ESL Handouts
These are A4-size handouts for use in class. Some are PDFs which you can save to your device. Some are "printable", which you can either print on paper immediately or save as PDF for printing later.
- Floors of a House [PDF]
- Floors of a Commercial Building [PDF]
- Prepositions of Time [PDF]
- Prepositions of Place [PDF]
- Numbers: Cardinals and Ordinals [PRINTABLE] - Explanatory list from 0 to 100
- Day and Night [PRINTABLE] - diagrammatical explanation of divisions of the day - daytime/night-time, AM/PM, morning, afternoon, evening
- Abbreviations [PRINTABLE] - list of some of the most common abbreviations in English
- Expressing the Future [PRINTABLE] - explanation of Present Simple, Present Continuous, Going To and Will for the Future
- Phonemic Chart [PDF]
- Useful Homophones Lists by level [PDF] - from Elementary to Advanced, one handout for each level
- Desiderata [PRINTABLE] - there is some controversy as to the source of this design-for-living prose poem. It is variously claimed to be anonymous ("found in Old St Paul's Church, Baltimore AC 1692") and to have been written by Max Ehrmann in Terre Haute, Indiana in the early 1920's
- Futility [PRINTABLE] - sensitive Word War I poem by Wilfred Owen
He teaches ill who teaches all