your eyes towards the horizon.


Ways to Improve your Body Languag(Part Two))

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:05 pm
by behnam
11. Slow down a bit – this goes for many things. Walking slower not only makes you seem more calm and confident, it will also make you feel less stressed. If someone addresses you, don't snap you're neck in their direction, turn it a bit more slowly instead.

12. Don't fidget – try to avoid, phase out or transform fidgety movement and nervous ticks such as shaking your leg or tapping your fingers against the table rapidly. You'll seem nervous and fidgeting can be a distracting when you try to get something across. Declutter your movements if you are all over the place. Try to relax, slow down and focus your movements.

13. Use your hands more confidently – instead of fidgeting with your hands and scratching your face use them to communicate what you are trying to say. Use your hands to describe something or to add weight to a point you are trying to make. But don't use them to much or it might become distracting. And don't let your hands flail around, use them with some control.

14. Lower your drink – don't hold your drink in front of your chest. In fact, don't hold anything in front of your heart as it will make you seem guarded and distant. Lower it and hold it beside your leg instead.

15. Realise where you spine ends – many people (including me until recently) might sit or stand with a straight back in a good posture. However, they might think that the spine ends where the neck begins and therefore crane the neck forward in a Montgomery Burns-pose. Your spine ends in the back of your head. Keep you whole spine straight and aligned for better posture.

16. Don't stand too close –one of the things we learned from Seinfeld is that everybody gets weirded out by a close-talker. Let people have their personal space, don't invade it.

17. Mirror – Often when you get along with a person, when the two of you get a good connection, you will start to mirror each other unconsciously. That means that you mirror the other person's body language a bit. To make the connection better you can try a bit of proactive mirroring. If he leans forward, you might lean forward. If he puts hands in pocket, you might do the same. But don't react instantly and don't mirror every change in body language. Then weirdness will ensue.

18. Keep a good attitude – last but not least, keep a positive, open and relaxed attitude. How you feel will come through in your body language and can make a major difference. For information on how make yourself feel better read 10 ways to change how you feel and for relaxation try A very simple way to feel relaxed for 24 hours.

You can change your body language but as all new habits it takes a while. Especially things like keeping you head up might take time to correct if you have spent thousands of days looking at your feet. And if you try and change to many things at once it might become confusing and feel overwhelming.

Take a couple of these body language bits to work on every day for three to four weeks. By then they should have developed into new habits and something you'll do without even thinking about it. If not, keep on until it sticks. Then take another couple of things you'd like to change and work on them.

All the best,
Behnam, 20 March, 2013

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:25 pm
by Mohsen
Happy new year

Wishing you peace, much joy to you in Newyear. May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts, lucky and friendly greetings reinforce at New Year .

Best regards! :-P

Big Hello to My Dear Friends

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:07 pm
by Kamelia
Hello there,

I don't want to preach that the new spring and Noruz will erase all the mistakes we made, all the wrong ways we took, all the lies we told, all our wrong deeds

But that,

It will teach us that we human beings are made to make mistakes but learn from them, reform, be better, make new pure souls out of the ashes we spread, and finally rebirth!

Happy New Year to my Iranian friends, and happy one more new spring to all our friends here. I will you all the happiest, healthiest and safest life wherever you are :-)

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:29 pm
by [amal]
Hi My great Behnam,

In this new year
May God grant you:
Sun to warm you,
Moon to charm you,
An Angel to protect you,
True love to care for you,
A friend to listen to you!

I want to say happy Teacher's Day my great and best teacher ever. I wont forget your favor, thanks ALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT for everything.

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:31 pm
by [amal]
Hi My dear Elham,

Happy new year, I hope you are enjoying spring as I do! :-D

My wishes for you are not limited to just the next year but to all the years that you experience in your lifetime and in your reincarnations! Have a Fun-filled, Smashing, Rocking And Happening New Year!

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:43 pm
by [amal]
Happy new year to all my Iranian's Friends! :-)

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:06 pm
by WiLZiN
Hi to all..

1- Happy new Iranian year to you Behnam and Elham.
2- Happy mother day to all yours mothers my friends.
3- Happy teacher day to you my dear brother Behman and for me as a teacher too.
4- Dear Behman, you asked me why i didn't wrote anything in the thread in the last weeks...
My dear I feel lonely here. First of all because who has invited me to be here are now... you know what I mean, and second of all because I was waiting for reply from all to my posts but unfortunately there was no one here except a few shy replies I appreciated.
Dear brother I tried to be one of you and precisely you, Elham and Amal but it seems to be I failed.
So I'm here and not here. Thanks for your inquiry my dear.

Have nice days to all.

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 6:58 pm
by Elham
Dear Wilzin,

Come onnnn, I didn't like some of your unkind words in your post! You are alone? You don't get enough replies? ..... so you don't tend to write? ohhhhh, I don't understand

Emmm, I think you're upset with just one person but you are punishing all! Your words are not accepted! Actually, I'm angry with your words and you have to do sth and pure some water on the fire! :lol:



Come On Man!

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 5:44 am
by behnam
Hi Wilzin,

Many thanks for your friendly words. You are a kind person. From the time you have entered this thread, you are in our thoughts. Nothing can take you from our thoughts. You are also in my heart. I cannot judge about others' hearts, but I can safely say that you are in my heart. :lol: :lol:

As a piece of brotherly advice, you should know, ladies are like butterfly. If you try to take them, they will fly away. Just be silent and moveless, they will come and sit on your shoulders! :lol: :lol:

I want you to manage your feelings. Try to understand the limitations which the culture, the family, and the religion impose on our relationships!

As my lovely and kind friend Elham the great has asked, pour some water into the fire you have lit. Oh my God! I love this sentence very much, since I love lighting fire and pouring water into it. This is exactly what a wise man must do! Believe me, I am really laughing out loud! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh, Behnam, that's enough, you are in a naughty mood! :lol: :lol: :lol:

All the best,
Behnam, 22 March, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 6:22 am
by behnam
Dear Friends,

I'd like to say 'Happy Mother's Day' to all mothers and potential mothers!

