infinitive at the beginning of a sentence

English grammar questions, answered by Alan

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infinitive at the beginning of a sentence

Post by mattmurdock »

Hi, When do we use infinitive at the beginning of the sentence
I know a couple of situations say so.. :
  • Infinitive of purpose
  • When we talk about something abstract / poetic
  • After certain verbs
  • after adjectives
but in a movie I encountered this:
And it would be shameful if she were to die because of you
I understand the meaning though but how it's done? the structure of it maybe or something like that, I think you get the point. I think because it's something poetic but I'm not sure. Could you elaborate that?
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Re: infinitive at the beginning of a sentence

Post by Alan »

As it stands, your (main) question does not relate to your title, since the sentence that you cite does not contain any infinitive standing at the beginning of a sentence.

Please rethink, and repost, your question.