Expressions with EVERY Quiz

You can do this quiz online or print it on paper. It tests comprehension of common English expressions that include the word EVERY.

For each question, read the sentence and choose the answer with the closest meaning to the words in italics.

1. No matter how many homeless people come to our shelter, we find a bed for every single one.

everyone who's single
everyone who's alone
everyone who comes
a) everyone who's single b) everyone who's alone c) everyone who comes

2. Nearly all our deliveries arrive on time, but every so often we hear about a slow delivery.

quite often
a) regularly b) occasionally c) quite often

3. I try to get to the gym every other day if I can.

nearly every day
every few days
every second day
a) nearly every day b) every few days c) every second day

4. The doctors made every effort, but they still couldn't save her.

tried very hard
tried quite hard
tried too hard
a) tried very hard b) tried quite hard c) tried too hard

5. She got weaker and weaker with every passing day.

nearly every day
each successive day
at the end of every day
a) nearly every day b) each successive day c) at the end of every day

6. We tried to succeed, but we faced obstacles at every turn simply because we were women.

when it was our turn
on every corner
a) when it was our turn b) on every corner c) continuously

7. The kids ask me to take them fishing every now and then.

every few days
all the time
a) every few days b) occasionally c) all the time

8. There were people of every stripe protesting against the war.

of all types
of several types
of one type only
a) of all types b) of several types c) of one type only

9. Rich people use every trick in the book to ensure they pay very little tax.

all their magic tricks
every book of tricks
every possible method
a) all their magic tricks b) every book of tricks c) every possible method

10. Even though it took him months to recover, Jason's friends supported him every step of the way.

during the entire process
during most of the process
during part of the process
a) during the entire process b) during most of the process c) during part of the process

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Matt Errey Contributor: Matt Errey. Matt is the author of several books including 1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context and Common English Idioms for learners, and Matt's ESL Games and Quizzes for teachers.