In Iran, 21st March isn't Mother's Day. Well, we are Iranian and we dislike to follow others. :lol: :lol: :lol:

In Iran, Mother's Day is the birthday of 'Fatemeh' the only daughter of prophet Mohammad(PBUH).

21st March cannot be a special day for all people in the world. It can be a special day for some nations, but surely it isn't a special day for all. Therefore, it is not normal to follow others blindly. I don't mean that other countries should follow us! No, never! For Iranian, Mother's Day is connected to their religious belief. What I am saying is being independent! I believe, every region should have its Mother's Day, since this day should be the symbol of motherhood! This day should be used as the valuation, the benchmark, and the criteria of judgement on ideal mothers in a society!

For us, as Shiite group, 'Fatemeh'; the only daughter of Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) is considered as the ideal mother(woman). She is the benchmark, the valuation, the symbol, the criterion, and the scale! Now, you can judge yourself, how wise and independent Iranian people are. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Our Mother's Day introduces a belief, an ideology, a strategy, a great philosophy. What does 21st March say? I may not know, you let me know! I would appreciate if you could let me know what has made the 21st March a special day for the entire world?

All the best,
Behnam, 22 March, 2013

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 7:49 am
by Mohsen

Hi WiLZiN,

I think your name is special name , it is difficult to remember a special name. I don't know Wilzin is a male or female. My suggestion for going out from loneliness is to use a name which can be stuck in the mind.
I said my idea , I don't know if Behnam and Elham and Amal have a problem with your name or not!!
The second one is that you write poetic and in a special way , for example ,I remember you said in one of your post "Welcome to our thread.
You can consider that it's 2 in 1"
I didn't get it .
This is my lack of knowledge , I don't know if other friend got it or not.
I am writing in loneliness too ,but I like it.

I like you

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 8:06 am
by Mohsen
Hi Friends,
How do you spend your holiday , do have same feeling like me. In the second day of new year holiday ,I feel I have eaten too much and filled my stomach up to neck, Just now ,12.20 , I am going to my uncle house for a lunch reception, also I have invited to my wife's brother for dinner. It is difficult job , because I have eaten two pizzas last night and big breakfast at morning , I feel my cheek is burning,may be my blood pressure or cholesterol gone up ,. I may repent after new year holiday if I will be alive :-) :-)


Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:23 pm
by Moroo
Dear our Iranian friends
Happy new year for you all, wishing you all the happiness and joy :-P

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 1:45 am
by [amal]
Hi Moroo,

How are you?

I am sorry about my late reply, in fact I wanted to see the movie then write my post but sadly I couldn't find the full movie on Youtube.

Do you know what my problem is? My problem is that I watch movies but I don't remember their names! Moreover, sometimes, I even don't see their names AT ALL!!! :lol: :-x
I don't care about this matter cause the name isn't important for me, what really matter is the story itself. What bothers me also is that I remember EVERY details in the movie if I saw it again for less than a minute but I can't memorize a name!!! :-x Why???????!!!! :-(

However, I remember that I watched "The Family Man" before on TV so I just saw some parts of it and I immediately remembered its story. It is really a good movie and I liked it!

Sometimes, it's hard to choose between somethings which you care about and what your heart is telling you!
Sometimes, we should give up on having our life's dream, in the hope of getting a new and better one.
Sometimes, we have to change our thoughts and beliefs just for someone who would change our world and make it happier..

But how would we know that our choice would be good?! How would we know that it wouldn't ruin our life?! :roll:

Thank god, it seems that your choice was perfect! Good for you! {-;
I am glad to hear that your love story has end with marriage since most of love stories these days don't have happy ending. :-( Why do you think?! What's wrong?!

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 1:21 pm
by WiLZiN
Hi Behman & Elham...

May be I'm upset by someone here, but I don't want to punish anyone, you are my dear friends and always in my heart and mind.
Currently, I'm in a difficult period lonely and I'm desperately need who stand side by side with me, but everyone around me are busy or don't care or they have gone away because of orders or ideas controlled them.
As you know "Actions speak louder than words" and that is what i'm doing now and any action has positive and negative results and we have to bear but the others don't accept.
Now I'm feeling like the prophet Moses "Go with your God and fight alone, we will stay sitting here = فَاذْهَبْ أَنتَ وَرَبُّكَ فَقَاتِلا إِنَّا هَاهُنَا قَاعِدُونَ" and because of that I'm doing what Allah inspire me to do so please no one blame me on the negative results of my actions.
Dear Behnam, I'm afraid about the butterfly from burning itself in the fire of the others. What you said is nice and wise words and thank you for them.
Please pray for me dear friends as possible as, I'm really want that extremely.

Have nice days...

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:32 pm
by WiLZiN
Hi Mohsen...

My real name is Wael "male". I wrote about my self many times here in the thread.
You remind me with this song "Lonely, I'm Mr. Lonely,I have nobody for my own".
Thanks for your reply and happy new year my dear.

Have nice days...

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 4:21 pm
by Kayan
Hi all,

I am new in this forums. Let introduce myself first. I am Yan. I come from Hong Kong, but now I am studying English in Taiwan. It is a little bit shame that I am studying English but my English is not that good. :-(

Actually I am suffering in my essay paper now, so I just want to find somewhere can take a fresh breath, make some new friends, and of course, learn English together. {-:

Good to see you all, and hope to see you next time.


Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:44 pm
by Moroo
Dear my friend Mohsen

Sorry for delay in responding to your kind post.

In respect of our custom when a new baby born, in Egypt I think it’s the same as your country ,when a baby born we offer a bunch of flowers and a piece of gold like a ring or pound gold or bracelet and sometimes for close friends we offer some money .

Please send my congratulation to your brother for his new baby :-P

All the best

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:32 pm
by Moroo
My dearest friend Behnam

You always helpful {-: thank you very much for the site that you sent, this site is really wonderful ,it helped me a lot ,I download stories and listen to them before I sleep ,and also I listen to the a story will I’m driving ,these days I’m listening to Hansel and Gretal story :oops:

You asked me who do I know that my wife loves me :evil: ,I'm sure …..

