does it convey the meaning

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does it convey the meaning

Post by ajithajg »

Recently I got an article for discussion. One sentence from that article is given below. Kindly inform whether it conveys the correct meaning. Your suggestions may be given.

"The study will be conducted using 24 fresh turkey eggs and six poults on the day of hatch which will be collected from a nearby farm".
The author intends to,
1. Conduct a study in 24 turkey eggs (collected immediately after laying) and 6 poults (immediately after hatcing)
2. Both, the eggs as well as the poults will be procured from a nearby farm

If it is a wrong sentence, how it can be modified without splitting the sentence.

Thank you.
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Re: does it convey the meaning

Post by knowable »

The sentence could be interpreted to mean both 1 & 2.

But to remove uncertainty in meaning one could rewrite:
The study will be conducted using freshly laid turkey eggs and newly hatched poults from a nearby farm.
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