Business Crossword 10

Click on a number in the crossword, write your answer, and then click "Enter". (Click "Hint" if you need help to get the next letter in each word.)
1    2      3    
4       5    6   
  7   8     9    
10       11     
   12   13      


1. Household or business costs
4. A formal plan or suggestion
7. To bring goods into a country
10. Abbreviation for "totalizator"
11. "Have you _ _ _ the email I sent?"
12. Class or level
14. Regular payment made to ensure availability to work


1. A company that sells to overseas buyers
2. It's calculated by subtracting '1 across' from income
3. A specific period in history
5. A memorable phrase used in advertising
6. "We'll have to open a _ _ _ _ _ of credit."
8. Prefix meaning "huge"
9. "When I worked in New York I _ _ _ _ the subway every day."
13. Abbreviation for "Royal Institute"