type of sentence

English grammar questions, answered by Alan

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type of sentence

Post by hanuman_2000 »

1.He climbed up the tree and plucked some mangoes.

some others say that it is a simple sentence becuase it is a predicative compounding not a sentence compounding.

There are devided opinons on this. some will spilit the above sentence using ellipsis and can show that it is a compound sentence.

My book also suggests that it is a compound sentence but on the other hand many grammar books say a simple sentence.

I am very much confused about it.
How shall I prove whether it a compound or a seimple sentence?

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Re: type of sentence

Post by Alan »

Unfortunately, experts appear not to be in complete agreement on this.

However, I abide by the straightforward traditional definition (two or more coordinate clauses joined by a conjunction) and, by those lights, the sentence is compound.