Business Crossword 8

Click on a number in the crossword, write your answer, and then click "Enter". (Click "Hint" if you need help to get the next letter in each word.)
1     2    3    4   
   5   6      
8        9    
11   12       13    


1. Price reduction
5. Our manager's _ _ _ priority is developing new products.
8. Employees who handle payments in a supermarket
10. Your business should succeed _ _ you work hard.
11. A debt is money that you _ _ _ someone.
13. Abbreviation for "sales executive"
14. A business that sells goods to the public


1. Company manager
2. To _ _ _ costs means to reduce expenses.
3. Abbreviation for "unique selling proposition"
4. To move funds from one bank account to another
6. To leave something out
7. Something of value owned by a company or person
9. To go up, or to increase
12. First person plural pronoun