Do you know why !

Because she always tells me that, and I have to believe her, or else … :arrow:

That’s why my name is morro know :lol: :lol:

All the best ;-)

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 12:56 am
by [amal]
WiLZiN wrote:
May be I'm upset by someone here...
Hehe! Upset with someone here?!! Or that someone is upset with you???!!!
WiLZiN wrote: they have gone away because of orders or ideas controlled them.
I don't think that people go away just because of orders or ideas. " as you said"

By the way, I didn't invite anyone to this thread, be careful! And remember how you get the address! :-x
:-| :-| :-| :-|

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:34 am
by setayesh
Hiiiiiiiiiiii My Dear Old Friends

I'm a bit late in congratulating Nowrooz to let me say Happy New year to all of you. wishing you all the best in this year.

you are always in my heart,although I rarely write in this beautiful garden.

lots of love


Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 9:15 am
by grincas
Hi to all precious friends in this thread,

Congratulating Nowrooz to you.Wishing you full of healty and peaceful days ....

and I have a question for all. I know what means Nowrooz but I want to know your thoughts about it . What Nowrooz means in your country? How do you celebrate it?I really wonder it, I think that some people in my country don t know what it means and how to celebrate it. That s why I want to satisfy my knowledge.By the way ,ı want to remind my county it is Turkey.

Wish you best...


Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 2:41 pm
by Mohsen
Hi Grincas,
Thank you for your kind message, Nowrooz means new day , it means that winter never remain , it means that if the nature changes , the nature of people should be change.
One of the custom and traditional which people do to decorate their home is Sofreh Haft Seen. Haft Seen in Farsi means seven “S.” and Sofreh is a cloth which is spread on the table or on the floor
The spread must have seven items that in Farsi begin with the letter “s,” specifically the letter “seen.”
1.Somagh (sumac) : symbolizes the color of sunrise
2. Serkeh (vinegar): symbolizes age and patience
3. Senjed (dried fruit from lotus tree): symbolizes love
4. Samanoo (sweet pudding): symbolizes affluence
5. Sabzeh (sprouts): symbolizes rebirth
6. Sib (apple): symbolizes health and beauty
7. Sir (garlic): symbolizes medicine

Additional items that begin with the letter “s” that are commonly seen on the Sofreh are:
Sekkeh (coin): symbolizes wealth and prosperity
Sonbol (hyacinth): a spring spring flower

Other items included but not begin with letter "S"
Mahi (fish): symbolizes life
Tokhmeh Morgh (egg): symbolizes fertility
Sham (candle): symbolizes enlightenment
Shirini (sweets): symbolizes spreading the sweetness
A book of poetry or prayer (Quran)

I never pay attention to Sofreh Haftseen. I don't want to spend my time to these trifling things ,but my wife prepare it and I respect her and follow her.


Hi Amal Dear

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:20 pm
by Kamelia
How are you dear? How is everything going on with you? Hope it is all perfectly fine :-)
Thank you for the comprehensive post, I really appreciate it. You said:
"To say the truth, sometimes while dealing with people I try to fool myself just to know what they want and think about. And sometimes I just do that to get what I want. {-; "I am not sure that you get me but I hope so!"

Yes dear I do understand you and I have seen people doing this to see what others think about that certain matter.
You said you hate lies in general, I see to reason to ask you why since what I have seen of you during this friendship has all been pure honesty and true speeking of your heart out :-D

You asked me the following questions and now I am trying to be as truthful as you have always been :-D
"what would you do if you intend to joke with someone but that person took it too seriously and thought that your action was "cruel or something" then it became a big deal?! Would you continue joking or would you just simply tell them the truth and that you were joking?"

"Do you believe that we shouldn't joke with every person "even if they were our friends or something"? Should we know their internal personality first then play jokes on them? And do you think that there is a limit for fun or playing jokes on others? "

Actually, I am a humorous person. I feel like joking around when in groupes of friends but not always. Sometimes I joke with my professors, dormitory staff ladies and so on, not too much actually, because you might get kicked out LOL

What you say is quite natural to me. I have got into troubles a great deal but then tried to justify myself since I did not mean to offend them. Mind you, the jokes were not offensive to me at all but as my university is in another part of our country which the accent and culture differs from my own city and my accent does not really match them so...they found my jokes quite dull, you know!

Then I learned a big lesson, do NOT "fool" around everyone! Because sometimes people might seem too smiley and humorous in appreance but in fact they might be too serious-minded to hate you even for the joke you cracked LOOOL

But well, to sum this up, I find jokes and fooling arounds quite fun. There is no reason to harden this life more than it is. You do not live much, so why not try to make a happy world around you and warm other people and yourself up!

What do YOU think? You think I was wrong to laugh with my own roommates and be funny without knowing they culture? :-D

Hope to read from you so soon,

P.S. This is the first time I am using the quoting system so if you find any difficulties in reading my post, please let me know :-)

Hi Ellie joon

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:06 pm
by Kamelia
How are you doing lovely girl? Happy New Yeaaaaar to you. How is it going there in your city? Your family? Everyone enjoying themselves and so on. You got guests? Are you invited to your relatives' houses? Will you take me too? :-D
I am quite alone this year. I mean I am mostly with family not relatives or friends. Spending time with them since during the year I saw so little of them. I was either studying away in my college or was in library or at home again studying or reading. Did not see much of them LOL

Ellie jo0o0on, not at ALL! Silly? Oh Gosh, damn me! When I said the word I did not mean that YOU produced a silly topic, I meant I had problems writing about them, so the sillyness is mine! LOOL
But I see that you got over it very well. You wrote about butterflies, lovely paragraph! Ellie joon I love them in nature too. Oh and besides butterflies I love lady-birds and dragon-flies. You might find me quite silly on bringing out such interests but...believe it or not I am crazy about them!

Now let's change the subject...oh it is spring and new scents are smelled outdoors, why did I come up with scents? I want to know if Ellie chose a new one :-D come on, tell me if you bought any new perfumes?

