Expressions with COME Quiz

You can do this quiz online or print it on paper. It tests comprehension of common English expressions that include the word COME.

For each question, read the sentence and choose the answer with the closest meaning to the words in italics.

1. Space travel has come a long way since Sputnik first orbited the Earth in 1957.

travelled much further
made a lot of progress
made little progress
a) travelled much further b) made a lot of progress c) made little progress

2. New health regulations will come into effect early next month.

start to be applied
become more effective
become less effective
a) start to be applied b) become more effective c) become less effective

3. I'm shy, so talking to people I don't know doesn't come easy.

is impossible
is fairly easy
is never easy
a) is impossible b) is fairly easy c) is never easy

4. The situation came to a head when soldiers started shooting at protesters.

came to an end
became much worse
a) improved b) came to an end c) became much worse

5. Is coming to terms with the end of a teenage romance more difficult for girls?

learning to accept
refusing to accept
trying to prevent
a) learning to accept b) refusing to accept c) trying to prevent

6. If the facts come to light, all those greedy officials will be jailed for corruption.

are kept secret
are discovered
are proved correct
a) are kept secret b) are discovered c) are proved correct

7. Our attempts to solve global warming will come to nothing unless we change the way we live.

cost nothing
be unsuccessful
come to an end
a) cost nothing b) be unsuccessful c) come to an end

8. We are selfish people who don't care about the generations to come.

of the future
now arriving
in the present
a) of the future b) now arriving c) in the present

9. If worst comes to worst, I can move back in with my parents.

in the worst future imaginable
if nothing gets much worse
if the situation worsens
a) in the worst future imaginable b) if nothing gets much worse c) if the situation worsens

10. For people like Sam, playing music comes naturally.

is naturally difficult
takes effort to learn
is something he finds easy
a) is naturally difficult b) takes effort to learn c) is something he finds easy

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Matt Errey Contributor: Matt Errey. Matt is the author of several books including 1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context and Common English Idioms for learners, and Matt's ESL Games and Quizzes for teachers.