Arts and Entertainment Crossword 8

Click on a number in the crossword, write your answer, and then click "Enter". (Click "Hint" if you need help to get the next letter in each word.)
1    2     3    4   
    5    6    
7     8       
  9      10    


1. Keyboard instruments
5. Ancient Greek actors wore _ _ _ _ masks.
7. A person who narrates a movie
9. To put on a costume or wig
10. Sixth note of the major scale
12. Published volumes
13. Liquid used for drawing


1. Artists apply it with a brush
2. Did Elvis ever win a Grammy _ _ _ _ _?
3. A movie ticket shows your _ _ _ _ number.
4. Costume drama set to music
5. I've joined the Elvis Presley _ _ _ club.
6. An architectural pillar
8. The Rolling Stones play _ _ _ _ and roll.
11. Popular music