Ellieeee, speaking of scents, have you got flowers and trees in the yard? Which ones do you like these days?

Write to me Ellie so soon,

I'll be waitin,

Hi Mohsen

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:41 pm
by Kamelia
How are you? How is the New-Years-life going on? Busy with guests and parties? Having fun? Or tired of buying groceries for serving guests? :-D

just kidding, hope you are enjoying the holidays with family.

Dear Mohsen, I understand that you wrote your post with a cellphone but the font was, believe me, too hard for such a short-sighted creature like me, to read! So I had to copy it to word and so on. But I read it anyhow :-D wrote of class differences, telephone banks (I hate them too man), headsets and aesthetism! Tell you what, although it fall loaded with topics it was comprehensive! Uh dear friend, complain is always there since most of things are not in their own places. Technology comes, people do not still know how to use it. Tech is there but there is no mannerism for it! No set of rules, it is all NOT TOs! You see?

Oh and remined me of aesthetic movement, people who tried for it to achieve its real meaning. LOL Still you are reminding me of the lovely times studying for this year's konkur, Gosh! LOL Never mind of it...

Dear Mohsen, what do YOU think, what is it that modern people lack? Manners? Knowledge of beauties? Instructions? Values?

Waiting for your reply,

Hi Setayesh

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:49 pm
by Kamelia
How are youuuu dear? Long time no see. I actually it has been a very short time that I have "reconciled" with this lovely place place too so..I understand you, been there Setayesh jan! :-D

Happy New Year to you too. Wish you have a wonderful year full of health, happiness and prosperity.

Happy to see your post here,

Write to us soon,

Patience Is Virtue!

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 4:31 am
by behnam
Hi Wael & Hi Amal,

How are you? I hope all is going well with you and you are enjoying this lovely weather in this beautiful spring.

I heard that the most famous and effective religious leader who cared about his country and its people has been killed by enemies in a mosque. It was very sad. }: }: }:

Today, I saw in the headlines that the leader of rebels has resigned. This can be a piece of good news, but amazingly, strangely, ridiculously, till now, three countries; America, England, and Qatar has disagreed with his resignation! What does it say and mean? It says and means a lot for understanding people!

The main purpose of this post is not mentioning to some news. Surely, you know such things much better than me. However, as always, I was following the thread and read all posts carefully. Recently, I've found your posts a little bit bumpy! Particularly, I've found Wilzin complainant in his posts! This is not a good way to show sadness. This place is not good to share secrets. As a friend, I want you both to be patient and careful.

Dear Wael, a man should hide his negative feelings. When you feel lonely, nobody should know it! Why? That is obvious, since that is common for human beings to feel lonely. As you know, human beings were created to live in paradise. They were fooled by Satan and they did what they weren't expected to do! As a punishment, they were kicked out from that beautiful place. They are living in the Earth now. Well, being out of the right place, they all have a feeling of loneliness. This is common among people. However, a man should know the fact that he must hide his negative feelings. He must be like a mountain, alone and strong! {-:

One of the reasons for the attraction and need of ladies for men is their loneliness. Naturally, at a particular age, they feel very lonely. They often find men soothing. This makes them be attracted to men. In fact, this is the philosophy of life. To put it simply, this is the trick of nature; to keep life and generation going. Therefore, as a man, you are supposed to support a lonely girl. Stop complaining about loneliness. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh Wael, the price of cats and dogs is increasing dramatically in some societies. Do you know why? Well, there are many reasons for this. One of the main reasons is either men are not soothing anymore(=they don't play their roles rightly), or there is a shortage of men! Consequently, ladies replace them with dogs and cats!...hehehehehehe LOL On the other hand, it shouldn't be denied that these days, the majority of girls who are affected and influenced by the negative effects of the west philosophy, are more interested in girlfriend-boyfriend relationship! These kinds of relationships cannot be lasting. Sooner or later, ladies will be the losers and they have to think of having pets; such as cats and dogs! Oh, I am sure, in the future, cats and dogs will be very expensive. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am quite sure that my dear friend Wael will think I am taking Amal's side! But, this is not true. You are both my friends. I do care about you. I played the role of a mirror in this post. I reflected what I am functionally should do.

All the best,
Behnam, 25 March, 2013

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:09 pm
by [amal]
Hi Behnam,

How are you?

First of all I want to Thank you for your sympathy. In fact, I don't care if that person was the "most famous and effective religious leader" or not, at least he had a reason to be killed but what I care the most about is the innocent people who were there! :-( What fault does they commit???!! Praying and hearing gods words???!!! :cry:

*Emm, let me make myself clear cause I don't want anybody to misunderstand me, I am not saying that I am not sad about that Sheikh since death in itself makes us mourn. Above that, I am not saying that he deserved it. No, not at all! In my ideas only god knows who is right and who is wrong these days here. What I was saying is that he was involved in political matters not like other people who went to that mosque just to pray!

Anyway, let's forget it. May god have mercy on them..

Oh dear, my post wasn't bumpy, the situation in my country is enough for me! :lol: :cry:

I was just saying some facts and correcting some of Wael sentences ! {-:
Moreover, I am not who shared secret things here or anywhere else! I was just surprised when I saw that Wael was "is" sad and it's obvious that he was blaming me. Although, I don't know why! :lol:

I tread to be patient and didn't want to say ANY WORD about this topic and moreover -as you said- I don't agree to speak about such things in this place since I love it and don't want to distort it BUT I couldn't see someone accuses me and stay silent...

Dear friend, look, when you always alert and warn someone and tell him that this is what going to happen, however, although that he agrees and ask you to continue your friendship normally
and he is satisfied and will bear the risk of things in the future. After all that the things you had warned them from happens so he come and blame YOU!!!! WHYYYY???!!!! Why didn't he let you go from the beginning???!!! Why is he complaining now??!! Why isn't he satisfied??!!! Why does he just judge you and your actions although you were very clear and said that you can't do it from the beginning??!!!!
Dear friend just say the truth does he has the right?!

By the way, thanks for your words and your posts, I agree with every word you have said in them! You just say what is it in my mind. :)

It's lunch time here so I have to leave and end this post.

Sorry about all this matter, I really didn't want to bother you with me and my stories.

Wish you the best,

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:36 pm
by Elham
Hi dear Kami,

Happy new year to you and your family. Hope you are enjoying your holidays beside your mom, dad and sister.

Oh thanks for you very kind post. I'm very well and everything is great. Specially last two days that my lovely cute cousins had come to our city and we spent almost all day together. We enjoyed ourselves a lot;at nights we would gather together and spoke till morning, then we had some rest and again! We really enjoy talking to each other, my cousins are very friendly, nice and funny.We match together very well.We talk about everything, we do have serious conversations about life, marriage, relationships, family members, job, study,.... , as much as we make joke and laugh. Oh last night we laughed aloooooot, thank god! I'm very happy and energetic. They left us today in the hope that next month we go to their city and again enjoy our time.

Oh sometimes I imagine Behnam,Amal, Kami, Setayesh and Elham visit each other in person. Woooooooow, what a wonderful gathering! Five lovely, wise, kind and nice friends meet together and chat and have fun, oh I love it! :-D :-D :-D

I'm happy now, I love people of my life. My family members, my relatives, my friends,without them... oh noooooooo, I can't imagine it. I wish them all healthiness, happiness and success. Thankssssssssss God for gifting them to me.Thanks thanks thanks :-)

I wish you could travel to Esfahan, so that we could meet each other. I'm very serious honey, please plan to come here, I'm inviting you and your family to Njafabad. I'm sure we will enjoy spending time together, specially now that weather is so pleasant.Think about it pleaseeeeeeee :-)

You know, recently I'm very angry with this fake world, fake smiles, fake laughs, fake meetings...I wish everything were real! Heeeeeeeeem... :-x

Anyway, I enjoyed writing to you. I feel your kindness and warmth of your heart and enjoy it.Thanks honey.Oh Kami, please read my posts as a friend , not as an English specialist. I'm not satisfied with my English in this post and feel shy :oops:


Hi Amal

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:59 pm
by Moroo
I'm sorry about my late reply.

You wondered "how we would know that our choice would be good". I think only the Mathematical results is a Hundred percent granted, but that doesn't mean we leave ourselves without doing our homework.

First: Always listen to your mind not to your heart.

Second: Keep your heart working 30% and your mind working 70% not the opposite.

Third: Always evaluate :prof: the relationship especially during the first period, because if you evaluate your relationship after a long time and found something bad with him :!!: , you will try to find many excuses for him to stay with him.

Fourth: Always listen to what your friends and your parents say, then think, don't ignore what they say, especially if all of them have different opinion.

Fifth: Don't take big decision unless you 100% sure. If you still hesitated take more time and more and more, because taking wrong step may destroy your whole life, and you will regret for the rest of your life.

Finally: ALWAYS leave anyone that when you are with him you fell happy and comfortable and when you are far from him you feel uncomfortable, that means he is Deceitful and you are in illusion, because when you are far from him your mind is working and when you are beside him your heart is working.

Always stay with the one you mean everything to him not the one that you mean a thing to him.

Wish you all the happiness in your life and your future :-P

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 5:58 am
by Mohsen
Dear Kamelia,

I hope you enjoy your new year holiday beside your parents ,Thank you for your post,sorry for using a fade font in last my writing to you. Although you wear a dominant eyeglasses (As I see in your beautiful picture),you hardly read it.
About modern people, people who use modern equipment . many people have lack of knowledge about their culture and belief , because they didn't study about their history ,their ideology ,so their mind is like an empty shell , so attracted and built their personality by what the technology feed them , they think if they match their personality with western style in life and appearance ,they are calling modern people, you see people with special style of hair ,or having a small dog in their car. Some people follow the western culture , like Valentine ( it is important for them that a priest in jail wrote a letter to daughter of warder and said I love you)
The modern people have lack of studying about their rich culture and belief.
What is your idea?

Good Luck

Strange and disappointing!

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:04 am
by behnam
}: }: }: }: }: :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Hi all friends,

You cannot imagine how sad and amazed I am right now! I am not sad and amazed because of Amal's words or her sentences and reactions! I am sad about Islam and Muslim!

When I was at school, I used to think about the reason why the world of Islam is lagging behind the rest nations! During the studying time at schools and university I was always searching for a good reason to satisfy myself. The more I searched the less I found. Sometimes, I criticized our cultures which value laziness rather than hardworking. Sometimes I criticized the enemies. Sometimes I criticized the previous leaders, politicians and kings. These are only some minor reasons. After overcoming Prejudice which always prevents us from understanding and accepting facts, I tried to study the history of Islam and Iran. Finally, I understood why the world of Islam as well as Iran are lagging behind the developed countries.

As it is mentioned above, there are many reasons for this lag, but I'd like to write about one of them which is extremely important; I suppose so.

I am not a politician, and I dislike politics. However, I never close my eyes to facts. I cannot be alive and ignorant at the same time. Ignorance equals death in my life philosophy!

Considering things in a way they are either completely good(right) or completely bad(wrong) is called 'seeing things in black and white'. This is a simple way of judgement. In many areas of life, we must think in an analog way, not digitally. However, we should be careful, when there is a fight, one side is right and the other side is wrong! There is no third option! War and fight are black and white. There are no grey areas in those situations!

One of the main reasons for lagging behind is the lack of recognition! Muslims are terrible at recognizing enemy from friend! In order to put emphasis on it I'd like to write it in bold shape: "MUSLIMS ARE TERRIBLE AT RECOGNIZING ENEMY FROM FRIEND"! But why?

First we must accept this fact, since accepting a fact is half of knowing the reason for it! Books can be written about this lack of recognition. I am not in the mood for writing more about it, but if a wise Muslim read the story of Siffin war, s/he could drag many facts out of it. I strongly recommend that my friends read the story of Siffin war to get familiar with the philosophy of 'Abu Musa Al-Ashtar'i! Some Muslims who lack recognition put a lot of things after his name( Razi Allaho Anho, May God bless him, ra...)! If you asked them why, they might say; "well, he was a companion of the prophet; he had the most beautiful voice when he recited Koran"! Is that enough? A machine or a recorder may recite the holy Koran much better than him. Many people, animals, things were companion of the prophet!

For me, that person is known as the father of 'Third Philosophy'! After being fooled by the representative of Mawyeh he naively said, "Both Ali and Mawyeh are wrong"! Some naive people cheered and shouted 'Bravo, bravo, bravo..Ashari, Ashari, Ashari.." ! What happened? You know it.

In my opinion, when there is a war, a fight, one side is right and the other side is wrong. Others are supporting those two sides with accordance their own benefits. There is no third option. It is our duty and religious responsibility to think wisely and to recognize the right side and support that. If we lack recognition-we cannot recognize enemy from friend- we are useless! Useless people who cannot recognize enemies from friends are wasting food and energy. They are useless and dangerous!

The first paragraph of Amal's post sounds really strange! Oh my God! People are different with different ability, talent, intelligence, effectiveness, importance,...All people have nose, mouth, head, stomach, hair, etc. They eat, drink, sleep, etc. BUT, they are different. They are not the same. Einstein is a man. Behnam is a man too. Both are physicists, but the differences between us is much bigger than the entire world.

Her way of writing sounds beautiful. Some sugar coated words which are obtained from the Satellite TVs are put beside together to show that the writer is modern and thinks differently! Come on girl! Be yourself! Stop being like 'Abu Musa Ashari'; there is no third option. The enemy thinks differently, although it speaks beautifully. It is like snake in the grass!

In some events, for example, when a city is bombarded by an enemy; in order to misuse the emotions of other nations-to make others emotional and get benefits from it-they often say; "Hundreds women and children were died"! It doesn't mean that these people are more important than men. It means that these people were innocent. They weren't fighting, but they were died!

Anyway, I am really sad, amazed and disappointed!

All the best,
Behnam, 26 March, 2013

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 1:11 pm
by WiLZiN
My dearest dear Amal...

1- You are upset with me I know that and I'm very sorry for that and because of that I'm upset with someone here "It's me".
2- You invited me to this thread but we were not close friends as now, and when our friendship went more stronger and deeper and you told me more and more about the thread and the dear friends Behnam & Elham I wanted to be here and I asked you for the address but you didn't gave it to me so your brother gave it to me.

Have nice days...

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 1:50 pm
by behnam
Hi Yan,

Welcome to this thread. Thank you very much for joining us. Thank you once again for putting comment. We are all English learners in this place.

Your English is very good. I hope we will help each other with great improvement in it.

Please write more about yourself, your country and your life. About me, you can find some information on the first page. If you need to know more about me, just let me know.

I hope to hear from you soon.

All the best,
Behnam, 26 March, 2013

P.S. Yan's first post is on page 110!

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 5:24 pm
by WiLZiN
Dear brother Behnam...

1- the most famous and effective religious leader who cared about his country and its people in Syria was "Albouti" who you can rate him as "Alkhomaini" in Iran. He saw what is happened in our country as a part of the holy war of the end of time and a preparation to the appearance of the Antichrist.
2- I didn't share any secrets, I just wrote general feelings and I didn't nominee any one or for what I was upset. Your last post rouse Amal to speak but it's ok and the situation shift to a higher level and it's good in general so don't worry.
3- Your words are wise and your approach is Inspirational, I'm envy you for is man. Your experience in life is so useful for me my older brother.
4- You and Amal are so precious to me, and if you were in her side that's ok dear because your words and ideas are welcome all the time.

Have nice days...

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 3:37 am
by [amal]
Hi Behnam,

How are you?

First of all, I want to say sorry that I or my words made you sad and disappointed.

Dear, when people speak or discuss political matter or sensitive things both sides have the right to say their full and true ideas, therefore, noone should get upset and those words and thoughts shouldn't effect the relationship between their owners...

Anyway, In this post I want to make myself clear and explain my idea more for you, I am not saying that I am right and you are wrong or the opposite. I AM JUST SAYING MY OWN IDEAS which I am convinced with them and I don't have to put sugar on them even I don't have to make them sound beautiful since I haven't taken them from anywhere else, by the way, I hate satellite news channels... Hehe :lol: :lol:

I'd like to begin my main point by starting from the beginning...

In fact, in the past, I met our president and his wife in person, you can't believe how kind and great person he was, he was very simple and I am sure that there is NO president in THE WORLD deals with his people like he did, he were our brother. I was very happy of his efforts on building our country since it was developing very fast.

However, when bad things started to happen what they called it "revolution", I was against it and took our president side and believed that there wasn't any need for it. Moreover, all people knew that these actions are America's and Israel's actions. All people took this matter as a silly thing and said that they can't play this joke on us and we are stronger than what they think, all people were watching what is going in the country on TV as if it was a movie since all the things were a big lie! However, after some while things changed and killing had started when it wasn't
needed. So dear Behnam, although that person was great "the right or white side" and I believed in him BUT KILLING is against my beliefs so it was a black mark on a white area so that made the color grey!
How would I accept that he is right and ignore my beliefs and things that I believe in?!
In this way, I won't have a principle! And that will make me a useless and a two faced person!

My friend, believe me grey side is needed here, I can't be with a side which killing people. Even

though, he is right and he is against Israel our real enemy. On the other hand, I can't be with the rebels who I even don't believe at all in them and see them black!
Grey side isn't useless, it even isn't just about some modern ideas from a silly girl. No, not at all. It's a principle which Based on not believing in killing innocent people, it's about fighting and killing the right enemy. It's about making our dream come true, it's about being united, dear, there was nothing would prevent us from being united if that silly actions hadn't been made! we "my country and yours" have the power to make the dream comes true. Don't we?!
However, they choose to fight indirectly and this is what I can't understand!

From what I have said up, I think now, it's clear that I am not following Abo Musa Al-Ashtar'i or any other Philosophy even I am not taking my words from Satellite TVs. These ideas are facts!

If it is our duty and religious responsibility to think wisely and to recognize the right side and support that then I can tell you bravely that THE PEOPLE SIDE IS THE RIGHT SIDE! Is that good?! Clear?! Am I not silly now? Am I not a coward girl??!

Behnam! you don't know how we "the people" are strong, you don't know how patience we are, you don't know how much we have sacrificed, you don't know how much those who you called them "silly girls" has given to this country, to their home! They has given it their fathers', brothers', their husbands' and their sons', isn't that enough??!!! If it asks our souls we will give it to it, we accept to die in the hope to give the next generation a better future. But dear, what I am saying that our blood shouldn't be wasted by killing each other for silly things, it should be for killing our real enemy, in this way, I can proudly just say that I gave my blood and my body to protect my land! Which is my honor! Believe it or not, if any side, the black or the white just said that he is going to fight the enemy, I will be ready to go with them and I will support them, am I still a silly girl?! If silly girl is like this then I am proud to be silly!

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 3:38 am
by [amal]
Dear, let me give you an example to be more clear and let me use the family or the father example which we used in our chat..

Let us imagine that there is a father "our president" who have kids "the people" and a wife "Arab". One day, one of his son make a mistake and go to play out in the street while his father said no to him and didn't accept, so when the father see his son playing he immediately kills him!! Well, he made a mistake and in your point of view he deserves that! After the son had been killed, his brothers were so sad about their brother and didn't know why their father did that so they went to their father to ask about the reasons. However, instead of explaining the matter and tell them that their brother made a mistake, he killed them! The wife in this point couldn't tolerate him so she went and asked help from her family "America and France and and and...etc". Her family were ready to help her since they will get benefit from that when they win the fight! Again in this point although the father is still strong but he wanted to make himself stronger, moreover his family "Iran and Russia and and..etc" wanted to support him too...
So both sides "big countries" started to control the husband and his wife and playing with them like dolls! Now there is two ways to end this story:
1- The wife's family's side win, so they will take the money which the wife will take it from the dowry.
OR the husband will die so they can take the house "The land" too.

2- The father's family's side win, so the husband will see that he should reward his family and at least appreciate their job by start giving them his salary or even he can give them parts of his house "the land".

I hope the story was clear so now let me explain my idea and how I would solve the matter if I was the father there are a lot of solution like:

1- the father from the begging don't kill his son, instead, he try to explain to him why his action was wrong and tell him that if he did it again, he will punch him, or even let him punch him from the beginning BUT WITHOUT KILLING! In this way, his son will have more respect for his father and will be more responsible in the next time..

2- The father kills his son since he made a mistake. HOWEVER, he explain to his brothers why he killed him, in this way, they will have a life lesson and will understand their father. Moreover, in this way, the wife would accept her first child death and may say that her husband was right and maybe they think that they didn't raise him up well so they have to be careful with their other sons and raise them perfectly!

3- The father and the wife solve their problems alone, without any external interference from their families just to keep the family independent and prevent it from being destroyed!

Whatever matter to me in this story is that everybody "the father, the mother, the both families" cared about proving that they are the right side and forget the much important thing which is the FAMILY OR THE HOUSE, nobody cared if the father's and the mother's family will destroy even nobody were fighting together and forgot the kids "the poor people" everybody were forgot about the real enemy!!!!

Re: Let's learn together!

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 3:39 am
by [amal]
Now let me return to your post, and say that I don't know why you'd find my first part strange, I really don't know!

Dear, of course all people have nose, mouth, head, stomach, hair, etc. They eat, drink, sleep, etc. However, they aren't different, they are all the same! Just the only thing which makes them different is their relationship with god; which is just known by HIM. For example, you made a comparison between you and Einstein. Well, Einstein is a great person and a famous one but how is his relationship with Allah?! Does you know anything about it? No, you don't cause you just know what it's written about him. On the other hand, you aren't a famous person as much as him and maybe people don't even know who you are. However, your relationship with god is very strong. Can we still say that Einstein is much

important than you???!!! If god say in the holy koran " لا فرق بين عربي و اعجمي الا بالتقوى و العمل الصالح" how would we say sth against that???!!!

What I meant in my first post is that there are a lot of hidden innocent people who were killed for no reason and nobody cared about their death, meanwhile everyone were busy with knowing who killed that shaikh!!!! Not to get revenge from his killer, no, but just to prove that the other side is wrong... isn't that silly???!!! He just simply passed away, who killed him will be punished by god since only him knows who he is..

it's 5 AM now, and my mind has stopped working and I haven't sleep yet so I have to finish this post now. However, I hope my words didn't bother you this time and I hope

you understand me.

thanks for reading.
Best wishes,

A Different Angle!(Part One)

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:45 am
by behnam
Hi Amal,

Thank you very much for clear explanation. I really enjoyed reading your posts which are including your political points and show your main concerns. I know, it has taken you a lot of time to write those posts(the last three posts), but It's well worth the effort, since such things are informative. Your posts provide(or cause to provide) some useful facts or ideas.

First of all, it is vitally important to know that false assumptions result in wrong conclusions! In order to make good judgments, or to have strong foundations, we must be very careful with our basic postulates, basic concepts, and our assumptions.

There are many interesting issues in your posts. In fact, each of them can be a good topic for a long discussion. It will be very boring if I take all of them into consideration and write something about each one. However, I believe your analogy between family and country is really interesting. It won't be wrong if I say that the vast majority of your ideas(your conclusions) are based on this analogy(assumption). I'd like to write something about your analogy in the hope that it will help things become clearer to you and to people who think like you. Let's have a look at your analogy:
Let us imagine that there is a father "our president" who have kids "the people" and a wife "Arab". One day, one of his son make a mistake and go to play out in the street while his father said no to him and didn't accept, so when the father see his son playing he immediately kills him!! Well, he made a mistake and in your point of view he deserves that! After the son had been killed, his brothers were so sad about their brother and didn't know why their father did that so they went to their father to ask about the reasons. However, instead of explaining the matter and tell them that their brother made a mistake, he killed them! The wife in this point couldn't tolerate him so she went and asked help from her family "America and France and and and...etc". Her family were ready to help her since they will get benefit from that when they win the fight! Again in this point although the father is still strong but he wanted to make himself stronger, moreover his family "Iran and Russia and and..etc" wanted to support him too...
So both sides "big countries" started to control the husband and his wife and playing with them like dolls!

Why do you suppose the kid has been playing in the street?(actually, you have considered the rebels as an innocent kid who has been playing in the street. This has been against his father rules. Therefore, his father, who sounds wild and dictator in this analogy, has killed the kid cruelly. ).

Now, let's have another assumption: There is a successful family(your country). It has a good and effective relationship with its friends(With Iran for example). It achieves good improvement(as you have mentioned yourself). Other families(enemies) feel jealous and scared of it. The enemies put their mind together to find a way to destroy this family. All options are on the table! One of them says, "We should take military action". One of them disagrees and says, "Emm, I disagree with direct fight, because it is not economical. It is also dangerous to our solders' health and safety."

The third one is expert at Islamic families. It knows a lot about the differences, the desires, the attitudes, the values, the likes and dislike of Islamic families. Therefore, it says, "I also disagree with taking military action now. I have studied on the family members. The older boy is actually against his father. He has different views. He also likes to take his father's position in the family. He can be easily fooled if we speak privately with him. We will promise to support him if he agrees with our plan." One of them surprisingly asks, "What is the plan?" It answers, "We should highlight their differences. In order to make the situation complicated and critical, we will ask the older boy to kill his younger brother. He may resist, but we will tell him that killing your younger brother is the first step. I am sure, he will agree to kill his younger brother. When the younger brother is killed, the father will punish the old boy. He is strict. He may kill the older boy, because that is a law in the family to punish a criminal in the way that he has committed the crime. The mother is emotional. This will make her get angry with his husband. We can also send some private messages to her, in order to provoke serious debates. Right now, two boys are killed, and they are fighting with each other. Inevitably, three groups will be established inside the family: a) Father b)Mother C) Neutral members. Supporting mother, we can fool this group to kill someone from neutral members. At the same time, in the media, we will say the cruel father has killed that innocent person. The game will be played perfectly. The family will be destroyed automatically, sooner or later."

The father advises the family members, but it is useless. The situation is complicated. They don't believe each other. The father asks their friends for some help. He may say, "Oh my friends, although the problem is inside my home, your peaceful situation is not guaranteed. By the way, we have signed the support treaty. If the enemies destroy my home, they will destroy yours too. Help me!"

All the best,
Behnam, 27 March, 2013

A Differnt Angle!(Part Two)

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:21 am
by behnam
Dear Amal, I want you to consider this analogy. I am sure the conclusions will be different. The main drawback to this analogy which also makes me wonder is that why the father doesn't leave the family? What forces him to resist? If I were him, I'd leave the family when my younger boy was killed. I don't know. Maybe, I would be able to speak with all members and make all angles clear to them. They might follow my advice. The older boy might change his idea, but how could I tolerate his crime. He is a criminal! If I punished him, it would create another tension. If I didn't punish him, it was against the laws.

This was my reply to your political views. I hope it is clear.

I'd like to write something about your interpretation on the Hadis. Let's have a look at it:
! If god say in the holy koran " لا فرق بين عربي و اعجمي الا بالتقوى و العمل الصالح" how would we say sth against that???!!!
I am not sure, either this is in the holy Koran or not. Maybe, it is a Hadis. It is similar to an Ayeh in the holy Koran that says, "...انّ اكرمكم عندالله اتقكم..." . Yes, that is right. However, we should know, it is mostly applicable in the other world. "عند الله", that is true, but what about "عند اابشر"?

In a society, there are many people. Only God knows who is a good person(in terms of his own criteria), and who is bad. He will give rewards to good people, and will punish bad ones. However, in the society, people are really different. Some of them are more effective than others. Some of them play more important roles than others. Obviously, from this point of view, people are different. They are not the same at all.

Thank you for reading. I'd like to repeat that

All the best,
Behnam, 27 March, 2013

A Different Angle!(Part Three)

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 10:50 am
by behnam
Hi friends,

Me Again! Sorry to bother you. This is the final part. I'd like to take this opportunity to write something about misinterpretation of the holy Koran. As you know, the holy Koran is in Arabic. Therefore, it is different from my mother tongue which is Azerbaijani. This makes it difficult to read and understand. I am absolutely certain that you agree with me on this issue. :lol:

However, Arab people are supposed to understand it easily. At least, the holy Koran is expected to be better understood by people who speak in Arabic. This is reasonable, isn't it? :lol:

An extremely important thing, when it comes to interpretation of the holy Koran, is that its Ayat should be noticed together. It means when interpenetrating an Ayeh, we should carry out an overall review of the holy Koran. This is called 'Interpretation of Koran by means of Koran"!

In order to give an example, let me have a look at 49:13(Hajarat):

"يا ايّها النّاس انّا خلقناكم من ذكر و انثي و جعلنا لكم شعوباً و قبائل لتعارفو انّ اكرمكم عندالله اتقكم انّ الله عليم خبير"

"O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes,that you may know each other (not that you may despise each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of
you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)."

In order to avoid making mistake(I mean Amalish mistake! {-: ) we should also take a look at 4:34(Nesa):

"...الرّجال قوّامون علي النّساء بما فضّل الله بعضهم علي بعض و بما انفقوا من اموالهم"

"Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means..."

This is a countervail Ayeh, although I do have faith and belief in it. Forget the first part, which is correctly against feminist, I want you to notice carefully to understand that people are different. :lol: :lol: :lol:

In the first Ayeh, the religious actions, the deeds, the righteousness, the rewording things are considered. However, it is a misinterpretation of Ayeh to think that people are equal. {-:

In the second Ayeh, as you see, the social roles of people are considered. It is the most obvious reason that people are different, because they have different effectiveness, role, positions, duties, responsibilities,etc.

I hope to hear from you soon.

All the best,
Behnam, 27 March, 2013